
Les divers propos mémorables des nobles et illustres hommes de la chrestienté. Antwerp, Plantin, 1557

in The Plantin Press Online

(502 words)

Record ID cp013039
Voet reference number 1037A
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Gilles CORROZET
Title page transcription LES ‖ DIVERS ‖ PROPOS MEMORA- ‖ bles des Nobles & illu- ‖ stres hommes de la ‖ Chrestienté. ‖ Par Gilles Corrozet. ‖ ⊕ 3A ANVERS. ‖ Chez Christophle Plantin. ‖ 1557.
Collation 12mo [94]: Aⁱ⁲, A-Kⁱ⁲, L⁶; folios [1r-12v], 1r-126v (Errors:12 for 21, 32 for 23, 37 for 47, 63 for 93, 89 for 98, 1011 for 111)
Fingerprint 155712 - # a1 A2 cy,$ : # a2 A7 Ro - # b1 A r$ : # b2 L5 s$de
Number of sheets 11.50
Pages [1r]: Title [1v]: Blank [2r-4v]: A messire Anthoine du Prat, chevalier, baron de Thiert et de Viteaux, seigneur de Nantoillet et de Precy, conseiller du roy, nostre sire, gentilhomme ordinaire de sa chambre, et prevost de Paris, Gilles Corrozet, perpetuelle felicité [5r-8v]: Les noms des papes, princes, grands seigneurs et nobles hommes mentionnés en ce livre (parts in italic type) [9r-12r]: Les noms des livres et autheurs desquels ont esté extraicts les propos contenuz en ce present livre [12v]: Blank 1r-126r: Text [126v]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 5.14Ghent University LibraryBritish Library London
Bibliographical references Not in Ruelens-de Backer.Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica, nr. 5499
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12919283
Note 1 Series of 'bons mots' of important personalities, each with a short explanation when and how they were pronounced.
Note 2 The first edition was published by Corrozet himself at Paris, 1556 (and published again in 1557). Plantin's edition is the first known reprint by another publisher (cf. Brunet, II Col. 302).
Note 3 Part of the edition was sold to the Paris bookseller and publisher Arnould L'Angelier. The copies intended for L'Angelier received a title-page with the latter's imprint (see following no.). The transaction is noted in Arch. 34, page 16, under the date of 18 June 1557 (together with other dealings with and deliveries to L'Angelier): 250 copies of 'Les propos memorables en 12⁰' were shipped. As each copy contains 11½ sheets 5 reams and 15 'mains' of paper 'de Rochelle' were used, which cost 5 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers; the printing came to 5 florins Carolus guilders 4 stuivers; together: 10 florins Carolus guilders 14 stuivers
Note 4 It is possible that L'Angelier ordered later an additional number of copies: 100 copies (corrected from 200 or 250) 'Propos mémorables', worth 4 florins Carolus guilders, were, together with other books, forwarded on 11 February 1558 to a carrier for shipment to Paris (the customer or customers are, however, not noted) (Arch. 34, page 19).
Note 5 In Arch. 38, folio 2, mention is made on 16 July 1556 (= for 1557) of the sale of 6 'Propos memorables, r[eliés]', worth 12 stuivers, to Plantin's Antwerp colleague, Joannes Steelsius.
Note 6 Listed in M 296, folio 15r (Propos memorables p[ar] Gilles Coroset, 12⁰, A⁰ 1558, f[euilles] 11½, [price:] stuivers 1½).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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