
De poetica libri tres, 1579

in The Plantin Press Online

(374 words)

Record ID cp012722
Voet reference number2445
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3219422
Author Joannes Antonius VIPERANUS (VIPERANO)
Title page transcriptionIO. ANTONII ‖ VIPERANI ‖ DE ‖ POETICA ‖ LIBRI ‖ TRES. ‖ ⊕ 21 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D. LXXIX.
Collation8⁰ [132]: A-K⁸; pages 1-155, [156-160]
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, 20 March 1576, signed by Iac. Blyleven) 3-8: Antonio Perenoto S.R.E. cardinali Granvellano, Io. Antonius Viperanus 9-155: Text (italic type, parts in roman type) [156]: Hendecasyllabum Damasi Heymanni ad lectores (italic type) [157]: approbation (s. Walterus vander Steeghen, Antwerp) [158-160]: Blank
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- A 408CambridgeGhent University LibraryBiblioteca Nacional de PortugalBiblioteca Nacional de España.UL Liège- R3506AKU Leuven- Maurits Sabbe Library, P940.224.1 VIPE
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 202 (1579, no. 15)
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Interesting treatise on the Art of Poetry.
Note 2Plantin must have received the manuscript at the end of 1575: in his letter to the author, 31 March 1576, he apologizes for having not yet been able to start printing, as the censor, a canon of the Antwerp Cathedral, who had to read the manuscript, had died (Corr., V, no. 708). For some additional details, see no. cp011410.
Note 3The Spanish Fury of 4 November 1576 and the continuing troubles in the Netherlands made that the work could only be brought on the market in 1579 (cf. also no. 2448).
Note 4The shipping to Italy of the copies presented to the author also did not go smoothly (cf. Plantin's letter of 12-15 February 1581 to Charles Billohe, who, on behalf of Viperanus, had written him from Madrid on 22 November 1580 an epistle Plantin only received on 12 February 1581: Corr., VI, no. 914; and his letter to Viperanus, 15 September 1581, in which the typographer affirms to have sent a year ago to Rome the copies intended for the author: Ibidem, no. 946).
Note 5Listed in M 296, folio 19v ([Viperanus Jo.] Idem de re Poetica lib., 1569 [= for 1579], 8⁰, f[euilles] 10, [price:] stuivers 3), and M 321 (sub 1581!).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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