
Poemata, 1569

in The Plantin Press Online

(962 words)

Record ID cp012748
Voet reference number 1232
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1100127
Author Laurentius GAMBARA
Title page transcription LAVRENTII ‖ GAMBARAE ‖ BRIXIANI ‖ POEMATA. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ CIƆ.IƆ.LXIX. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO.
Collation 8º [127]: A-L⁸; pages 1-170, [171-176]
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-170: Text (italic type) [171]: approbation (Brussels, 23 August, signed by Metsius) [172]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 2 September 1569, s. De Langhe; Council of Brabant, 20 September 1569, s. I. de Langhe) [173]: Privilege (Vienna, 21 February 1565, s. Haller) [174-176]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 118KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeGhent University LibraryBritish Library LondonBibliothèque nationale de France
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 94 (1569, no. 21)
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Collection of Latin poems by Gambara (with the exception of a poem by Basilius Zanchius and one by Laurentius Frizolius: 126-128): Ad Alexandrum Farnesium cardinalem…Arcis Caprarolae descriptio (3-37); In fontes hortorum Caprarolae epigramma (38-39); Ad Alexandrum Farnesium cardinalem…carmen (40-42); Ad Alexandrum Farnesium cardinalem…carmina, ex Bione et Moscho sumpta (42-78); In obitum Ranutii Farnesii cardinalis, ad Ioan. Franciscum Gambaram cardinalem…carmen (79-84); Ad Prosperum Sancta Crucium Rom. ex Galliis redeuntem: qui postea fuit a Pio Quarto pont. max. in numerum cardinalium cooptatus (84-88); Ad Caesarem Gambaram Io. Francisci f. (88-93); Ad Ranutium Gambaram Brunori f. (93-104); Ad Franciscum Lotinum Volateranum via lactea, lilium (104-106); Ad Tiberium Capiferreum Romanum, rosa (107-110); Ad Aurelium Portulacam, nerite (111-118); In Brunorum Ranutii Gambarae f. (118); In tumulum Ludovici Ariosti (118); In Clymenen (118-119); In effigiem Homeri (119); In fontem Hippolyti Atestini cardinalis in Colle Quirinali (119-120); In fontem Alexandri Rufini episcopi Melphien. in Agro Tusculano (120-121); Ad Fulvium Ursinum Rom. carmen (121-126); In tabellam apud Fulvium Ursinum, in qua Michaelis Bonarotii manu Iudicium nigro lapillo depictum est (126); Ad Alexandrum Farnesium Basilii Zanchii carmen (126-127); Laurentii Frizolii Ariminensis Ode, ad Gallesium Regardum (127-128); Nautica (129-169); Ad Ioannem Franciscum Gambaram, Brunori f. qui postea cooptatus fuit in numerum cardinalium a Pio IIII. pont. max. (169-170).
Note 2 Plantin received the text of Nautica as early as the end of 1567, through the intermediary of Fulvius Ursinus, but it does not seem that he had the intention to print it (letter to F. Ursinus [Corr., I, no. 101]: 'Je suis aussi joyeux…de ce qu'il vous a pleu me faire aussi ce bien de faire traduire les fragments de Moscho et Bione, et principalement par le Signeur Lorenzo Gambara, duquel j'ai receu les Nautica que m'avés envoyés, qui plaisent merveilleusement aux doctes de par deça, à qui je les ay communiqués…'). However, as for so many works of Italian humanists printed by Plantin in those years, Cardinal Granvelle, from Rome, induced the typographer to publish the poems of the protégé of his friend and colleague, Cardinal Alexander Farnese, and it was through Granvelle that Plantin received texts and instructions. The cardinal mailed the copy in June 1569, insisting to have it printed quickly. From his letter of 21 July 1569 it can be deduced that some poems had in fact already been printed: the cardinal duly advised Plantin to delete these poems and to print only those not yet published before (Suppl. Corr., no. 89: 'Je vous escripviz samedi dernier et vous envoya quelques oeuvres du poete Gambara, vous priant de, au plustost quil vous seroit possible, les vouloir imprimer. J'ay despuis pensé que, y comprenant ce qu'est imprimé l'oeuvre seroit trop grande, et fauldroit trop de temps, et pourtant me samble que le mieulx sera que vous couppez dehors tout ce qu'est imprimé, et que vous faictes imprimer le reste selon l'ordre quil est escript, que ce soit en beaulx caracteres et en bon papier, et quil se depesche le plustot que faire se pourra. Ce que vous en tirerez dehors qu'est imprimé, vous le me pourrez renvoyer pour le rendre audict Gambara'). Plantin, as always when Granvelle insisted, reacted swiftly (letter to the cardinal, 27 August 1569 [Corr., II, no. 180]: 'Et, avant toutes choses, les vers du Sr. Gambara que j'ay, incontinent les avoir receus et entendu la volonté de V. Illme et Rme S., portés à Bruxelles et délivrés à Monsigr. le Doyen de Ste Gudule Metsius, pour les lire et soussigner, afin d'obtenir le consent de les imprimer, ce que j'espère avoir en bien peu de jours et d'en envoyer quelques feilles par le prochain courrier qui partira d'icy'. Plantin continues with some remarks about the size of the paper to be used). Plantin obtained the privilege somewhat later than anticipated, but in any case he could start printing in September 1569: he mailed the first two sheets to Granvelle on the 17th of that month. The typographer had chosen the in 8º format, but he was not quite sure that this format and the type used were to the taste of the Cardinal: he generously proposed to reprint the edition when Granvelle should disagree with the result (cf. the letters from Plantin to Granvelle, 17 September 1569 [Corr., II, no. 183], 24 September 1569 [Ibidem, no. 185], 1 October 1569 [Ibidem, no. 186], 6 October 1569 [Ibidem, no. 187]. 7 November 1569 [Ibidem, no. 190], 16 December 1569 [Ibidem, no. 191]). Granvelle's opinion about the aesthetic qualities of the publication is not known, but he does not seem to have asked for a reprint.
Note 3 Listed in M 296, folio 10v (Laurentii Gambarae poemata, 8º, 1569, f[euilles] 11, [price:] stuivers 2½).
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