
Opera, [edited by Theodorus Pulmannus]. [Leiden], 1586

in The Plantin Press Online

(537 words)

Record ID cp012628
Voet reference number 2455
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcription PVB. ‖ VIRGILII ‖ MARONIS ‖ OPERA; ‖ THEOD. PVLMANNI ‖ CRANEBVRGII STVDIO ‖ CORRECTA. ‖ ⊕ 42 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Apud Christophorum Plantinum, ‖ CIƆ.IƆ. LXXXVI.
Collation 24mo [87]: A-X⁸; pages 1-335, [336] (Errors: 46 ? for 45, 202 for 192; numeration difficult to check)
Fingerprint 158624 - # b1 A2 $mole$ : # b2 X5 $nud
Number of sheets 7
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-4: Illustri et reverendo viro Laevino Torrentio…(s. Christoph. Plantinus, Antwerp, 1 January 1586; italic type) 5-335: Text (parts in italic type) [336]: Blank
Edition information
Copies British Library London- 1070 a 35
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, pages 293-294 (1586, no. 22)
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12927083USTC 429151
Note 1 Edited by Theodorus Pulmannus: reprint of the 1580-edition (without marginals) or the 1564-edition: Bucolica (pages 5-26), Georgica (pages 26-77), Aeneis (pages 78-309), Opuscula (pages 310-335).
Note 2 Plantin's dedicatory to Livinus Torrentius, 1 January 1586, is reproduced in Corr., VII, no. 1062. In it the typographer stresses the fact that this is a pocket-edition ('…quem [Virgilium] ecce nunc dedicamus tibi consecramusque, et id minuta hac forma, purum castigatumque, qua licuit, ab omnibus mendis, opera et industria viri accuratissimi Theodori Pulmanni: qui varia, ut nosti, exemplaria contulit, et ex eorum fide loca mendosa sedulo purgavit'). The 1586-Virgilius indeed inaugurates Plantin's series of pocket-editions in 24mo of classical authors.
Note 3 The imprint (Apud Christophorum Plantinum) and the printer's mark on the title-page show that this edition was in fact printed in the Officina Plantiniana Francisci Raphelengii in Leiden. It is possible that copies have circulated with Plantin's Leiden imprint, but in this case not very likely (Livinus Torrentius, archdean of Liège, would not have appreciated to see his name on copies issued in the Calvinist citadel of Leiden).
Note 4 The work is mentioned in some of Plantin's letters: Corr., VII, no. 1075 (to L. Torrentius, 20 February 1586: 'Par mesme moyen j'envoye une premiere espreuve d'ung petit Virgile avec une petite Epistre a V.S. que je supplie permectre d'estre imprimee audict livre en ceste maniere ou autre telle qu'il luy plaira me faire advertir…'), no. 1109 (to de Tisnacq, 8 June 1586: 'J'ay entreprins aus despends d'autruy d'imprimer tous les poetes anciens en petite lectre et format tel que ledict Officium B. Mariae et desja commencé par le Virgile'); Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1133 (to N. Oudartius, 4-13 September 1586: presentation of a copy), no. 1137 (to de Tisnacq, 13 September 1586: 'Le Virgile est achevé in 24to'), no. 1197 (to de Çayas, 15 January 1587: 'J'ay depuis le petit Virgile, achevé Horace et Juvenal…'), no. 1307 (to Arias Montanus, 16 September 1587: sends a 'Virgiliolus'), no. 1328 (to Arias Montanus, 27 November 1587: hopes that by now Arias has received the 'Virgiliolus'), no. 1349 (J. Moretus to Arias Montanus, 18 February 1588: two bound copies have been shipped).
Note 5 Listed in M 296, folio 19v ([Virgilius] anno 1586, 24⁰, f[euilles] 7, [price:] stuivers 4), and M 321.
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