
Traicté tresexcellent contenant la vraye maniere d'estre preservé de peste en temps dangereux, 1567

in The Plantin Press Online

(550 words)

Record ID cp012870
Voet reference number 1273
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3245422
Author Jacques GUERIN
Title page transcription TRAICTE ‖ TRESEXCELLENT CON- ‖ TENANT LA VRAYE MANIERE ‖ d'estre preserué de peste en ‖ temps dangereux: ‖ Auecques vne singuliere methode, pour estre entierement ‖ guery d'icelle quand on en seroit attainct: Oeuure tresin- ‖ signe proufitable, & plein de singuliers remedes, & tel ‖ que jusques à present ne s'est encores veu le pareil. ‖ Recueilli & composé par Maistre Iaques Guerin, Medecin et Chirurgien ‖ iuré de la ville d'Enghien, lequel il a luy mesmes, l'an M.D.LVIII. ‖ practiqué & mis en experience & trouué veritable, quād en la ville ‖ d'Vtrecht regnoit vne horrible & espouuentable pestilence. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christophle Plantin. ‖ On les vend à Enghien a la Pomme de Granade, ‖ Chez Iehan de Hertoghe. ‖ M.D.LXVII.
Collation 8º [121]: A-F⁸; pages 1-91, [92-96]
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (to Iaques Guerin: Brussels, 29 October 1564, signed by Bourgeois) 3-10: A tresnoble et illustre seigneur, messire Charle de Gavre…Iaques Guerin Bruxelloys desire joye, salut, et prosperité (Enghien, 20 June 1567) 11-14: Iaques Guerin de Bruxelles medecin et chirurgien aux lecteurs (italic type) 15-91: Text (parts and marginals in italic type) 91: approbation (Brussels, 29 October 1564, s. Metsius) [92-93]: Table (on two columns [94]: IMPRIME' A ANVERS, CHEZ ‖ CHRISTOPHLE PLANTIN, ‖ L'AN M.D.LXVII. LE I. ‖ IOVR DE SEPTEM- ‖ BRE [95-96]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 3.9: pages 81-82 missing
Bibliographical references Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), III, pages 357-358 Van Schevensteen, pages 125-127 (with reproduction of the title-page on page 124) Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Medical treatise on protection against the plague (table of the chapters: Van Schevensteen, pages 125-127).
Note 2 A first edition in Dutch had appeared in [1559] (Antwerp, Jan van Ghelen) (cf. BB, III, pages 356-357; Van Schevensteen, pages 121-124). The French edition of 1567 (the privilege and approbatio being dated October 1564, it must already have been completed in 1564) is much enlarged. A new Dutch edition, translated from the French, but with additions and changes, was put on the market in 1571 (Antwerp, Henrik vander Loe [Loeus]) (cf. BB, III, pages 358-359; Van Schevensteen, pages 127-131) and reprinted in 1597 (Antwerp, Peeter van Tongheren) (cf. BB, III, page 359; Van Schevensteen, pages 131-132).
Note 3 According to the colophon the printing was finished on 1 September 1567.
Note 4 Plantin has been commissioned by the author to print the work. The privilege has been granted to Guerin, and the larger part of the edition, if not all the copies, were forwarded to the physician, to be sold through his intermediary at Enghien by the local bookseller Jean de Hertoghe. This happened as late as March 1568: on the 19th of that month Plantin 'baille au frère de Mre. Ja. Guerin, medecin à Enghien' 1,250 copies of 'Traicté de la peste, 8º', together with 2 'rames placars' (very likely a circular letter announcing the publication), and received cash 40 florins Carolus guilders (Arch. 46, folio 57v).
Note 5 Not listed in M 296 and M 164.
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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