Record ID | cp012621 |
Voet reference number | 581 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:3131684 |
Author | ARIAS MONTANUS (MONTANO) Benedictus |
Title page transcription | DICTATVM ‖ CHRISTIANVM, ‖ SIVE ‖ COMMVNES ET APTÆ DISCIPV- ‖ LORVM CHRISTI OMNIVM ‖ PARTES. ‖ Ex magistri præceptis & institutis ad pu- ‖ silli gregis instructionem a' condiscipulo ‖ BENEDICTO ARIA MONTANO ‖ obseruatis & in breuem summam collatis. ‖ Contendite intrare per angustam portam. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXV. |
Collation | 12mo [100]: A-S⁸; pages 1-284, [285-288] |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, 15 November 1574, signed by I. de Perre) [3]-12: Bened. Ariae Montani ad christianum lectorem praefatio (italic type, marginals in roman type) 13-284: Text (marginals) [285-6]: Approbationes (Antwerp, 18 October 1574, s. B. Arias Montanus; Louvain, 1 November 1574, s. Augustinus Hunaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, I. Molanus; Antwerp, s. Sebastianus Baer Delphius, Franc. Sonnius) [287]: ANTVERPIÆ EXCVDE- ‖ BAT CHRISTOPHORVS ‖ PLANTINVS ARCHI- ‖ TYPOGRAPHVS RE- ‖ GIVS, ANNO DOMINI ‖ M.D.LXXV [288]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 893Allard PiersonCambridgeRoyal Library of San Lorenzo de El EscorialKB National Library of the NetherlandsUniversity Library Kaliningrad - KönigsbergBayerische StaatsbibliothekMunicipal Library LyonsBiblioteca Nacional de España - with autographed dedication by Arias Montanus to Philip IIBodleian LibrariesBibliothèque nationale de FranceBiblioteca Nazionale Centrale di RomaUniversity Library Santiago de CompostelaVatican Apolstolic LibraryAustrian National LibraryHerzog August BibliothekUNamur- R4Z.0091 |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, page 157 (1575, no. 9) Morales, no. 34 Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3490 Palau y Dulcet, I, page 474, no. 16479 |
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Note 1 | Devotional work, in which particularly the charitas is stressed. |
Note 2 | Plantin was already printing the edition in November 1574 (letter of 6 November to de Seroskerke [Correspondance de C. Plantin, IV, no. 583]: 'Habemus autem sub praelo…atque alium libellum quem conscripsit de Officio discipulorum Christi.…'). A copy was sent to B. Girgos at Rome on 12 November 1575 (Correspondance de C. Plantin, V, no. 672). |
Note 3 | In a letter of 1 November 1596 Arias Montanus asked Jan Moretus if the printer still had enough copies of the Dictatum Christianum to ship 40 copies or more. If there were less copies available it would be worthwile to reprint the work: the reading of the book was recommended in an Andalusian school, and this example could be followed in other schools as well; it was also used for the examination of the candidates to clerical functions (cf. Rekers, Benito Arias Montano, page 211). The Officinia Plantiniana didn't, however, reprint Arias's treatise. |
Note 4 | A French translation was also issued (see no. cp011272). |
Note 5 | Listed in M 296, folio 4 verso and folio 11 verso (Dictatum Christianum 12⁰, 1575, f[euilles] 12, [price:] stuivers 3), and M 164, folio 9 recto. |
Further reading |