Record ID | cp012845 |
Voet reference number | 15A |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:3131718 |
Author | AESOPUS |
Title page transcription | AESOPI PHRY- ‖ GIS FABVLAE GRAECE ET ‖ LATINE, CVM ALIIS QVI- ‖ busdam opusculis, quorum indicem ‖ sequens pagella in- ‖ dicabit. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXVII. |
Collation | 16mo [87]: a-g⁸; pages 1-112 |
Fingerprint | 156716 - # b1 A2 ugi : # b2 I3 lè$eu |
Number of sheets | 4.50 |
Pages | [1]: Title[2]: Index (italic type, parts in roman type and greek type)3-112: Aesopi fabulatoris vita, a Maximo Planude concripta (on two columns; one in Greek, one with the Latin translation) |
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Digital copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus: B 2083 |
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Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925114USTC 401339STCV c:stcv:12925115 |
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Title page transcription | AIΣΩΠOY ΦPYΓOΣ MYΘOI. ‖ ÆSOPI PHRY- ‖ GIS FABVLAE, ‖ Græcè & Latinè ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D. LXVII. |
Collation | 16mo [87]: A-I⁸; pages 1-142, [143-144] |
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Pages | [1]: Title[2]-138: Aesopi fabulae (on two columns; one in Greek, one with the Latin translation)139-140: Ex Aphthonii sophistae praeexercitamentis (Idem)141: Fabula quæ formicarum et cicadarum exemplo hortatur iuvenes ad laborem (Idem)141-142: Ex Philostrati imagines fabulae (Idem)[143-144]: Index |
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Title page transcription | GABRIAE ‖ GRÆCI FABELLÆ ‖ XLIII. EX TRIMETRIS IAM- ‖ BIS, PRAETER VLTIMAM ‖ ex scazonte, tetrastichis ‖ conclusæ. ‖ HOMERI BATPAXOMYOMA = ‖ χια, hoc est, ranarum & murium pugna. ‖ Musæus pöeta vetustiss. de Ero & Lean- ‖ dro. ‖ Agapetus diaconus De officio regis ad Iu- ‖ stinianum Cæsarem. ‖ Hippocratis iusiurandum. ‖ Hæc omnia cum latina interpretatione. ‖ Γαλεωμυομαχια hoc est, felium murium ‖ pugna, tragœdia Græca. |
Collation | 16mo [87]: A-I⁸; pages 1-142, [143-144] (Errors: 2 and 27 not numbered, 204 for 104, 129-130 not numbered) |
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Pages | [1]: Title[2]-3: Gabriae Graeci tetrasticha (even pages: Greek text, uneven pages: Latin translation, in italic type)4-25: Gabriae fabulae (Idem)26-53: Homeri ranarum et murium pugna (Idem)54: Epitaphium of Homer by Antipater Sidonius (greek type)55: Greek poem by Marcus Musurus56-85: Musaeus, De Ero et Leandro (even pages: Greek text; uneven pages: Latin translation, in italic type)86-125: Agapetus (on two columns, one in Greek, the other with the Latin translation, in italic type)126-128: Hippocrates, Iusiurandum (Idem)129: Text of Aristobulus (greek type)130-142: Felium et murium pugna (greek type)[143-144]: Blank |
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Copies | British Library London- 57K25: parts 1, 2 and 3- G 7710: parts 1 and 2Museum Plantin-Moretus- B 2083: part 3Allard PiersonBibliothèque nationale de FranceUtrecht University Library |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, page 67 (1567, no. 3)J. Landwehr, Fable-Books printed in the Low Countries, 1963, no. 11 |
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Note 1 | Part 1 contains the biography of Aesop by Maximus Planudis. Part 2 has a collection of fables by Aesop, followed (pages 139-142) by two short notes by Aphthonius sophista and Philostrates on the character of the Aesopean fable and an extra-fable. Part 3 forms a miscellaneous ‘addendum’, containing 43 fables by Gabrias the Greek, the battle between the frogs and the mice by Homerus, the story of Ero and Leander by Musaeus, the ‘Expositio capitum admonitoriorum’ by Agapetus, the oath of Hippocrates, all in Greek with Latin translation, and some shorter texts only in Greek version (of Antipater Sidonius, Marcus Musurus, Aristobulus, and the Γαλεωμυομαχια). |
Note 2 | Part 3 has no bibliographical indications linking it to parts 1 and 2; it is not even stated that it was printed and published by Plantin. In M 296, folio 6v, however, it is explicitly noted that it belonged to Plantin’s Aesop-edition of 1567 — but it is also underlined that not all copies of the 1567 Aesop-edition were sold with this additional third part: ‘Fabulae Aesopi Grecolat. 16⁰ a⁰ 1567, f[euilles] 8, [price:] stuivers 2. Idem cum fabulis Gabrielis 16⁰, f[euilles] 12½, [price:] stuivers 3’. |
Note 3 | The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 117, on the ‘Fabellae Aesopi Graece et Latine 16⁰’, is incomplete: on 3 May 1567 are entered 13 florins Carolus guilders for composing and printing the quires A-G (= part 1), on 28 June 16 florins Carolus guilders for a-i (= part 2). The number of copies printed, the reams of paper used and the wages for composing and printing part 3 are not noted. |
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