
[Opera], [edited by Theodorus Pulmannus], 1577

in The Plantin Press Online

(536 words)

Record ID cp013146
Voet reference number 1383
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:901119
Title page transcription [Within woodcut-compartment:] † QVINCTVS □ HORATIVS ‖ FLACCVS ‖ emendatus. ‖ Seorsum excusa ‖ THEOD. PVLMANNI ‖ CRANEBVRGII IN ‖ eum Annotationes. ‖ ALDI MANVTII SCHO- ‖ lia, & de metris Horatianis. ‖ M. Antonij Mureti ‖ Scholia. ‖ Ioannis Hartungi Annotationes. ‖ INDEX. ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‡ Ex officina Christoph. ‖ Plantini. CIϽ.IϽ. LXXVII.
Collation 16mo [93]: A-S⁸; pages 1-283, [284-288] (Errors: 1 for 15, 16 for 161, 237 for 273)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title 2-3: Theodorus Pulmannus Craneburgius Ioanni Flemingo S.D. (Antwerp, 1563) 4-6: Q. Horatii Flacci vita…(parts in italic type) 7-283: Text (italic type, parts in roman type, words in greek type) [284]: Blank [285]: ANTVERPIÆ EXCVDEBAT ‖ CHRISTOPHORVS PLAN- ‖ TINVS, ARCHITYPOGRA- ‖ PHVS REGIVS, ANNO M. ‖ D.LXXVII. MENSE FE- ‖ BRVARIO [286-288]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 524CambridgeGhent University LibraryBiblioteca Nacional de PortugalBritish Library LondonBibliothèque nationale de France
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, pages 179-180 (1577, no. 6) Sabbe, page 208
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Fourth edition of the complete works of Horatius published by Plantin, the third edition by Pulmannus. The Opera include: Odarum seu carminum libri IIII (pages 7-118), Epodon liber (pages 118-143), Satyrarum libri II (pages 144-215), Epistolarum libri II (pages 216-267), De arte poetica (pages 267-283).
Note 2 Compared with the 1566-edition, there are some small changes: the dedicatory to J. Flemingus is identical but the date of 1563 has been added (the original dedicatory in the 1564-edition was in fact dated 29 December 1563); the marginal notes have been dropped; the Nota on the manuscripts and the printed books used has been transported to the second part (see below). The Vita Horatii is a reprint from the one in the 1566-edition.
Note 3 The Annotationes of Pulmannus are new, but together with the notes and comments of A. Manutius and J. Hartung already used in the 1566-edition, they were brought together in a volume with its own title-page and pagination, and are consequently described as a separate work (under T. Pulmannus, cp012934).
Note 4 The Veterum librorum, quibus usi sumus, notae (in Pulmannus's Annotationes, page 207) shows that Pulmannus has used for his Annotationes (and for his text of Horatius's Opera) a number of new manuscripts, as compared with his 1566-edition. The list runs as follows: H: Liber antiquus, quem Augustinus Hunnaeus mihi dono dabat; G: Gemblacensis collegii vetustus, E: Eiusdem collegii alter; B: Meum exemplar, ex dono Ioannis Belleri; A: Antonii Diesthemii fragmentum (contains: Carminum libri III et IIII [incomplete] et Carmen saeculare); P: Satyrarum libri, quibus Plantinus me donabat; C: Cornelii Gualtheri fragmenta, Epistolarum libri II et libri primi Satyrae tres cum dimidia; T: Ars poetica, liber meus vetus; P: Ars poetica, Plantini codex; V: Victoris Giselini Ars poetica, Epistolarum lib. II, & Satyrarum libri II; K: Caroli Clusii fragmentum Epistolarum.
Note 5 Listed in M 296, folio 8 verso (In 16º, 1577 cum Annotat[ionibus] Pulmanni [feuilles] 9¼, [price:] stuivers 2½. Annotationes in eundem, f[euilles] 9½, [price:] stuivers 2½, in 16º. [Price together:] stuivers 5).
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The Plantin Press Online

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