Record ID | cp012644 |
Voet reference number | 1612 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | |
Author | Joannes Fredericus LUMNIUS (VAN LUMMEN) |
Title page transcription | THESAVRVS ‖ CHRISTIANI ‖ HOMINIS, ‖ Complectens Libros sex: De Contemptu diuitiarum, Lib. I. ‖ De Flagello Dei, siue de Medicina animæ, Lib. I. ‖ De Prosperitate & aduersitate huius sæculi, Lib. I. ‖ De Felicitate cælestis Patriæ, Lib. I. ‖ De Christo, eiusq̓ue Corpore, quod est Ecclesia, Lib. II. ‖ Omnia ferè ex scriptis D. Aurelij Augustini, Hipponensis ‖ Episcopi, collecta & concatenata, ‖ Per ‖ IOANNEM FREDERICVM LVMNIVM, ‖ Pastorem in Beghinagio Antuerpiensi. ‖ ⊕ 36 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXXVIII. |
Collation | 8º [129]: *⁸, A-Z⁸, a-k⁸; pages [1-16], 1-501, [502-528] (Errors: 4 for 48, 405 not numbered, pages [502-528] not numbered, with the exception of 504-505) |
Fingerprint | 158808 - # a1 *2 ne : # a2 *5 di - # b1 A s : # b2 k4 um$^158808 - # a1 *2 ne : # a2 *5 di - # 1b1 A s : # 1b2 Z5 olu - # 2b1 s$ : # 2b2 k4 am$ |
Number of sheets | 34 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, 30 June 1587, signed by I. de Witte) [3-14]: Ad…dominum, D. Ernestum, electum et confirmatum archiepis. Coloniens.…Ioannis Frederici Lumnii praefatio dedicatoria…(Antwerp, 3 January 1587; marginal) [15-16]: Table (on two columns; italic type) 1-501: Text (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type; table in It on two columns at the beginning of each book) [502]: Approbationes (Antwerp, 2 April 1587, s. Waltherus vander Steeghen; Antwerp, 3 April 1587, s. Michaël Hetsroey à Breughel) [503-525]: Index (on two columns) [526]: Typographus ad lectorem (italic type) [527]: Errata (on two columns) [528]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 622Ruusbroec Institute LibraryMajor Seminary Ten Duinen BrugesCambridgeBritish Library LondonBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaSéminaire Episcopal, TournaiVatican Apolstolic Library |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, page 308 (1588, no. 12) Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 4000Verhelst, K. Catalogus 16de-eeuwse drukken Limburgse bibliotheken 265 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12912328 |
Note 1 | Religious treatise in six 'books' (each preceded by a 'elenchus' or table) compiled from the writings of St. Augustinus: I. De contemptu divitiarum (pages 1-90); II. De flagello Dei sive de medicina animae (pages 91-184); III. De prosperitate et adversitate huius saeculi (pages 185-270); IV. De felicitate caelestis patriae (pages 271-344); V. De Christo, eiusque corpore, quod est ecclesia: liber primus (pages 345-404); VI. Idem: liber secundus (pages 405-501). |
Note 2 | In the dedicatory the author explains how some six years ago, when having fled from the troubles in Brabant to Liège, he had published there a first edition of his Thesaurus dedicated to the archbishop of Cologne (no copy is known of this publication). Now, the peace being restored, he has much enlarged his treatise and has seen it immediately printed by Plantin. Perhaps, as should be deduced from the text, at the urging of some influential religious authorities (Livinus Torrentius, the new bishop of Antwerp and former vicar-general of Liège?) (…et expectatio quorundam piorum, qui, donec totum hunc Thesaurum simul haberent, etiam partem illius, quae impressa Leodii fuit, sibi comparare distulerunt…). |
Note 3 | Listed in M 296, folio 18v (Thesaurus xri [christiani] Hom[inis] ex D. Aug[usti]no f. Lumnii, 8º, f[euilles] 34, [price:] stuivers 12), and M 321. |
Further reading |