
Enchiridion sive manuale confessariorum et poenitentium, 1581

in The Plantin Press Online

(469 words)

Record ID cp012886
Voet reference number 618
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3252873
Author Martinus ab AZPILCUETA
Title page transcription ENCHIRIDION ‖ SIVE ‖ MANVALE ‖ CONFESSARIORVM ‖ ET POENITENTIVM, ‖ Complectens resolutionem pœnè omnium dubiorum quœ in sacris Confes-sionibus occurrere solent, circa peccata, absolutiones, restitutiones, cen- ‖ suras & irregularitates: iampridem sermone Hispano compositum: ‖ Auctore ‖ MARTINO ab AZPILCVETA DOCTORE NAVARRO, ‖ Tunc Gymnasta primæ functionis in sacrorum Canonum facultate in- ‖ clytæ Academiæ Conymbricensis, qui ante aliquot annos fuerat eius- ‖ dem celeberrimæ Salmanticensis, & postea Romæ latinitate donatū, ‖ recognitum, decem Præludiis & quamplurimis aliis locupletatū & re- ‖ formatum, nunc autem denuδ recognitum, & multis locis emēdatum. ‖ EODEM Auctore ante viginti annos rude donato siue iubilato, & in præsentiarum ‖ S.D.N. Sacræq' ipsius in foro Conscientiæ Pœniten- ‖ tiariæ obsequiu deputato. ‖ ⊕ 25 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXXI.
Collation 8⁰ [163]: A-Z⁸, a-z⁸, Aa-Hh⁸; pages 1-823, [824-864] (Errors: 3, 4, 5, and 67 not numbered, 196 for 169, 251 for 351)
Fingerprint 158108 - # 1b1 A2 ub$a : # 1b2 Z5 at$l - # 2b1 a e : # 2b2 z5 dicat - # 3b1 2A D$I : # 3B2 2h5 re$co
Number of sheets 108
Pages [1]: Title 2: Table [3-4]: Bull of Gregorius XIII confirming the ones given by his predecessors, Paulus III, 8 January 1543, and Pius V, 18 May 1571, to Azpilcueta, granting him permission to print his works (Rome, 5 November 1572; italic type) [4-5]: S.D.N. Gregorio XIII Pont. Opt. Max. Martinus ab Azpilcueta Doctor Navarrus 6-7: Candido pioque lectori (italic type) 8-9: Georgius Calandrus Lusitanus I.C. candido lectori…(Rome, 20 March 1579) 9-10: Duo epigrammata…ad authorem; Alterum Iacobi Tevii I.C. eloquentissimi ad eundem (italic type, parts in roman type) 11-[824]: Text (parts in italic type) [825-862]: Index (on two columns) [863]: Simonis Magni Ramlotaei Belgae I.V.D. ad lectorem christianum hendecasyllabon (italic type); Approbationes (signed by Gislenus de Vroede; signed by Sebastianus Bar; Antwerp, 27 October 1573, signed by Petrus Trigosus) [864]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 395KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeHeidelberg University LibraryBritish Library LondonFranciscan Convent, Maastricht
Bibliographical references Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3738 Palau y Dulcet, no. 21318 B. de Troeyer, Bio- Bibliographia Franciscana Neerlandica saeculi XVI, II, 1970, page 469, no. 789 Not in Ruelens-de Backer Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa 3738
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12922409
Note 1 For this reprint Plantin very likely did not copy his 1575- and 1579-editions, but followed a newer Italian publication (perhaps the one published in Venice, apud Juntas, 1579). Anyway, the title has been changed and the letter of Georgius Calandrus reproduced, dated Rome, 20 March 1579, which does not appear in Plantin's 1579-edition.
Note 2 Not listed in M 296 and - more astonishingly - in M 321.
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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