Record ID | cp012632 |
Voet reference number | 1864 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:3243580 |
Title page transcription | [Two lines Hebrew] ‖ Hoc est, ‖ EPITOME ‖ THESAVRI ‖ LINGVÆ SANCTÆ, ‖ AVCTORE SANTE ‖ PAGNINO LVCENSI. ‖ Tertia editio. ‖ ⊕ 29 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXVIII. |
Collation | 8⁰ (157 × 107): †⁸, A-Z⁸, a-e⁸, f⁴; pages [1-16], 1-447, [448-456] (Errors: 3 for 39, 08 for 80, 364 and 415 not numbered). According to Hebrew tradition printed from back to front |
Fingerprint | |
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Pages | [1]: Title [2-4]: Christophorus Plantinus lectori (italic type) [5-16]: List of Hebrew words (on three columns; part in roman type) [1]-447: Text (on two columns; roman type and Hebrew, parts in italic type) [448-454]: Appendix omnium vocum Chaldaicarum, quae passim in Bibliis inveniuntur…(on three columns; roman type, italic type, and Hebrew) [454]: Note on the appendix (italic type) [455]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 29 November, and Council of Brabant, December 1569, signed by De Langhe; Vienna, 21 February 1565, s. Haller) [456]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 434University Library Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeBiblioteca Nacional de PortugalBritish Library LondonBibliothèque nationale de FranceMazarine, ParisBibliothèque de l’ArsenalUniversity Library ParisBibliothèque Départementale des Pyrénées Atlantiques - Pau (France, dép. Basses-Pyrénées)UNamur- R6A.0506 |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, page 185 (1578, no. 10) |
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Note 1 | Somewhat enlarged reprint of the 1570-publication. The Appendix is now titled 'Appendix omnium vocum chaldaicarum, quae passim in Bibliis inveniuntur: insertis quibusdam dictionibus, quae non sunt mere Hebraicae', but ends on the same note as in the 1570-edition. |
Note 2 | Plantin's foreword to the reader repeats the same technical remarks as the one in the 1570-edition, but the beginning is somewhat different. The publisher recalls that years ago he issued an edition, which, however, was since then completely sold out. A more substantial Epitome had in the meantime been published as an appendix in the Polyglot Bible (in vol. 6, cf. no. 644. An appendix which could be sold separately (and of which, Plantin let it be understood tacitly, copies were still available), but the publisher preferred to put on the market a slightly enlarged version of the 1570-edition in the same handy format: 'Postquam, candide Lector, Santis Pagnini Lexicon, quod superioribus annis in Epitomen contractum ex officina nostra prodicit, non ingratum tibi fuisse comperi: idcirco cum iam diu apud nos desiderarentur exemplaria, illud in gratiam tuam recudere placuit. Nam etiamsi idem, sed multo locupletius atq. emendatius, Bibliis Regiis extet adiunctum, separatimq. vendi queat; tamen operaepretium facturus videbar, si eadem forma qua prior editio evulgata est, utpote commodiori, paulo auctius et emendatius, castigatis iis praesertim locis, quae adhuc medicam manum postulabant, diversoque characterum genere concinnatum, iterum tandem emitterem: ea potissimum ratione permotus, ut Hebraicae linguae studiosi quibus immensa volumina comparandi non suppetit facultas, pretii gravitate minus premantur'. |
Note 3 | Plantin's foreword makes it clear why this 1578-edition is given as the third edition on the title-page, the second edition being the one which appeared as an appendix in volume 6 of the Polyglot Bible. |
Note 4 | In his letter to the Lyons publisher, A. Griphius, 22 November 1575, Plantin states that he is printing the new edition, but affirms that he is willing to postpone it for some months if this may be of some profit to Griphius, who intended to publish a new edition of Pagninus's original Thesaurus linguae sanctae (which appeared in 1577: Baudrier, Bibliographie lyonnaise, 8, pages 372-373) (Corr., V, no. 676: 'Et quant a cela qu'escrivés de l'Epitome je vous advertis si d'aventure ne le scavés…que je l'ay passé quelques annees faicte et faict faire en mon logis et desja imprimee deux fois in folio [= as appendix in volume 6 of the Polyglot Bible, which was printed twice, as most parts of volume 6] et une in 8⁰ et de ceste-ci n'en ayant plus passé quelques mois, je l'ay recommencée a imprimer en cedict format avant que je sceusse qu'eussies commencé l'impression de vostredict Thesaurus, vous promectant de ne me servir d'iceluy pour l'achever: et mesmes si cela peut vous servir de quelque chose je suis content…de differer l'achevement de cestedicte impression pour encores quelques mois…'). Plantin's edition came out some three years later. It is not quite clear if this was due to further pressure by Griphius, or owing to the troubled situation in the Netherlands from 1575-1577. |
Note 5 | The edition was already on the market in September 1578, as in his letter of 3 October Michel Sonnius, the Parisian bookseller, requested the shipment of 25 'Dicti Pagnini 8⁰' (Corr., VI, no. 811). |
Note 6 | Listed in M 296, folio 18v ([Thesauri hȩbraici S. Pagnini Epitome] Idem in 8⁰, a⁰ 1578, [price:] stuivers 14). |
Further reading |