
Rariorum aliquot stirpium per Pannoniam, Austriam et vicinas quasdam provincias observatarum historia, 1583

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,273 words)

Record ID cp012986
Voet reference number 1007
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3251869
Title page transcription CAROLI ‖ CLVSII ‖ ATREBATIS ‖ Rariorum aliquot Stirpium, ‖ per Pannoniam, Austriam, & vicinas ‖ quasdam Prouincias obseruatarum ‖ Historia, QVATVOR LIBRIS ‖ expressa: ‖ AD ‖ RVDOLPHVM II. IMP. ‖ ERNESTVM, ‖ MATTHIAM, ‖ MAXIMILIANVM, ‖ AVSTRIÆ ARCHIDVCES, &c. ‖ ⊕ 35 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ M.D. LXXXIII.
Collation 8⁰ [131]: *⁴, A-Z⁸, a-z⁸, AA-BB⁸, CC⁴; pages [1-8], 1-766, [767-776] (Errors: 230 not numbered, 253 for 254, 359 for 259, 332 for 330, 347 for 374, 148 for 418, 325 for 425, 435 for 535, 626 for 629, 742 for 724)
Fingerprint 158308 - # a1 *2 RA : # a2 *3 tis$h - # b1 A i : # b2 2B2 similit
Number of sheets 49
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3]: Dedicatory to Emperor Rudolph II and the Princes Ernest, Matthias and Maximilian by Carolus Clusius Atrebas (roman type capitals) [4-5]: Carolus Clusius omnibus rei herbariae studiosis (Vienna, 1 December 1582) [6-8]: Poems in honour of the work by Iustus Lipsius, Ioannes Posthius Germersh. medicus et P.L., and Achilles Cromerus Nissen Silesius (italic type, part and marginals in roman type) 1-766: Text (italic type; words in roman type, greek type and gothic type, marginals in roman type and greek type) [767-768]: Blank [769]: Appendix eorum quae postea ab auctore sunt observata (= title) [770-775]: Text (italic type, words and marginals in roman type) [776]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations Woodcuts: 361 reproductions of plants in varying dimensions (average: 130 × 70; with the exception of three smaller reproductions, printed together on page 732)
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 881KBR Royal Library of Belgium. Not checked which variant (see following no.): CambridgeUniversity Library of Erlangen-NürnbergBritish Library LondonVienna University Library
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 255 (1583, no. 16) Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), III, pages 767-769 Nissen, C. Die Botanische Buchillustration (2. Aufl.), II, no. 371 Clusius-Festschrift, page 15, no. 16 Facsimile - edited by: Akademischer Verlag, Graz, 1965 (including the Nomenclator Pannonicus, 1584: see no. 1009).Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica, 662
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:7038223
Note 1 Contains: a) The botanical observations in four 'books' of the plants growing in Austria, Hungary and the immediately surrounding countries; b) An appendix on the same subject with 2 illustrations (Variant A; it has in a number of copies been replaced by a new and larger one: see following no. and further in text).
Note 2 In the foreword to the reader Clusius explains that he started observing botanical plants in Central Europe on his arrival in the region in 1574, but that he only began working on his treatise from 1579 onwards. The foreword itself is dated 1 December 1582. The scholar adds that he rewrote and inserted into the Rariorum stirpium per Pannoniam the Appendix on flowers from 'Thracia' published in the Rariorum stirpium per Hispanias, 1576.
Note 3 Clusius got into contact with Plantin at the latest in 1581 for his publication: on 19 April of that year the typographer tells Camerarius that he expects Clusius in Antwerp from a trip to London to 'designate the figures' of the work ('Clusium Londini [ubi cogetur adhuc haerere ad aliquot septimanas] expecto ad designandas ipso praesente aliquot adhuc figuras pro ipsius Observationibus Pannonicis': Corr., VI, no. 926). Not all the problems concerning the illustrations could be settled at that time. Most experts seem to agree that the quality of the reproductions of the plants is somewhat less than in the Rariorum stirpium per Hispanias. For a large part this derived from the fact that Clusius was not at hand to direct personally Plantin's illustrators as he had done for his Spanish botany. He must have commissioned drawings in Vienna from local draughtsmen, which he sent to Plantin, who had them redrawn by his specialist, Pieter van der Borcht. This can be deduced from a letter of Plantin to Clusius, 29 October 1582 ('J'ay delivre ce que j'ay receu de Francfort pour faire portraire a Pietr. Vand. Borcht': Suppl. Corr., no. 177). The cutting of the blocks is referred to in some letters but the name of the craftsman is not revealed (probably Gerard Janssen van Kampen or Antoon van Leest). Clusius had the possibility to see, if not all, at least some of the results before the printing (letter of Plantin to Clusius, 29 October 1582 [Suppl. Corr., no. 177]: 'Je vous envoye ici les esprueves de quelques figures'). The cutting took more time than anticipated, owing partly to sickness of the cutter, and was responsible for some delay in the publication (cf. letter of Clusius to Camerarius, 8 July 1582: Hunger, II, page 390; see also letter of Plantin to J. Sambucus, 18 May 1583: Suppl. Corr., no. 178).
Note 4 Clusius shipped his manuscript (and the drawings ?) to Antwerp, the larger part before Easter 1582, the rest in May 1582 (letter to Camerarius, 22 May 1582: Hunger, II, page 388). For months the botanist lived with the fear that the precious texts were lost (cf. letters to Camerarius of 22 May 1582, quoted above, and of 12 June 1582: Hunger, II, page 389), but finally, on 8 July 1582, he could notify his friend that Plantin had received the first part of the manuscript in May, and was now expecting the second part, sent by way of a friend from Cologne. He added that in view of the fact that not all the illustrations were ready, owing to the sickness and carelessness of the woodcutter ('morbo et negligentia sculptoris'), it had become impossible to finish the work before the next Frankfurt Fair (September 1582) (Hunger, II, page 390). Plantin promised to start printing immediately after the Frankfurt Fair of September 1582 (letter of Clusius to Camerarius, 4 September 1582: Hunger, II, page 391), and assured that the publication would be ready for the September Fair of 1583 (letter of Clusius to Camerarius, 29 October 1582: Hunger, II, page 392). On 5 February 1583 Clusius complained to Camerarius that he had sent to Plantin 7 to 8 letters with corrections and 'icones quaedam cum suis descriptionibus' to be added, without receiving an answer (Hunger, II, page 395). On 9 April 1583 he told his friend that, owing to the troubles in the Netherlands, which had again caused delays, his work would not be on the market at the next September Fair, but in any case Plantin had firmly promised to start the printing now, in the beginning of April, before he himself would move to Leiden (Hunger, II, page 395). In fact, the publication was ready for the September Fair of 1583.
Note 5 Clusius, always a perfectionist, was not very happy with the errors left in the text and induced Plantin to reprint quires z (especially for the passage on the 'phaseolus') and CC (Appendix), and to add quire DD (Index). This he explains to Camerarius on 5 November 1583 (Hunger, II, page 398), and to Crato on 26 March 1584 (Suppl. Corr., no. 188), adding that he asked the printer to bring these revised parts to the Lent Fair in 1584. Plantin did what the botanist requested, but in the meantime a number of copies had already been sold with the inadequate text (variant A).
Note 6 800 copies 'Clusii Ponona. [= for Pannonica]' were printed (Arch. 788).
Note 7 Listed in M 296, folio 3r ([Caroli Clusii] Rariorum Stirpium per panoniam, 8⁰, 83, f[euilles] 50, [price:] stuivers 16), Ms. 164, folio 6v, and M 321.
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