
Aesopi Phrygis et aliorum fabulae, 1560

in The Plantin Press Online

(851 words)

Record ID cp012638
Voet reference number 11
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:900134
Title page transcription ÆSOPI PHRY- ‖ GIS, ET ALIO- ‖ RVM FABV-‖ LÆ. ‖ Quorum nomina, sequenti ‖ pagella videre ‖ licet. ‖ ANTVERPLÆ, ‖ EX OFFICINA CHRISTO- ‖ PHORI PLANTINI. ANNO, ‖ - ‖ M.D.LX.
Collation 8°: ¶-¶¶⁸ A-P⁸; folios [1 recto-16 verso], l recto-114 verso, [115 recto-120 verso]
Fingerprint 156008 - # a1 q2 m$f : # a2 2q4 m,$ - # b1 A u : # b2 P4 ia, 156008 - # a1 q2 m$f : # a2 2q4 m,$ - # b1 A u : # b2 P4 ia,
Number of sheets 17 17
Pages [1 recto]: Title [1 verso]: Fabularum quæ hoc in libro continentur interpretes, atque autores [2 recto-14 verso]: Aesopi fabulatoris vita, e Graeca Maximi Planudis Latina facta (marginals in roman type) 1 recto-107 recto: Text (italic type; part in roman type) 107 verso-114 recto: Sales, sive facetiae multum iucundae, selectae ex libello Poggii Florentini, oratoris eloquentiss. (italic type, part in roman type) [114 verso-115 recto]: Martinus Dorpius loanni Leupae, lacobo Papae, et Ioanni Ninivitae, eruditiss. in Flandria ludimagistris. signed by (Louvain, 22 November) [115 verso]: Petri Aegidii Antverpiani hendecasyllabon (italic type) [116 recto-120 recto]: Index [120 verso]: ⊗ 6 ‖ ANTVERPLÆ, ‖ EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHORVS ‖ PLANTINVS: ‖ - ‖ M.D.LX
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 678 (Printer’s mark of Plantin impressed on the front side of the leather bookcover; folio N6 verso - N7 recto not fully cut)KBR Royal Library of Belgium KB National Library of the Netherlands Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma Austrian National Library
Digital copies
Bibliographical references Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 40 Ruelens-de Backer, pages 21-22 (1560, no. 1) Bib. Belgica (1964-1970 éd.), I, page 55 J. Landwehr, Fable-Books printed in the Low Countries, 1963, no. 48
Online bibliographical references STCV 12918551 USTC 404337 STCV c:stcv:12918551
Note 1 Collection of fables, most of them by Aesopus (translated into Latin and/or arranged by Laurentius Valla, Guilielmus Hermannus Goudanus, Adrianus Barlandus, Rimicius, Erasmus, e.a.), some by Avianus (arranged by Guilielmus Hermanus Goudanus) and Laurentius Abstemius:1) Fabula quid, et quotuplex: ex Aphthonii Sophistae exercitamentis; Fabula, qua formicarum et cicadarum exemplo hortantur iuvenes ad laborem: Ex Philostrati imaginibus, fabulae; Ex Hermogenis exercitamentis, Prisciano interprete (1 recto-2 recto)2) 33 fables translated by Laurentius Valla, and preceded by a dedicatory by Valla to Arnoldus Fovellada, Gaeta, 1 May 1438 (2 recto-9 recto)3) 78 fables 'e Graeco in Latinum versae, incerto interprete' (9 recto-20 verso)4) 45 fables, preceded by a dedicatory of Guilielmus [Hermannus Goudanus] to Florentius, baron of Iselstein (20 verso-30 recto)5) 36 fables 'Adriano Barlando interprete' (fables 24-36 grouped under the title 'Fabulae M. Petro Scoto, viro ornatissimo, eidemque humanissimo, scriptae a Barlando') (30 recto-36 recto)6) 4 fables of Anianus [= for Avianus] 'Adriano Barlando interprete' (36 recto-37 recto)7) 38 fables of Anianus [= for Avianus] 'Gulielmo Hermanno divi Augustini ordinis canonico interprete' (37 recto-42 verso)8) 'Aesopi ... apologi, e Graeco Latini per Rimicium facti': 100 fables, preceded by an 'argumentum' (42 verso-61 recto)9) 'Apologi ex Chiliadibus Adagiorum Erasmi desumpti ad communem puerorum fructum': 9 fables (61 recto-63 recto)10) 'Fabula ex Lamia Politiani desumpta; Apologus ex secundo libro Petri Criniti de honesta disciplina desumptus; Fabella de corvo et lupis ex Ioan. Antonio Campano desumpta' (2 fables); 'Apologus de membris et ventre, ex Plinio; Ex secundo Noctium Atticarum Gellii, apologus Aesopi Pgrygis [sic] memoratu non inutilis; De Arione et delphino, ex lib. XVI. Gellii; Nicolai Gerbelei Phorcensis apologus lepidissimus: De aranea et podagra' (63 recto-67 recto)11) 'Laurentii Abstemii fabulae elegantissimae': 100 fables, preceded by a dedication by L. Abstemius to Octavianus Ubaldinus, comes Mercatellus, and a 'proemium' (67 verso-86 verso)12) 'Hecatomythium eiusdem II': another 100 fables by Laurentius Abstemius, preceded by a dedication to Angelus Grypho, dated Fano, 30 April 1505 (86 verso-107 recto). Each fable has, besides a caption (in roman type) and the text (in italic type), a brief explanation about the meaning of the fable (in roman type). The fables are numbered within each section (with the exception of the Erasmus-section). A collection of 24 short tales by Poggio Bracciolini was also added to the fables (107 verso-114 recto).
Note 2 The first part of the book (till folio 107 recto) is a reprint of the edition of Jean Loys (or Louys) Tiletanus, Paris, 1544 (cf. Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), I, pages 51-52 and 55). The 'Sales, sive facetiae' by Poggio Bracciolini are copied from one of the editions published by Michiel Hillen van Hoochstraten, Antwerp, 1529, 1530 or 1534 (Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), I, page 55). The letter by Martinus Dorpius (114 verso-115 recto) and the poem by Petrus Aegidius (115 verso) were first printed in the Aesopus-edition of Dirk Martens, Antwerp, October 1513 (Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), I, page 36).
Note 3 Listed in M 296, folio 6 verso (Fabulae Aesopi in 8°, 1560, f[euilles] 17, [price:] stuivers 1¾), and M 164, folio 13 verso.
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