
De vier wterste, van de doot, van het oordeel, van d'eeuwich leven, van de pyne der hellen, 1583

in The Plantin Press Online

(810 words)

Record ID cp012883
Voet reference number1413
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1132960
Author Jan-Baptist HOUWAERT
Title page transcriptionDE VIER WTERSTE, ‖ VAN DE DOOT, ‖ VAN HET OORDEEL, ‖ VAN D'EEVWICH LEVEN, ‖ VAN DE PYNE DER HELLEN. ‖ Waerinne een ieghelijck (als in eenen claren spieghel) mach sien, ende leeren, ‖ hoe hy wel ende deughdelijck leuen, salich steruen, ende in d'eeuwighe glo- ‖ rie comen sal: seer nootsakelijck, stichtelijck, ende uyter mate proffijteliick, ‖ voor alle sterffelijcke menschen ghelesen. ‖ Schrifturelijck gheinuenteert, ende Rhetorijckelijck ghecomponeert, by ‖ Iehan Baptista Houwaert Consiellier, ende Meester ordinaris, van de ‖ Rekeninghen des Hertoghdoms van Brabant. ‖ D'Annotatien sijn by den voors. Autheur daer naerderhant by ghestelt. ‖ Syrach 7. Memorare nouissima tua, ‖ Syrach 28. Et in æternum non peccabis. ‖ Wilt wel op v uyterste sonden / achten / ‖ Ghy suit v inder eeuwicheyt van sonden / wachten. ‖ ⊕ 34 ‖ T'ANTWERPEN, ‖ By Christoffel Plantijn. ‖ M.D.LXXXIII.
Collation4º [152]: *⁸, **⁲, A-X⁸; pages [1-20], 1-335, [336] (Errors: 5 not numbered, 87 for 78)
Fingerprint158304 - # a1 *2 //$v : # a2 2*2 lorie$ - # b1 A r : # b2 X5 ht$he
Number of sheets44.50
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Antwerp, 30 April 1583, signed by W. Luycx) [3]: Emblem with poems (italic type and roman type) [4]: illustration, with poem in italic type [5]: illustration [6]: Ioannis Bochii Bruxellensis ad Ioannem Baptistam Houwaert epigramma (italic type) [7-8]: Poem in Dutch to the author by Anthonis Coppens (civilité type) [9-11]: Edelen…heeren, Olivier vande Tympel, heere van Corbeke, Overdijle, Sombeke, Melen, etc., gouverneur der stadt van Brussele…(Brussels, s. Iehan Baptista Houwaert; italic type, parts in roman type) [12-19]: D'auteur totten goetwillighen leser (part in italic type) [20]: I. Ian van der Noot, patricius van Antwerpen aen I. Ian Baptista Houwaert…(italic type) 1-335: Text (civilité type, parts in roman type, marginals in italic type) [336]: [within cartouche:] HIER EYNDET HET ‖ STICHTENDE BOECK ‖ VAN DE VIER WTERSTE
Edition information
IllustrationsA. Copper engravings: 1) On page [4] portrait of the author (medallion within cartouche with allegorical representations; around medallion the name of the author [Iehan Baptista Houwaert] and his device [Houdt Middel Mate]), 160 × 122. Underneath 4 verses on two columns, printed typographically. The same portrait has also been reproduced in Pegasides pleyn (see no. cp010233) 2) On page [5] the coat-of-arms of the author (medallion within cartouche with allegorical representations; around the medallion the name of the author and his device), 160 × 122. The same illustration also reproduced in Pegasides pleyn (see no. cp010233) B. Woodcuts: 1) On page [3] allegorical representation of the device of the author 'Houdt Middel Mate', c. 107 × 86, with above and underneath poems on this device, printed typographically. The same illustration also reproduced in Pegasides pleyn (see no. cp010233) 2) On page [336] cartouche, 77 × 112 Digitisation of the woodblocks
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus - A 1606 ↗↗KBR Royal Library of BelgiumGhent University LibraryKB National Library of the NetherlandsMaatschappij der Nederlandse LetterkundeBritish Library LondonBibliothèque nationale de FrancePostel Abbey
Digital copies Museum Plantin-Moretus: R 63.9: 27
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, pages 259-260 (1583, no. 28) Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), III, page 539 Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3803 H. Carter-H.D.L. Vervliet, civilité types, 1966, no. 214 Van Vinckenroye (see Notes) Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 1533
Online bibliographical referencesSTCV c:stcv:12926142USTC 407870
Note 1Moralizing poem on 'The Four Extremities [of Man], of the Death, of the [Last] Judgment, of the Eternal Life, of the Torment of Hell: in which everyman (as in a clear mirror) may see and learn how to live well and virtuously, to die blessed, and to come into the eternal glory: very necessary, edifying, and very profitable to be read by all mortal men'. With marginals referring to the Biblical, classical and other sources. On the title-page is stated 'the annotations [= the marginals] were put there by the author afterwards', without specifying what precisely is meant.
Note 2Re-edited with an exhaustive introduction and annotations by F. Van Vinckenroye, J.B. Houwaert, De Vier Wterste. Tekstuitgave met inleiding, verklarende aantekeningen en glossarium, 3 vols., Ghent, 1965.
Note 3The poem must have met a real success as not less than 5 reprints were published in the following years: in 1598 (The Hague), 1605 (The Hague), 1613 (The Hague), 1614 (Leeuwarden), and 1616 (Amsterdam) (cf. BB, III, pages 539-540).
Note 4Of the edition 1,250 copies were ed (Arch. 788).
Note 5Listed in M 296, folio 20r (Vier wterste vande doot etc. van Bapt.a Houwaert, f[euilles] 44½, [price:] stuivers 12), and M 321 (De vier wterste…,4º, f[euilles] 44½, met 2 copere figure [= with 2 copper engravings], [price:] stuivers 12).
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