
Popularia epigrammata medica. Antwerp, G. Silvius, [printed by Plantin], 1562 (= 1561)

in The Plantin Press Online

(452 words)

Record ID cp013024
Voet reference number 613
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1162695
Author Gabriel AYALA
Title page transcription POPVLARIA ‖ EPIGRAMMATA ‖ MEDICA. ‖ AD REVERENDISS. AC IL- ‖ LVSTRISS. CARDINALEM ‖ GRANVELLANVM. ‖ Authore Gabriele Ayala Doctore medico. ‖ ⊕ VH, Silvius no. 1 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Gulielmi Syluij, Typo- ‖ graphi Regij. ‖ D.M.LXII. [sic] ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO.
Collation 4⁰ [154]: A-K⁴, L⁲; folios 1 recto-41 verso, [42 recto-verso] (Errors: twice 4, 8 omitted, 12 for 13, 14 for 15)
Fingerprint 156204 - # b1 B2 ,$que : # b2 L2 aco
Number of sheets
Pages [1 recto]: Title [1 verso]: Privilege (to Silvius: Brussels, 5 September 1561) [2 recto]: Autor ad lectorem (italic type) [2 verso]: Reverendiss…Antonio Perenotto, Cardinali Granvellano…Gabriel Ayala S.D. (italic type) 3 recto-41 recto: Text (italic type, parts and marginals in roman type) 41 verso-[42 verso]: Index (on two columns) [42 verso]: ANTVERPIÆ, EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHO- ‖ RVS PLANTINVS, ANNO M.D.LXII
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 1574: cf. note in cp011119. - A 3020Staatsbibliothek zu BerlinKBR Royal Library of BelgiumBritish Library LondonWellcome Historical Medical Museum and LibraryBayerische StaatsbibliothekBibliothèque nationale de FranceAustrian National LibraryU.S. National Library of Medicine, Washington D.C, Washington D.C
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 32 (1562, no. 3: mentioned in connection with the Carmen pro vera medicina, see cp011119.) Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 223
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12918652
Note 1 Series of Latin poems on the medical art, in a more literary vein and consequently with much less professional details than De lue pestilenti; apparently intended more for a humanistic public than for the medical profession.
Note 2 On the problem of the date (1561 instead of 1562): see cp011119.
Note 3 The dedicatory letter to Granvelle shows that the treatise was written and published after the Carmen pro vera medicina. It was, however, already on the market a few weeks after the publication of the Carmen: 18 copies were sold on 16 December 1561 to A. Birckman (Arch. 36, folio 17 recto) and another 4 copies on 7 January 1562 to Maternus Cholinus, Cologne (Arch. 36, folio 17 verso).
Note 4 The Carmen and the Popularia Epigrammata are carefully distinguished from each other in the Plantinian book-catalogues, but were often sold together, as was the case in the sales to Birckman and Cholinus mentioned above (to Birckman: '18 Carmen et Epigram[mata] pop[ularia] Ayalȩ 4⁰'; to Cholinus: 'Ayalȩ, epigra[mmata] cu[m] Carm[en] de lue pestil[enti]').
Note 5 Listed in M 296, folio 1 recto ([Ayalȩ] Popularia epigrammata med[ica], 4⁰, f[euilles] 10½, [price:] stuivers 1¾), and M 164, folio 1 recto.
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