
Catechismus Romanus, 1572

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,003 words)

Record ID cp012827
Voet reference number 1155
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcription CATECHISMVS ‖ ROMANVS, ‖ EX DECRETO CONCILII TRI- ‖ dentini, & Pij v. Pontificis Maximi ‖ iussu primùm editus: ‖ Nunc verò, luculentis quæstionibus, quæmox rei propositæ materiam oculis subijciant, di- ‖ stinctus, breuibusq̓ annotatiunculis elucidatus, ‖ studio & industria ANDREÆ FABRI- ‖ CII LEODII, Illustrissimorum Princi- ‖ pum, Alberti & Ernesti, eius filij, ComitumPalatinorum Rheni, ac vtriusque BauariæDucum Consiliarij. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ. ‖ Ex officina Christoph. Plantini, Typographi Regij ‖ M.D.LXXII.
Collation 8⁰ [125]: ab-cd⁸, A-Z⁸, a-p⁸, *-**⁸, ***⁴; pages [1-32], 1-602, [602-608] (Errors: 11 not numbered, 3 for 38, 226-227 ?, 230-240 ?, 482 for 248, 221 for 281, 59 for 509. N.B.: in Museum Plantin-Moretus-copy errors of 226-227 and 230-240 corrected by hand)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-8]: Albertus Dei gratia comes Palatinus Rheni, utriusque Bavariae dux, etc. (Munich, 13 October 1570) [9-32]: Reverendissimo…Othoni, episcopo cardinali Praenestino, et Augustino, caeterisque per utramque Germaniam…praesulibus…Andreas Fabricius Leodius signed by (italic type, marginals in roman type) [1]-602: Text (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type) [603]: approbation (Louvain, 26 August 1570, s. Thomas Gozeus a Bellomonte) [604]: Errata [605]: Privilege (Antwerp, 23 October 1571, s. I. de Langhe) [606-608]: Blank [609-648]: Table (italic type)
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 1758Ruusbroec Institute LibraryStaats- und Stadtbibliothek AugsburgKBR Royal Library of BelgiumUniversity Library Freiburg
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, pages 121-122 (1572, no. 9) Ruelens-de Backer, page 100 (1570, no. 11) and Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no 3218, mentioning an edition of 1570, confused with this 1572-edition.
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Extensive treatise on the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, following and explaining the Catechismus as compiled at the Council of Trente. First edition.
Note 2 In the dedicatory to Cardinal Otto Truchsess, Fabricius tells how, at the urging of Simon Eckius, councillor to the Duke of Bavaria Albert, and at the exhortation of Duke Albert and other members of the ducal family, he came to compile his treatise.
Note 3 In his letter Duke Albert recommends the work to his subjects and wishes to see it widely distributed in his domains.
Note 4 Plantin was approached by councillors of the Duke of Bavaria to print the work of their colleague. He was at first somewhat hesitant, for fear of being compromised in a potentially dangerous affair, and took his precautions. As early as 3 August 1570 he wrote to de Goneville, 'auditeur' of Cardinal Granvelle: 'Au reste, ayant esté prié d'imprimer le Cathéchisme du St. Concile de Trente, réduict à certaine méthode de Questions, pour plus facilement entendre ledict Cathéchisme, par ung très docte personnage, conseiller du Duc de Bavière, j'en ay faict visiter la copie à la main par nostre maistre Thomas Gozaeus, qui a approuvé les citations des tesmoignages, mises en marge, et les interrogations adjouxtées au texte dudict cathéchisme, toutes lesquelles choses adjouxtées, encore que je serois délibéré de les imprimer d'autres charactères moindres ou différens, pour facilement congnoistre le vray texte dudict Cathéchisme de Trente, si est ce que je n'ay trouvé bon d'attenter telle impression, sans premièrement en avoir l'advis de par delà. Et pourtant ay je faict copier la préface de l'aucteur et quelques pages dudict oeuvre, que j'envoye icy à V.S., afin que, par occasion, il vous plaise la monstrer à son illustration et Rme S. [= Cardinal Granvelle]…afin d'en avoir son jugement, s'il luy plaist, car je ne voudrois pour rien attenter de faire chose, principalement sur ce qui est décrété au St. Concile, que je sceusse desplaire à Sa Saincteté ou à ceux qui, après luy, tiennent les premiers rangs.' (Corr., II, no. 239). The answer of Cardinal Granvelle, if there was any, has not been preserved, but Plantin must have been certain, quite early, that the higher Church authorities would agree with the text: Fabricius's work figures with some others in the 'remonstrance' to obtain a printer's privilege addressed to the Privy Council at Brussels in October 1570 (Corr., II, no. 246; the privilege was actually only granted on 23 October 1571).
Note 5 The Catechismus must in fact already have been finished in the later half of 1571. In November (between 8 and 22) Plantin mails a copy to Fabricius, excusing himself in the accompanying letter for the long delay in finishing the publication: first the authorities had imposed upon Plantin other charges (the archtypographer was at that time printing liturgical editions for Philip II), then the men working on the publication were decimated by the plague, the proof-readers had not been able to cope with the sheets, etc. Plantin continues to tell that having finished the printing he took care to collate the printed sheets with the autographed manuscript and added a sheet of Errata at the end (Corr., II, page 291). That same month Plantin included also a copy with a shipment of books to the bishop of Cuenca (Spain) (Corr., II, no. 296).
Note 6 The man most responsible for having induced Plantin to print Fabricius's Catechismus was very likely Erasmus Vendius, councillor to Duke Albert. Anyway, at the demand of Vendius, Plantin shipped him, in February 1572, 500 copies of the Catechismus (sale's price: 8 stuivers per copy) (Corr., II, no. 312). Vendius, however, was slow to pay: in a letter of 22 August 1572 Plantin asks him very politely the 235 florins Carolus guilders still due for the 500 copies (Corr., III, no. 414). It may be assumed that this sum was finally paid as nothing more is heard about it in Plantin's later correspondence with the Bavarian councillors.
Note 7 Listed in M 296, folio 3r (Catechismus Romanus p[er] And. fabricium, 8⁰, f[euilles] 42½, [price:] stuivers 8). Not in M 164.
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