I. 1.
Record ID | cp012590 |
Voet reference number | 1238 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:1171335 |
Author | Esteban de GARIBAY Y ZAMALLOA |
Title page transcription | [Within woodcut-compartment:] † LOS XL. LIBROS □ D'EL ‖ COMPENDIO ‖ HISTORIAL ‖ De las chronicas y vniuersal ‖ Historia de todos los reynos ‖ de Espan̄a. ‖ Compuestos por Esteuan de Garibây ‖ y Camalloa, de nacion Cantabro, ‖ vezino dela villa de Mōdragō, ‖ dela prouincia de Guipuzcoa. ‖ CON LICENCIA Y PRI- ‖ uilegios dela Catholica Magestad, pa- ‖ ra diuersos reynos y sen̄orios de ‖ Espan̄a, y fuera. ‖ Y dela Cæsarea Magestad para el ‖ Imperio Romano. ‖ Lo contenido en esta obra, se verá en ‖ la plana seguiente. ‡ Impresso en Anueres por Christophoro ‖ Plantino, Prototypographo de la ‖ Catholica Magestad. ‖ A costa d'el Autor. ‖ M.D.LXXI. ‖ [underneath woodcut:] Con indulto y priuilegio Apostolico de su Sanctidad, ‖ concedido despues dela impression. |
Collation | Folio [261]: †⁶, ‡⁸, A-Z⁶, Aa-Zz⁶, Aaa⁴, [*ⁱ], *⁶; pages [1-28], 1-563 (= for 559), [560-574] (Errors: 48 for 46, 89 for 98, 103 for 104, 189 for 188, 356 for 357, 366 for 369, 384 for 374, 373 for 383, 410 for 412, 419 for 417, 439-438 for 438-439, 400 for 480, 540 for 493, 499-[500]-500-[501]-503, 493 for 504, 563 for 559) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: approbation (10 March 1567, signed by Paez de Castro); Summary of the content [3-10]: Prologo al…Don Philippe…rey de Espana…(Mondragon, 1 January 1570) [11-18]: Epistola…al…Senor, Don Christoval de Rojas Sandobal…arçobispo de la Sancta yglesia de Sevilla…Estevan de Garibay y Camalloa (Antwerp, 24 June 1571; italic type) [19-20]: Privilege (Royal Library of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, 4 April 1567, s. Pedro ed Hoyo) [20]: approbation (15 June 1567, s. Diego de Espinoza, Morillas, Durango, Fuen Mayor, Iuan Thomas, Gaspar de Quiroga, Domingo de Cavala, Martin de Vergara) [21-26]: Privilege (Brussels, 16 June 1570, s. I. Vander Aa; Brussels, Council of Brabant, 19 June 1570, s. I. van Halle; Naples, 18 November 1570, s. Don Perasan; Palermo, 20 December 1570, s. El marques de Pescara; Prague, 31 January 1571, s. V. Io. Bap. Weberc, M. Gerstman, R.B. Argento) [27]: Blank [28]: illustration (portrait of the author); Affirmation of catholic faith by the author (italic type, word in roman type) 1-385: Text (lib. I-VIII) (parts in italic type, marginals in italic type and numerals) [386]: Blank 387: illustration and title (parts in italic type) [388]: Blank 389-499: Text (lib. IX) (parts in italic type, marginals in italic type and numerals) [500]: Blank 500 (= for 501): illustration and title [502]: Blank 503-563 (= for 559): Text (lib. X) (parts in italic type, marginals in italic type and numerals) [560]: Blank [561]: illustration and declaration of the author [562]: El autor a los letores; Errata (on three columns) [563-574]: Table (on two columns) |
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I. 2.
Title page transcription | [Woodcut-illustration with the arms of Castile] ‖ COMPENDIO HISTORIAL DE LAS ‖ CHRONICAS Y UNIVERSAL HISTORIA DE TODOS ‖ LOS REYNOS D'ESPAN̅A, DONDE SE ESCRIVEN LAS VIDAS ‖ de los Reyes de Castilla, y Leon. ‖ Prosiguese tambien la sucesion de los Emperadores Occidentales y Orientales. ‖ Compuesto por Esteuan de Garibây y Çamálloa, de nacion Cantabro, vezino ‖ de la villa de Mondragon, de la prouincia de Guipuzcoa. ‖ IMPRESO EN ANVERS, ‖ Por Christophoro Plantino, prototypographo de la Catholica Magestad, a costa d'el ‖ Autor, con los priuilegios al principio notados, 1571. |
Collation | Bbb-Zzz⁶, Aaaa-Zzzz⁶, Aaaaa-Zzzzz⁶ (Error: SssssIII for RrrrrIII), Aaaaaa-Mmmmmm⁶, Nnnnnn⁴, †⁸; pages 559-1530 (= for 1526), [1527-1544] (Errors: 569 for 596, 754 for 756, 858-859 for 758-759, 78 for 878, 844 for 944, 963-964 for 983-984, 985-986 for 995-996, 1027 for 1127, 1296-1309-1310-1311-1312-1301-1302…, 1365 for 1353, 1367 for 1364, 1530 for 1526) |
Fingerprint | |
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Pages | [559]: Title [560]: Blank 561-1530 (= for 1526): Text (lib. XI-XX) (parts in italic type, marginals in italic type and numerals) 1530 (= for 1526): El auctor, a los lectores (italic type) [1527-1528]: Blank [1529-1543]: Table (on two columns) [1543]: Errata (on three columns) [1544]: Blank |
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II. 1.
Title page transcription | [Woodcut-illustration with the arms of Aragon] ‖ COMPENDIO HISTORIAL DE ‖ LAS CHRONICAS Y VNIVERSAL HISTORIA ‖ DE TODOS LOS REYNOS D'ESPAN̅A, DONDE SE ‖ escriuen las vidas de los Reyes de Nauarra. ‖ Escriue se tambien la sucession de todos los Reyes de Francia, y ‖ obispos de la santa Yglesia de Pamplona. ‖ Compuesto por Esteuan de Garibáy y Çamálloa, de nacion Cantabro, ve- ‖ zino de la villa de Mondragon, de la prouincia de Guipuzcoa. ‖ IMPRESO EN ANVERES. ‖ Por Christophoro Plantino, prototypographo de la Catholica Magestad, a costa d'el ‖ auctor, con los priuilegios al principo notados. ‖ 1571 |
Collation | AA-ZZ⁶, AAA-ZZZ⁶, AAAa-HHHh⁶, IIIi⁴, **⁶; pages 1-659 (= for 655), [656-668] (Errors: 228 for 227, 659 for 655) |
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Pages | [1]: Title [2]: A los tres estados, ecclesiastico, militar, y popular d'el universo reyno de Navarra. Estevan de Garibay y Çamalloa (Mondragon, 1 January 1570; italic type) 3-659 (= for 655): Text (lib. XXI-XXX) (parts in italic type; marginals in italic type and numerals) [656]: Blank [657-666]: Table (on two columns) [667]: Errata (words in italic type; on three columns) [668]: Blank |
Edition information | |
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II. 2.
Title page transcription | [Woodcut-illustration with the arms of Aragon] ‖ COMPENDIO HISTORIAL DE LAS ‖ CHRONICAS Y VNIVERSAL HISTORIA DE TODOS ‖ LOS REYNOS D'ESPANA, DONDE SE PONEN EN SVMMA ‖ los condes, señores de Aragon, con los Reyes d'el mesmo reyno: y ‖ condes de Barcelona, y Reyes de Napoles y Sicilia. ‖ En la fin d'estos Principes se escriue vn breue tratado de las insignias y deuisas de los escu- ‖ dos de armas, materia digna de saber todo hombre discreto, especialmente notable. ‖ Compuesto por Esteuan de Garibáy y Çamálloa, de nacion Cantabro, ve- ‖ zino de la villa de Mondragon, de la prouincia de Guipuzcoa. |
Collation | KKKk-ZZZz⁶, AAAAa-ZZZZz⁶, AAAAAa-EEEEEe⁶, FFFFFf⁴, ††⁶, [†††ⁱ]; pages 657-1166, [1167-1178] (Errors: 698 for 696, 151 for 851, 909 for 905, 958 for 956, 969 for 971, 980 for 978, 104 for 1041, 1045-1046 for 1046-1047) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | 657: Title [658]: Blank 659-758: Text (lib. XXXI-XXXIII) (marginals in italic type and numerals) 759: illustration and title 760-762: A…Don Sebastian…rey de Portugal. Estevan de Garibay y Camalloa (Mondragon, 1 January 1570; italic type, words in roman type) 763-939: Text (lib. XXXIV-XXXV) (parts in italic type, marginals in italic type and numerals) [940]: Blank 941: illustration and title 942-1039: Text (lib. XXXVI-XXXVIII) (parts in italic type, marginals with numerals) [1040]: Blank 104 (= for 1041): illustration and title 1042-1166: Text (lib. XXXIX-LX) (parts in italic type, marginals with numerals) [1167]: Acabaron se de imprimir los Qua- ‖ renta libros d'el Compendio Histo- ‖ rial de las Chronicas y vniuersal Hi- ‖ storia de todos los reynos d'Espanna, ‖ en la insigne ciudad de Anueres, por ‖ Christophoro Plantino, prototypo- ‖ grapho de la Catholica Mage- ‖ stad, a costa d'el auctor, en ‖ el mes de Iulio d'el ‖ anno de ‖ M.D. LXXI ‖ LAVS DEO [1168]: Blank [1169-1176]: Table (on two columns; line in italic type) [1177]: Errata (on three columns) [1178]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Variants | A. According to Peeters-Fontainas 'certains exemplaires possèdent, au tome I, vol. 1, 3 ff. en plus; ces ff. sont montés sur onglets; le 1er comprend une table; le 2e, les privilèges concédés par le Saint Siège et par le roi Philippe II, respectivement en 1572 et 1573; le 3e une table d'errata'. Cf. also RDB, page 113. It may be supposed that these addenda have been printed in Spain. B. The copy in Museum Plantin-Moretus has in II, 1, inserted between pages 2 and 3, a sheet with on the recto-side the table of 'La tercera parte' (II, 1) and 'La quarta parte' (II, 2). Very likely this additional sheet too has been printed in Spain. |
Illustrations | Woodcuts: 1) Portico with cut-out central part used as title-page for the work (I, 1, page [1]) 2) Portrait of the author, 215 × 155 (in oval medallion; inscription: RETRATO D EL AVTOR QVE EN EL AÑO 32 DE SV EDAD ACABO ESTA OBRA; coat-of-arms of Garibay with device In labore quies) (I, 1, page 28) 3) Cartouche, 215 × 155, with cut-out part to insert the arms of kingdoms of the Peninsula, used in I, 1, pages 387, 500 (= for 501), [561] I, 2, page [559] II, 1, page [1] II, 2, pages 657 and 759 4) Cartouche, 217 × 155, with cut-out part to insert the arms of the Moorish kingdoms in Spain, used in II, 2, pages 941 and 104 (= for 1041) 5) Arms of Leon, to be inserted in cartouche (no. cp010764); used in I, 1, page 387 6) Arms of Castile, to be inserted in cartouche (no. cp010764), used in I, 1, page 500 (= for 501) and I, 2, page [559] 7) Arms of the Visigothic Kings of Spain, to be inserted in cartouche (no. cp010764), used in I, 1, page [561] 8) Arms of Navarra, to be inserted in cartouche (no. cp010764), used in II, 1, page [1] 9) Arms of Aragon, to be inserted in cartouche (no. cp010764), used in II, 2, page 657 10) Arms of Portugal, to be inserted in cartouche (no. cp010764), used in II, 2, page 759 11) Arms of the Moorish Kings of Cordoba, to be inserted in cartouche (no. cp012177), used in II, 2, page 941 12) Arms of the Moorish Kings of Granada, to be inserted in cartouche (no. cp012177), used in II, 2, page 104 (= for 1041). Cut by Antoon van Leest after designs by Pieter van der Borcht and Pieter Huys (see Notes) |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 1344- pages [1-2] of I, 1 are missingPublic Library, BostonKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeRoyal Library of San Lorenzo de El EscorialMunicipal Library HamburgBiblioteca Nacional de PortugalMunicipal Library LyonsBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaHispanic Society, New YorkBibliothèque nationale de FranceUniversity Library Toronto |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, pages 113-114 (1571, no. 20) Peeters-Fontainas, J. Impressions espagnoles, no. 499 Palau y Dulcet, 6, pages 123-124, no. 100101 |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | Monumental study of the history of the Iberic peninsula in 2 parts and 4 volumes, divided into 40 'books'; largely devoted to the Spanish kingdoms, but with treatises on Portugal (books 34-35: II, 2, pages 759-939), and the Moorish kingdoms of Cordoba (books 36-38: II, 2, pages 941-1039) and Granada (books 39-40: II, 2, pages 104 [= for 1041]-1166). |
Note 2 | According to Peeters-Fontainas all copies bear the handwritten signature of the author on I, 1, page [2]. |
Note 3 | Gossart, following Garibay's own narrative, gives interesting data about the Spanish historian's movements and actions concerning the printing of his work: Garibay started working on his History in 1556; having finished the enterprise, he asked in August 1566 Philip II permission to have his manuscript printed, at his own expenses, by Plantin in Antwerp. He received the royal authorization after a laudative report by Juan Paez de Castro, chronicler of the King. The author left Mondragon with his manuscript on 25 March 1570 and arrived at Antwerp on 4 June 1570. The Flemish compositors having difficulties with Garibay's Spanish handwriting, the historian had his manuscript rewritten by four copyists in a French hand. The author, moreover, helped the two proof-readers in correcting the proofs. The printing started in August 1570. After eleven months, the monumental work was finally finished in July 1571 (confirmed by the colophon in II, 2, page [1067]). Garibay took the precaution to send the printed copies of his work to Spain by way of different ships, to Biscaya and Andalusia. The shipment of the original manuscript was entrusted to the care of a Bilbao skipper, who received a substantial fee for this commission (Garibay, to be able to sell his copies in Spain, had indeed to submit to the Royal Council in Spain the manuscript with a printed copy in order to prove that nothing had been changed to the original text). The precious manuscript arrived safely in Spain, but if the larger part of the copies came also through, a number of them were nevertheless lost at sea, some by the action of an English privateer; a loss put by the author at 2,000 ducats. Garibay himself returned to Spain by way of France, not without being robbed in the neighbourhood of Châtellerault. |
Note 4 | The designs for the illustrations were executed by Pieter van der Borcht and Pieter Huys. The former received 4 florins Carolus guilders for the title-page. The latter was paid 3 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers 'pour la pourtraicture de deux ornements ou compartiments (= the two cartouches) et cinq armoiries de Portugal, Navarre, Castille, Leon, etc. (= corrected into '6 armoiries'), an unspecified sum 'pour la pourtraicture du compartiment et armoiries de Granade etc.', and finally 2 florins Carolus guilders for 'Diverses menutés de lectres Gotticques etc.: la pourtraicture à P. Huys deux fois à faire' (Arch. 31, folio 162v). Nothing is said about the 'pourtraicture' of the portrait of the author. The woodblocks were cut by Antoon van Leest: the artist received, on 9 May 1571, 9 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers for 'la vignette ou compartiment avec 5 armoiries po[ur] le S. Çamalloa' and 10 florins Carolus guilders 'Item encores ung compartiment et armoiries des Rois Mores pour le Sr. Çamalloa', somewhat later, at an unspecified date, 20 florins Carolus guilders for 'Le chapiteau du livre du Sr. Çamalloa', and finally, on 27 July 1571, 1 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers for 'Un ecusson pour Camalloa' (Arch. 31, folio 65 bis roman type). Together 41 florins Carolus guilders The fees paid to A. van Leest for the work executed 'por el Senor Estevan Çamalloa' are also noted in Arch. 31, folio 162v, but with some changes bringing the total to 56 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers ('pour la taille dud[ict] compartiment et armoiries': 14 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers; 'pour la taille dud[ict] compartiment de Grenade etc. et armoiries': 14 florins Carolus guilders; 'Le frontispiece du livre du Sr. Camalloa': 28 florins Carolus guilders). |
Note 5 | The monumental publication was, as is specified on the title-page, printed by Plantin at the expenses of Garibay. The agreement between author and printer is entered in Plantin's ledger on 14 July 1570. Garibay paid then an advance-sum of 1,400 florins Carolus guilders Later payments included 200 florins Carolus guilders (at a not specified date) and 400 florins Carolus guilders (on 29 August [1571]), bringing the total sum paid to Plantin to 2,000 florins Carolus guilders These payments included the delivery of some books and bookbindings to Garibay, reducing the printing costs proper to 1,895 florins Carolus guilders The last delivery of books to Garibay is noted on 5 October 1571 (Arch. 16, folio 131). |
Note 6 | The work was in fact not printed in the Officina Plantiniana, but by two other Antwerp typographers, commissioned by Plantin to do the job: Jan Withagen (or Verwithagen) and Theodoor Lindanus (Van der Linden). Their names are not mentioned in the publication, but they figure in Plantin's ledgers. Jan Withagen was paid on 4 November 1570 229 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers for printing 90 sheets (counted at 3 reams per sheet, this means 270 reams, at 17 stuivers per ream), and again 730 florins Carolus guilders for printing from 4 January till 15 June [1571] 296 sheets (counted this time at 2 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers per sheet) (Arch. 16, folio 134; the actual payments for the 296 sheets are entered in Arch. 29, from 4 January till 1 July 1571). The job done by Lindanus is not detailed or even summarized in the ledger (Arch. 16), but payments totaling 222 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers are entered in the 'livre de caisse' for 1571 (Arch. 29) from 13 January till 22 July. These payments include only the remuneration for the printing; the paper was supplied by Plantin. |
Note 7 | The fact that in the payment to Withagen of 4 November 1570 is noted that 3 reams of paper were needed for every sheet, let it be understood that 1,500 copies were printed. |
Note 8 | The relations between author and printer must have been strained at times: on 13 February 1571 Plantin wrote Garibay a formal letter stating that he heard that the historian has complained about Plantin's conduct. Plantin feels that he has done nothing wrong, but is willing to have the eventual points of friction judged by mutual friends (including very likely Arias Montanus) (Corr., II, no. 602). |
Note 9 | In a letter to another Spanish historian, J.Chr. Calvete de Estella (or Estrella), Plantin, on 12 September 1581, states that he printed Garibay's History at the expenses of the author, who took with him all the copies printed ('Historiam Garibay quatuor voluminibus impressi quidem sed sumptibus authoris qui ne unum quidem mihi reliquit exemplar') (Corr., VI, no. 941). |
Note 10 | Listed in M 296, folio 4r (Chronica d'Espa di Chamalloa, fº, 1571, [price:] florins Carolus guilders 10), and M 164, folio 7v (f[euilles] 311). |
Further reading |