
Dictionarium Teutonico-Latinum. Antwerp, Plantin, [printed by Gerardus Smits], 1574

in The Plantin Press Online

(467 words)

Record ID cp013065
Voet reference number 1499A
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Cornelis KILIANUS (KILIAAN)
Title page transcription DICTIONARIVM ‖ TEVTONICO-LATINVM, ‖ PRAECIPVAS LINGVAE TEVTONICAE ‖ Dictiones Latinè interpretatas, ‖ seduloq̓ cum Germanicis & ‖ Gallicis collatas, breuiter ‖ complectens: ‖ STVDIO ET OPERA ‖ Cornelij Kiliani. ‖ Quid hîc præstitum sit, Præfatio ad Lectorem docebit. ‖ [Fleuron] ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Apud Christophorum Plantinum. ‖ Anno 1574.
Collation 8º (164 × 106): A-P⁸; pages [1-240]
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (to Plantin: Brussels, 14 January 1573 old style, signed by I. de Perre) [3-6]: Cornelius Kilianus lectori candido S.P. (parts in gothic type) [6]: Two lines quotation from Horatius, In arte poet. (italic type) [7-238]: Text (on two columns; roman type, gothic type and italic type) [238]: Epilogus Kiliani (six lines Latin poem; italic type) [239]: approbation (s. D. Hen. Dunghen, Antwerp, and Sebastianus Baer Delphius, Antwerp); ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Excudebat Gerardus Smits, ‖ Anno 1574 [240]: Blank
Edition information
Copies KBR Royal Library of Belgium- VH 23326
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 155 (1574, no. 43) Claes, 'Lijst…', page 196, no. 242 van den Branden-Cockx-Sillis, no. 12a (with reproduction of title-page) Facsimile reprint in 1975 (with introduction by F. Claes; Documenta Linguistica Quellen zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache des 15 bis 20 Jahrhunderts, Hildesheim-New York)
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Dutch-Latin dictionary, with occasionally French and German equivalents.
Note 2 The work was published by Plantin, but printed for him by the Antwerp typographer Gerard Smits (as specified in the colophon). A number of copies received a title-page with the address of the co-publisher, the widow and heirs of Joannes Steelsius.
Note 3 In the foreword to the reader Kilianus explains that Plantin having been publishing Dutch dictionaries, he, Kilianus, became interested in working on his own behalf on such a lexicon. He continues giving some technical details on what he had in mind and how he proceeded in compiling his own dictionary.
Note 4 On Kilianus's methods, the meaning and the sources of his dictionary, its relation to Plantin's Thesaurus Theutonicae linguae (1573) and other dictionaries of the time, see especially Claes, De bronnen…, and van den Branden-Cockx-Sillis.
Note 5 Plantin had published in 1573 the Thesaurus Theutonicae linguae, rather similar to Kilianus's Dictionarium, compiled at his initiative by his proof-readers, including Kilianus. There are indications (more especially in Plantin's foreword to the Thesaurus Theutonicae linguae) that he was not very pleased with Kilianus's enterprise, but anyway he accepted to publish the work of his proof-reader that was to compete with his own publication (see sub Thesaurus Theutonicae linguae, no. 2310).
Note 6 Listed in M 296, folio 4v (Dictionarium teutonicolat. Cornelii Kiliani, f[euilles] -, 8º, [price:] stuivers 4), and M 164, folio 8v.
Further reading

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