
Instruction et exercices à vraye piété. Douai, Jacques Boschart, [printed by Plantin], 1569

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(1,024 words)

Record ID cp012801
Voet reference number 1455
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1132929
Title page transcription [Within woodcut-compartment:]INSTRVCTION □ ET ‖ EXERCICES ‖ A VRAYE PIETE, ‖ Contenans le sommaire ‖ de la religiō Chrestiēne, ‖ Ensemble vn formulaire de ‖ prieres, declarant ce que toute ‖ personne fidele doibt demander ‖ à Dieu, & par quel moyen. ‖ - ‖ A DOVAY. ‖ Chez Iaques Boschart ‖ M.D.LXIX. ‡ Auec permission.
Collation 16mo [89]: a-c⁸, A-Z⁸, Aa-Bb⁸; pages [1-48], 1-372 (= for 392), [393-400] (Errors: 101-102 for 100-101, 22 for 122, 160-161 for 158-159, 220 for 200, 204 for 214, 341 for 241, 352 for 252, 276 for 282, 282 for 283, 188 for 288, 372 for 392). Pages [1-31] printed in black and red
Fingerprint 156916 - # a1 2 mm : # a2 c5 e$d - # b1 A en : # b2 2B4 cu$le$
Number of sheets 14
Pages [1]: Title [2]: approbation (Douai, 3 July 1566, signed by Arn. Le Massy; s. Gislenus de vroede); Privilege (to J. Boschart: Brussels, Privy Council, 31 July 1567, s. Praets, and Brussels, Council of Brabant, 9 May 1568, s. I. de Witte) [3]: Table (italic type) [4-30]: Calendar (parts in italic type) [31-37]: A monseigneur…Guilbert d'Ognies, evesque de Tornay (Douai, 5 March 1568, s. Iacques Boschaert; lines in italic type) [38-42]: Au lecteur catholique salut (Lyons, 15 October 1565, s. Emond Auger; italic type, lines and marginals in roman type) [43-44]: Exhortation et inionction de R.P. en Dieu M. Charles d'Angenes evesque du Mans à son clergé (Le Mans, 10 September 1565; italic type, lines in roman type) [44]: Au lecteur (italic type) [45-46]: Les livres du Vieil Testament…(on three columns; italic type, lines in roman type) [47-48]: Autoritez prises de l'Escriture Sainte…(italic type, marginals in roman type) [48]: Advertissement au lecteur 1-372 (= for 392): Text (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type) [393-399]: Tables (parts on two columns) [400]: A ANVERS, ‖ DE L'IMPRIMERIE DE CHRI- ‖ STOPHLE PLANTIN, L'AN ‖ M.D.LXIX. LE XVI. ‖ DE MAY
Edition information
Illustrations 12 woodcuts, 20 × 30, illustrating the months, on pages [7-29]
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- 8-418
Bibliographical references Not in Ruelens-de BackerCockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 6045 French Vernacular Books, 30448
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12915013
Note 1 Contains: a) Calendar (pages [4-30]), b) 'Catechisme et sommaire de la religion chrestienne' (pages 1-139), and 'Formulaire de prieres et oraisons chrestiennes, avec la maniere de se disposer au S. Sacrement de l'autel, et de penitence (pages 140-215), both by Emond Auger, and preceded by 'Au lecteur catholique salut', signed Emond Auger (Lyons, 15 October 1565) (pages [38-42]) and an 'Exhortation et inionction' by the bishop of Le Mans to his clergy, 10 September 1565 (pages [43-44]), c) 'Instruction pour soy confesser et prier Dieu pour ses peschez, extraicte de la Saincte Escriture' by Martial Masurier, 'docteur regent en Theologie en l'Université de Paris' (pages 216-253), d) 'Prieres et oraisons…mises en françois' by Iean Fere de Mayence (pages 254-392).
Note 2 Reprint of some Counter-Reformatory treatises by Emond Auger (died Como, 31 January 1591; one of the first French Jesuits, a renowned preacher and a prominent figure of the French Counter-Reformation, cf. De Backer-Sommervogel, 1, Columns 632-642), Martial Masurier, and Jean Fere. In the table it is stated that the 'Catechisme…par M. Emond Augier' was 'augmenté outre les autres impressions'. Something similar is said of 'Les prieres et oraisons Chrestiennes fort notables de R.P.M. Iean Fere de Mayence mises en meilleur ordre, & plusgrand qu'elles n'ont estées par cy devant'. It may, however, be surmised that, in fact, they were simple reprints without much changes, if any at all (the treatises of Auger are very likely copied from the Lyons edition of 1568).
Note 3 The colophon shows that this work, published by Jacques Boschart at Douai, and clearly at his initiative, was in fact printed by Plantin and that the printing was finished on 16 May 1569.
Note 4 In the Journal of 1569, on 14 July (Arch. 47, folio 110v), is noted to the debit of 'Jaques Boschardt, estant présent à Anvers': 'Le cathechisme imprimé en son nom' contains 14 sheets 'avec la première fueille'; 1,250 copies were printed, making 35 reams of paper, which, at 2 florins Carolus guilders 16 stuivers per ream (= price of the paper [1 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers per ream? See immediately below] and wages for composing and printing), came to 98 florins Carolus guilders (= in fact 103 florins Carolus guilders, but perhaps a 'rabat' was already taken into account); two additional expenses are also entered: 1 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers 'Item pour les fueilles Imperfec[ions] une r[ame?]' and 2 florins Carolus guilders 16 stuivers 'pour l'impression de la première fueille laquelle est rouge et noir', bringing the total costs to 102 florins Carolus guilders 6 stuivers The note continues 'Nota qu'il a payé lesdits 102 florins Carolus guilders 6 stuivers et n'a que 600 exemplaires de sondit catechisme à cause que il n'a rien payé des termes qu'il debvoit par devant (?) et estoyent escheuts. Nous tiendrons lesdits et si en dedans 3 sepmaines il ne envoye argent nous les vendront et comme de tout il a faict obligation de tout'. This means that Boschart met his obligation regarding the Instruction et exercices…, but, as he had not yet paid previous debts, he only received about half of the edition. The remaining half Plantin intended to sell for his own benefit if he did not receive the remaining sum within three weeks; to which Boschart agreed in a written statement. It is not clear if Plantin finally kept part of the edition.
Note 5 Listed in M 296, folio 10r (Instruction xre [chrestienne] de Auger in 16º fra[ncois] imprimé pour Jaq. Boschard à Douay, aº -, f[euilles] -, [price:] stuivers 3½).
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