
Absolutissimae institutiones in Graecam linguam, 1581

in The Plantin Press Online

(254 words)

Record ID cp012764
Voet reference number1000
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1120691
Title page transcriptionABSOLVTISSIMÆ ‖ INSTITVTIONES ‖ IN GRÆCAM ‖ LINGVAM: ‖ Auctore ‖ NICOLAO CLENARDO. ‖ Cum succinctis Annotationibus, acLatina Græcarum vocuminterpretatione. ‖ ⊕ 29 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXXI.
Collation8⁰ [127]: A-L⁸; pages 1-175, [176]
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-4: Nicolaus Clenardus Francisco Hoverio, ludi literarii moderatori apud Mechlinienses, signed by (Louvain, 16 March 1530) 5-130: Text (italic type, parts and marginals in roman type and greek type) 131-171: Annotationes Renati Guillonii in Grammaticam Graecam Clenardi (parts in italic type and greek type) 172-175: De dialectis (italic type and greek type) [176]: 6-lines Greek poem of Renatus Guillonius
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus - A 121Municipal Library TournaiUNamur- R16A0058, R6A.0381
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 228 (1581, no. 26) Chauvin-Roersch, page 192.
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Reprint of the 1576-edition.
Note 2The work started in 1581 but was only finished and put on the market in 1589, as stated inM 321, under 1589: 'Gramm[atic]a Cleonardi in 8⁰, a⁰ 81, commencee et p[ar]achevee maintenant contenant f[euilles] 19, [price:] stuivers 6'. The entry refers to the Institutiones and the Meditationes put together. Reference to this publication is also made under the date of 1589 in M 296, folio 7 verso ([Grammatica grȩca Clenardi] a⁰ 89, [price:] stuivers 6).
Further reading

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