
Elucidationes in quatuor Evangelia, Matthaei, Marci, Lucae et Iohannis, 1575

in The Plantin Press Online

(733 words)

Record ID cp012849
Voet reference number582
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3131693
Title page transcriptionBENEDICTI ‖ ARIAE MONTANI ‖ ELVCIDATIONES ‖ IN QVATVOR ‖ EVANGELIA, ‖ MATTHÆI, ‖ MARCI, ‖ LVCÆ & ‖ IOHANNIS. ‖ Quibus accedunt eiusdem elucidationes ‖ in Acta Apostolorum. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D. LXXV.
Collation4⁰ [172]: *-**⁴, A-Z⁴, a-k⁴, l⁶, m-v⁴, x⁶, y-z⁴, Aa-Ll⁴; pages [1-16], 1-461, [462-464] (Errors: 123 for 223, 138 for 238)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, 3 April 1573 [o. s.], signed by I. De Perre) [3-11]: Ad sanctissimam matrem ecclesiam catholicam Rom. eiusdemque pontificem summum et legitimos ministros omnes, Benedicti Ariae Montani praefatio (Antwerp, 24 December) [12-16]: Christianis et candidis lectoribus a Deo summae sapientiae fonte et totius misericordiae parente s. (italic type; marginals in roman type) 1-110: Evangelium secundum Matthaeum (marginals in roman type and italic type, words in Hebrew) 110: EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHORVS ‖ PLANTINVS ARCHITYPOGRA- ‖ PHVS REGIVS ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ ANNO M.D.LXXV [111-112]: Blank [113]-174: Evangelium secundum Marcum (marginals in roman type and italic type, words in Hebrew and greek type) 174: EXCVDEBAT…(cfr. page 110) [175-176]: Blank 177-275: Evangelium secundum Lucam (marginals in roman type and italic type, words in Hebrew) 275: EXCVDEBAT…(cfr. page 110) [276]: Blank 277-360: Evangelium secundum Iohannem (marginals in roman type and italic type, words in Hebrew) 360: EXCVDEBAT…(cfr. page 110) 361-461: Acta Apostolorum (marginals in roman type and italic type, words in Hebrew and greek type) [462]: Approbationes (s. B. Arias Montanus; Antwerp, s. Sebastianus Baer, Walterus vander Steeghen, Franciscus Sonnius) [463]: EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHORVS ‖ PLANTINVS ARCHITYPOGRA- ‖ PHVS REGIVS ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ ANNO M.D.LXXV [464]: Blank
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus - A 31722Staatsbibliothek zu BerlinCambridgeRoyal Library of San Lorenzo de El EscorialHarvard Library - Harvard University (USA, Cambridge, Massachusetts), Cambridge - MassachusettsTown Hall Library, LeicesterBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaBayerische StaatsbibliothekBodleian LibrariesBibliothèque nationale de FranceBiblioteca Nazionale Centrale di RomaUniversity Library Santiago de CompostelaVatican Apolstolic LibraryAustrian National LibraryMinster Library, YorkKU Leuven- Special Collections, RA69255UNamur- R6A.0345
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 157 (1575, no. 8) Morales, no. 33 Palau y Dulcet, 1, page 474, no.16483
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Text of the Four Gospels and the Acta Apostolorum (in roman type), accompanied by comments explaining specific points and printed in the form of marginals (in roman type, parts in italic type, words in Hebrew) surrounding the texts (to the left on the even pages, to the right on the uneven pages; generally also underneath and sometimes above the text).
Note 2Arias Montanus wrote his comments at different times, but of the Four Gospels and the Acta Apostolorum only the Gospel of St. Mark is dated at the end (Rome, August 1572). The work, as a whole, ends with a pious verse and the date 12 January 1574.
Note 3In the summer of 1574 Plantin told some friends that the Elucidationes were on the press and that he hoped to finish the work before Christmas (Correspondance de C. Plantin, IV, nos. 541, 583, 587). Just before Christmas 1574 Arias Montanus wrote Plantin a letter asking if his treatise could be finished within the week, so that Plantin and his sons-in-law, when saluting the governor of the city of Antwerp at the occasion of the new year, could present a copy to the magistrate. In the same letter and in the same sentence, however, Arias had to tell his friend that he still had to make a fair copy of the draft of the praefatio to his treatise (which, in fact, is dated 24 December [1574]) (Correspondance de C. Plantin, IV, no. 592: 'Si fieri posset ut in hac natalitia finirentur quatuor Evangelia cum praefationibus quas iam scripsi sed nondum descripsi describam hodie deo volente, id esset mihi pergratum, ut offerremus D. Gubernatori unum exemplar cum tu illum salutares una cum utroque genero'). This made it rather difficult for Plantin to finish the Elucidationes in due time: the work was only achieved in January or February 1575 (cf. Correspondance de C. Plantin, IV, nos. 603 and 623).
Listed in M 296, folio 11 verso (Elucidat [iones] in Evang [eli]a 4⁰ etc. f[euilles] 60, [price:] stuivers 15, a⁰ 1575).
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The Plantin Press Online

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