
Divinarum institutionum libri VII, [edited by Michael Thomasius], 1570

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,681 words)

Record ID cp012567
Voet reference number1502
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:804895
Author Lucius Caecilius Firmianus LACTANTIUS
Title page transcriptionL. COELII ‖ LACTANTII ‖ FIRMIANI DIVINA- ‖ RVM INSTITVTIONVM ‖ LIBRI VII. ‖ De ira Dei, lib. I. De opificio Dei, lib. I. ‖ Epitome in libros suos, liber acephalos. ‖ Carmina asscripta Lactantio. ‖ Phœnix incerti auctoris. ‖ Venantij Honorij Clementiani Fortunati presbyteri Ita- ‖ lici ad Felicem Episcopum carmen de Pascha. ‖ Incerti auctoris carmen de passione. ‖ OMNIA ‖ Studio MICHAELIS THOMASII ‖ emendata, cum Notis eiusdem. ‖ Graecarum vocum Latina interpretatio. ‖ Index in Lactantium amplissimus. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ M.D.LXX.
Collation8º [131]; A⁸, A-Z⁸, a-r⁸, s⁴; pages [1-16], 1-560, [561-648] (Errors: 160 for 156, 156 for 160)
Fingerprint157008 - # a1 A2 $pot : # a2 A5 d$n - # 1b1 A o : # 1b2 Z5 t$lac - # 2b1 a i : # 2b2 s3 fe
Number of sheets41.50
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, 21 August 1569, signed by I. de Witte) [3-11]: Ad Antonium Perrenotum card. amplissimum (Rome, 2 January 1569; italic type) [12-16]: Index (on two columns) 1 -[563]: Text (italic type, parts in greek type, words and marginals in roman type) [564-576]: Interpretatio dictionum Graecarum, quae in Lactantio reperiuntur…(italic type and greek type) [577-619]: Michaelis Thomasii ad libros L. Coelii Firmiani Lactantii notae (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type) [619]: approbation (Louvain, 1 September 1568, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus) [620-648]: Index (on two columns)
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus - A 1247 - K 530: incomplete, only pages 1-528Ruusbroec Institute LibraryKBR Royal Library of BelgiumGhent University LibraryLeiden University LibrariesBritish Library LondonBibliothèque nationale de FranceKU Leuven- Special Collections, CaaA1531UNamur- R16A0073, R4Z.0205
Digital copies KU Leuven
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, pages 100-101 (1570, no. 13) Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3236 Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 1746
Online bibliographical referencesSTCV c:stcv:12917353
Note 1Contains the extant works of Lactantius: Divinarum institutionum libri VII (pages 1-442; liber I: De falsa religione, pages 1-66; liber II: De origine erroris, pages 67-124; liber III: De falsa sapientia, 125-191; liber IV: De vera sapientia et religione, 192-257; liber V: De iustitia, 258-313; liber VI: De vero cultu, 314-382; liber VII: De vita beata, 383-442); De ira Dei (443-487); De Opificio Dei, liber unus: ad Demetrianum auditorem suum (488-528); Epitome librorum VII (529-550); and some additional pieces: Incerti auctoris Phoenix (551-556), Venantii Honorii Clementiani Fortunati presbiteri Italici, ad Felicem episcopum, de Pascha (557-560), De incerti auctoris carmen de Passione Domini ([561-563]).
Note 2Edited and with notes by the Spanish scholar, Michael Thomasius, residing at that time in Italy (later bishop of Lerida). In the dedicatory to Cardinal Granvelle the editor tells how he was persuaded by Pope Pius V to work with other scholars on a new edition of the Decreta Gratiani and how, as a sideline, for his own pleasure, he started studying Lactantius, comparing two manuscripts - one very old - of the library of St. Salvator at Bologna with manuscripts of the Vatican Library. He wrote about his work to his uncle, Franciscus Thomasius, Bishop of Castel Sardo, who ordered him to have it published, and brought his nephew into contact with Cardinal Granvelle, who also insisted to have the Lactantius printed without delay, and, moreover, made the necessary arrangements with Plantin.
Note 3Plantin's correspondence shows clearly that Granvelle was indeed very active in having the Lactantius published by the Plantin Press. It started on 30 August 1567 when the cardinal wrote to the printer: 'Il y a icy ung qui s'appelle Michiel Thomasius, qu'a faict diligence, avec l'assistence d'Anthonio Augustin, evesque de Lerida, et plusieurs aultres gens scavantz, pour, conferant jusques a vingt sept ou vingt huit vieulx exemplaires, corriger les oeuvres de Lactance Firmian, auquel lon tienne que les Arriens ont en plusieurs lieux adjousté plusieurs lignes de leur farine, depravantz le texte, pour par l'auctorité dudict Lactance faire nyer a plusieurs la divinité de Christ, et aussi il a trouvé plusieurs faultes et corruptions ausdictes oeuvres pour la négligence des escripvains anciens. Il luy semble que le livre sera de requise, et mesmes il y adjouste quelques annotations faictes par la mesme assistance, que pourront porter de huict ou dix feuilles de papier. Il desire scavoir si vous vous vouldriez encharger de l'imprimer, car lors le tout vous seroit envoyé, et n'y pretend riens sinon que l'oeuvre se face bien' (Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 35). Plantin answered he was most willing to oblige the cardinal (letter of 18 October 1567: 'Quant au Lactance recongneu et annote par le Signeur Michael Thomasius, si par la faveur de V.S. tres illustre il luy plaist me lenvoyer, ie mectrai volentiers peine de macquiter de limpression et adiouxteray le benefice de V.S. tresillustre au nombre des bienfaicts d'icelle envers moy…': Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 41, and Correspondance de C. Plantin, I, no. 88; cf. also Plantin's letter to Granvelle, 22 November 1567: Correspondance de C. Plantin, I, no. 93, and Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 45; Granvelle's letter to Plantin, 22 November 1567: Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 44; Granvelle's letter to Plantin, 2 January 1568: 'Aussi me promect le docteur Michael Thomasius la correction de Lactance deans quinze jours au plus tard, laquelle heue je vous feray aussi tenir': Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 48; Plantin's letter to Granvelle, 29 January 1568: Correspondance de C. Plantin, I, no. 102; Plantin's letter to de Çayas, 15 February 1568: Correspondance de C. Plantin, I, no. 108).
Note 4On 6 March 1568 Granvelle could tell Plantin that the manuscript was on its way to Antwerp (Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 54; cf. also his letter of 10 April 1568: Supplémetn Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 57). Plantin acknowledged reception on 2 May 1568 ('Estant retourné de Francfort, j'ay trouvé l'exemplaire de Lactance de Monsigneur le docteur Thomasius, avec ses lettres et celles de V.I.S.': Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 61, and Correspondance de C. Plantin, I, no. 123). The typographer also communicated the news to de Çayas, adding that in his letters Thomasius 'm'ordonnoit que, suivant nostre coustume je fasse diligentement revoir son labeur aux plus doctes d'entre les docteurs de Louvain pour en avoir leur jugement. Parquoy, j'ay envoyé des oeuvres à Louvain pour ce faire…' (Correspondance de C. Plantin, I, no. 124). This information is repeated in his letter to Granvelle of 7 May 1568 (Correspondance de C. Plantin, I, no. 125; cf. also the letters of Granvelle to Plantin of 24 May 1568 (Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 66], and 19 June 1568 (Ibidem, no. 67]). The examination by the Louvain professors lasted longer than anticipated, and after they had finished the job Plantin was so busy printing for the King of Spain and publishing studies of other scholars sponsored by Granvelle that he had to postpone time and again the printing of the Lactantius (cf. letters of Plantin to Granvelle, 12 June 1568 [Correspondance de C. Plantin, I, no. 128], 26 June 1568 [Ibidem, no. 136, and Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 68], 4 July 1568 [Correspondance de C. Plantin, I, no. 139], 21 August 1568 [Correspondance de C. Plantin, II, no. 153], 31 December 1568 [Ibidem, no. 163], 7/19 May 1569 [Ibidem, no. 174], 18 June 1569 [Ibidem, no. 178], 27 August 1569 [Ibidem, no. 180], 7 November 1569 [Ibidem, no. 190], 16 December 1569 [Ibidem, no. 199]; letters of Granvelle to Plantin, 30 September 1568 [Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 75], 19 November 1568 [Ibidem, no. 78], 29 December 1568 [Ibidem, no. 79], 5 February 1569 [Ibidem, no. 81], 2 April 1569 [Ibidem, no. 85]). On 28 January 1570 Plantin could finally tell that the printing had started - but not in a very satisfactory way (Correspondance de C. Plantin, II, no. 202: 'Et durant lequel intervalle de temps [= when Plantin was away], mes gens, ayant entendu que je voulois faire suivre Lactance, en ont imprimé ce que j'envoye aussi joinct, qui n'est pas ordonné, comme par la collation de l'exemplaire et des notes de Monsr. Thomasius, j'ay trouvé aujourd'hui qu'il apartenoit'). It is not clear if the texts already printed were reset. Anyway, in the second letter to Granvelle with the date of 28 January (Correspondance de C. Plantin, II, no. 203), he affirms to send the sheets of the Lactantius which were finished. The shipment of such 'feilles imprimées' is regularly mentioned in his letters in the following months (to Granvelle: 4 February 1570: two sheets [Correspondance de C. Plantin, II, no. 207]; 18 February 1570: unspecified number [Ibidem, no. 210]; to M. Morillon, agent of the Cardinal: 15 April 1570 [Ibidem, no. 225], 3 May 1570 [Ibidem, no. 226]). In letters to A. Francquart, vicar of the Archbishop of Cambrai, 23 February 1570 (Correspondance de C. Plantin, II, no. 213) and to Camerarius, 22 March 1570 (Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 91) the printer also precises that the Lactantius is nearing its end. On 13 May 1570 Plantin could express the hope that by now the Cardinal should have received 'l'entière impression…du Lactance (excepté quelques feilles des annotations et de l'index qui s'achèveront, Dieu aidant, le premier jour ouvrable)' (Correspondance de C. Plantin, II, no. 229). The shipment of a copy to de Çayas is mentioned in Plantin's letter of 31 August 1570 (Correspondance de C. Plantin, II, no. 242). In his letter to the editor Thomasius of 14 October 1570 the typographer affirms to have sent on 27 June 1570 fifty copies to Cardinal Granvelle (Correspondance de C. Plantin, II, no. 244).
Note 5Listed in M 296, folio 10 verso (Lactantius in 8º, 1570, f[euilles] 41½, [price:] stuivers 7).
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