Record ID | cp013094 |
Voet reference number | 845 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:1077274 |
Author | Georgius BUCHANANUS (BUCHANAN) |
Title page transcription | PARAPHRASIS ‖ PSALMORVM ‖ DAVIDIS POETICA, ‖ MVLTO QVAM ANTEHAC ‖ CASTIGATIOR; ‖ Auctore Georgio Buchanano, Scoto, poë- ‖ tarum nostri seculi facilè principe. ‖ Adnotata vbique diligenter carminum genera. ‖ EIVSDEM Buchanani tragœdia quæ ‖ inscribitur Iephthes. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. M.D.LXXI. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO. |
Collation | 16mo [96]: A-Z⁸, a⁴; pages 1-373, [374-376] (Errors: 22 for 8, 156 for 176) |
Fingerprint | 157116 - # 1b1 A2 $&$ : # 1b2 Z5 plect - # 2b1 a t : # 2b2 a2 is$ca |
Number of sheets | 24 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Ad Mariam illustrissimam Scotorum reginam, Georgii Buchanani epigramma [3]-305: Text (italic type, parts in roman type) 306: Eiusdem Georgii Buchanani hymnus in Christum (italic type) 307-312: Carminum genera quibus in hoc opere poeta usus est (italic type) [313]: IEPHTHES, ‖ SIVE VOTVM, ‖ TRAGOEDIA: ‖ AVCTORE EODEM GEOR- ‖ GIO BVCHANANO 314-317: Ad illustrissimum virum Carolum Cossaeum Franciae marescalcum, ac apud Taurinos regis Francorum praefectum, in Iephthen praefatio (Paris, 28 July 1554; parts in italic type) 317: Argumentum ex libro iudicum sumptum (italic type) 317-373: Text (italic type, parts in roman type) [374]: Privilege Brussels, Privy Council, 8 March 1565 old style, signed by De la Torre, and Council of Brabant, 12 March, s. De Witte) [375]: Approbationes (s. Sebastianus Baer Delphius, Antwerp, and s. I. Schellinc, 5 March 1565 old style) [376]: ANTVERPIÆ EXCVDEBAT ‖ CHRISTOPHORVS PLANTI- ‖ NVS, ANNO M.D.LXXI. MENSE ‖ AVGVSTO |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 215CambridgeGhent University LibraryVatican Apolstolic Library |
Bibliographical references | Not in Ruelens-de BackerCockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 5336 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12923202USTC 411598 |
Note 1 | Reprint of the 1567-edition. Finished, according to the colophon, in August 1571. It contains very likely corrections provided for by the author: on 29 May 1570 Plantin wrote to Buchanan that he had received his letter of 9 April, together with the book and the note with corrections, which the printer has the intention to use whenever the opportunity arose (Corr., II, no. 230: 'Desideratissimas et gratissimas litteras tuas nono Aprilis Sterilini datas, una cum libro et carta immutandorum, accepi, vir praestantissime, de quibus, ut debeo, maximo habeo gratias. Referam vero libenter, si unquam sese nobis obtulerit occasio'). The 'carta' refers probably to corrections to be used when Plantin should re-issue the Paraphrasis-Iephthes; the 'liber' can be another work (or works) which Buchanan wished to be published by the Antwerp printer. This, in any case, should be deduced from another letter from Buchanan to Plantin, dated 18 November 1575, which leads us to understand that Plantin had used the corrections in his 1571-edition but had no intention to publish the other work sent to him by Buchanan (Suppl. Corr., no. 118: 'Ex postrema Psalterii editione intellexi te meas literas accepisse, reliqua opera, quae una acceperas, quando isthic non licet, quod volebam, velim ad me remittas. Neque hoc scribo, quod de fide ac diligentia tua quicquam dubitem, sed quod unicum mihi istud erat exemplar, quod nisi remittas, omnia mihi erunt magno cum labore ex adversariis colligenda'). |
Note 2 | Listed in M 296, folio 14v ([Psalterium carmine page Georg. Buchan.] Idem a⁰ 1571, f[euilles] 10, [price:] stuivers 3½). |
Further reading |