
Emblemata, 1565

in The Plantin Press Online

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Record ID cp013101
Voet reference number 1476
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Hadrianus JUNIUS (DE JONGHE)
Title page transcription [Within typographical fleuron-border:] HADRIANI ‖ IVNII MEDICI ‖ EMBLEMATA, ‖ AD ‖ D. ARNOLDVM COBELIVM. ‖ EIVSDEM ‖ AENIGMATVM LIBELLVS, ‖ AD ‖ D. ARNOLDVM ROSENBERGVM. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ - ‖ M.D.LXV. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO.
Collation 8º (163 × 103): A-I⁸, K⁴; pages 1-149, [150-152]. All pages within typographical fleuron-border
Fingerprint 156508 - # 1b1 A2 Em : # 1b2 K2 em,$ - # 2b1 *2 a$o : # 2b2 *5 acr
Number of sheets 10.50
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Note that the privilege is granted to Plantin (roman type capitals, within three lines) [3-5]: Clarissimo…Arnoldo Cobelio, quaestori aerario Hollandiae meritissimo Hadr. Iunius medicus (Haarlem, 13 February) [6]: Io. Sambucus Hadr. Iunio suo signed by (Antwerp, 10 February 1564; lines in greek type) 7-64: Text (italic type, parts in roman type) 65: Ad lectorem 66-149: Emblema (italic type, parts in roman type and greek type) [150-151]: Auctorum nomina e quibus profecimus, et quorum testimonio sumus usi (on two columns) [152]: EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHORVS ‖ PLANTINVS ANTVERPIÆ, ANNO ‖ M.D.LXV. IDIBVS MAII
Edition information
Variants A. As described here B. In catalogue no. 995 of Bernard Quaritch Ltd, London, 1979, page 60, no. 90, is mentioned an edition with page 64 blank (meaning that the last emblem, no. 58, is missing). It is not an accident as the catchword on the previous page 63 has also been omitted. See Notes.
Illustrations Woodcuts: 58 emblems, 56 × 56, each printed within three typographical lines (pages 7-64). Two of them (emblems 10 and 19) with the monogram of the woodcutter Gerard Janssen van Kampen. For more details, see Notes. The original wood-blocks are preserved in Museum Plantin-Moretus
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 55.30: only the first partKBR Royal Library of Belgium- LP 31066ACambridgeBritish Library LondonBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaBibliothèque nationale de FranceBibliothèque Sainte-GenevièveBodleian LibrariesVatican Apolstolic Library
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 48 (1565, no. 15) J. Landwehr, Dutch Emblem Books, 1962, no. 117a J. Landwehr, Emblem Books in the Low Countries, 1970, no. 276 Praz, M. Seventeenth-Century Imagery, pages 384-385 See also Notes (no. 10)Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 1662 Landwehr, J. Emblem & fable books (3rd ed.) 398
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12919774USTC 401188
Note 1 Contains: a) Series of 58 emblems (pages 7-64), with on each page: the woodcut; above, the summarized meaning, and, for a number of emblems, a dedication to a prominent personality (emblem 3: to Cardinal Granvelle; 5: Viglius Zuichemius; 7: Joachimus Hopperus; 9: Cornelius Susius Hollandiae [Council of Holland] praesides; 11: Splinterus ab Hargen, eq[ues] aur[eus]; 13: Philippus Cobelius, regius consiliarius; 15: Arnoldus Sasbotus, senator; 17: Jacobus Susius; 19: Jacobus Endius; 21: Joannes Sambucus; 23: Cornelius Musius Delphius; 25: Martinus Aedituus, medicus; 27: Johannes Becanus, medicus; 29: Matthias Herius; 31: Antonius Hofslach, advocatus; 33: Joannes Zurenus Harlemensis; 35: Andreas Ostervicus, Splinteri filius; 37: Hieronymus Tennerus, regis Daniae cancellarius; 43: Victor Giselinus; 58: Petrus Junius filius); under the woodcut a 4 lines Latin poem explaining the emblem; b) Detailed explanation of each of the 58 emblems (pages 66-149).
Note 2 The Aenigmatum libellus ad D. Arnoldum Rosenbergum (45 'enigms') (see following no.) is presented as a separate edition, but forms in fact part of the volume (and is announced on the title-page of the Emblemata).
Note 3 According to the colophon the printing was finished on 15 May 1565.
Note 4 The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 70, gives the following details about the printing of 'Emblemata Hadriani Junii': the wages for composing and printing quires A-F are entered on 7-21 April 1565, for G-H on 28 April, for I-K and D 'refaict' on 12 May, for * Aenigmatum at an unspecified date; the 'faceon' amounted in all to 17 florins Carolus guilders 12 stuivers Each copy contained 11½ sheets, but as D was remade, 12½ sheets were counted. Of the edition 1,250 copies were printed for which 31 reams 10 'mains' of paper 'petit bastard fin de Troye' were used, which, at 1 florins Carolus guilders 4 stuivers per ream, came to 37 florins Carolus guilders 16 stuivers, bringing the overall costs for the printing to 55 florins Carolus guilders 8 stuivers
Note 5 The reason why quire D (pages 49-64) has been reset is obviously the fact that in the first issue the last emblem (no. cp012010, on page 64) for one reason or another (very likely because the corresponding wood-block was not available in time) had been omitted. See above at Variants.
Note 6 In all 58 woodcuts were reproduced. The drawings for the wood-blocks were executed by the Parisian draughtsman Geoffroy Ballain (who made some 52) and by the Antwerp painter Peter Huys (who finished the job by drawing the 6 remaining designs). The blocks were cut by Gerard Janssen van Kampen (who executed the larger part) and Arnold Nicolai (who did 4 to 5 blocks). The entries concerning the making of the illustrations in the different ledgers are somewhat confusing, especially regarding the numbers (= 56, 57, 58). One of the reasons is that if 58 emblems were designed, only 57 were actually cut: emblem no. 21 (reproducing the coat-of-arms of J. Sambucus) had already been used in Plantin's 1564-edition of Sambucus's Emblemata. The coat-of-arms was again drawn on a block either by Ballain or Huys, but it was discovered in due time before the cutting that a similar block already existed. The wood-block with the drawing was put aside (and is still preserved in the Museum Plantin-Moretus-collection) and the already cut block of the Sambucus-edition was used instead.
Note 7 The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 70, gives the following details about the making of the illustrations: to the credit of G. Ballain are entered, on 15 June 1564, 13 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers 'pour la pourtraicture de 27 figures' and on 23 June 2 florins Carolus guilders for 4 'figures'; two other payments followed without specification of the beneficiary: at an unspecified date (in 1564) 10 florins Carolus guilders for another 20 'figures', and finally in 1565 (without further chronological detail) 2 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers for 5 'figures', bringing the total sum paid for the 'pourtraicture' of 56 illustrations to 28 florins Carolus guilders The - unnamed - woodcutters were paid on 6 December 1564 for 27 'figures', on 10 April 1565 for 26, and finally, at an unspecified date in 1565, 4 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers for the remaining 5 blocks, bringing the total for cutting 58 blocks to 47 florins Carolus guilders The total costs for drawing and cutting amounted consequently to 75 florins Carolus guilders However, Plantin himself, summarizing the expenses for making the illustrations, specifies '56 fig. coustent taille et pourtraicture' 74 florins Carolus guilders 7 stuivers
Note 8 Other - and somewhat contradictory - details are given in Arch. 3 (in the chronological order of the payments) and in Arch. 31 (entries according to the artists). In these ledgers the artists are named. In Arch. 3, the payments to Ballain, at 10 stuivers a piece, are entered on 15 June 1564 (folio 12: for 27 'figures'), 23 June 1564 (folio 14: for 4) and 14 September 1564 (folio 18: for 21), making a total of 52 drawings, while in Arch. 31, folio 78 (under the heading 'Geoffroy Ballain, illumineur') the entries run as follows: 31 May 1564 'recu 4 fig. des Emblesmes de Junius et payé; 3 June: 4 fig.; 10 June: 12 fig.; 16 June: 7 fig.; 23 June: 4 fig.; 30 June: 7 fig.; 10 July 1564: 14 fig.; giving finally also 52 'figures'. The payments for the six remaining blocks are not noted in Arch. 3, but are entered in Arch. 31, folio 64, under the heading 'Pierre Huys, painctre', in April 1565. They amounted, at 7 stuivers per drawing, to 2 florins Carolus guilders 2 stuivers The making of the woodcuts was largely entrusted to Gerard Janssen van Kampen. In Arch. 3 he is noted at 6 December 1564 (at 16 stuivers a piece) for 27 'figures' (folio 20) and at 10 April 1565 for 26 (folio 23), in all 53 blocks. In Arch. 31, folio 77, the first entry specifies (between 14 July and 21 October 1564) 'Item receu dud. 2 fig. des Embl. de Junius que iay accordé à 16 stuivers pièce et luy ay baillé le reste à tailler aud. prix et sont encores 49 pièces'. The actual delivery and payment came finally to 13 (after 21 October 1564) and 35 figures on 19 March 1565, or a total (including the two earliest made) of 50 blocks. Arnold Nicolai made the last ones (at 15 stuivers a piece) - probably those drawn by P. Huys. In Arch. 3, he is noted on 10 April 1565 for 4 blocks (folio 23) and in April of that same year for another one (folio 25). In Arch. 31, folio 51, the same payments to Nicolai are entered, but under 7 April and 14 April 1565.
Note 9 Plantin had also some other blocks prepared for Junius's Emblemata - very likely ornamental frames and borders - but they were finally not used, and instead replaced by typographical fleurons. Cf. Arch. 3, folio 12 (7 May 1564, cut by Guillaume van Parijs: 'un bord caré pour les fig. des Embles [mes] de Adrianus Junius', paid 1 florins Carolus guilders 4 stuivers), folio 17 (13 September 1564, cut by A. Nicolai: 4 'Bords pour Emblemata Junii à 15 stuivers pièce'), folio 18 (14 September 1564, to G. Ballain: '6 carés de vignettes pour les Emb. de Junius': 3 florins Carolus guilders); Arch. 31, folio 52 (Arnold Nicolai, 2 September [1564]: 'receu 4 carés pour les Emblesmes de Junius': 3 florins Carolus guilders), folio 78 (Geoffroy Ballain, 12 August [1564]: 'pour 2 vignettes in-8º: 1 florins Carolus guilders (?), Item 4 carés pour les Emblesmes de Junius: 2 florins Carolus guilders').
Note 10 The emblem-section of the publication has been reproduced in 1901 (Les Emblèmes d'Hadrianus Junius. Réimpression de l'édition plantinienne de 1565 tirée sur les bois originaux. Antwerp, Editions du Musée Plantin-Moretus), with an introduction by M. Rooses, explaining the making of the edition, with references to the above quoted archives (and with some details on the other editions in Latin, Dutch, and French).
Note 11 Listed in M 296, folio 5v (Emblemata Adriani Junii, in 8º, f[euilles] 10½, [price:] stuivers 4), and M 164, folio 10v.
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