
Collectaneorum de republica libri IX, 1574

in The Plantin Press Online

(414 words)

Record ID cp012566
Voet reference number 2213
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Jacobus SIMANCA
Title page transcription IACOBI ‖ SIMANCÆ ‖ PACENSIS EPISCO- ‖ PI, COLLECTANEORVM ‖ DE REPVBLICA ‖ LIBRI IX. ‖ Ex illustribus Theologis, Legum latoribus, Iuris ‖ consultis, Medicis, Philosophis, Poëtis, Histori- ‖ cis, aliisque bonarum artium peritis. ‖ OPVS studiosis omnibus vtile, viris autem politi- cis necessarium. ‖ In hac tertia editione adiecti sunt ab auctore plures ‖ quàm mille loci memorabiles. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXIIII.
Collation 8⁰ [128]: *⁸, A-Z⁸, Aa-Tt⁸; pages [1-16], 1-670, [671-672] (Errors: 422 for 224)
Fingerprint 157408 - # a1 *2 itt : # a2 *5 n - # b1 A s$ : # b2 2T5 um$i
Number of sheets 43
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Totius operis argumenta (italic type) [3-5]: Philippo secundo Hispaniarum regi catholico Iacobus Simancas episcopus Pacensis [6-7]: De totius operis methodo [8-16]: Table (italic type) 1-670: Text (parts in italic type) 670: Errata; approbation (s. Sebastianus Baer Delphius, Antwerp) [671]: Privilege (Brussels, 14 November 1573, signed by I. de Witte) [672]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 440Staats- und Stadtbibliothek AugsburgRoyal Library of San Lorenzo de El EscorialBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaBiblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma.
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 199 (1579, no. 5: lists this edition erroneously under 1579) Palau y Dulcet, 21, page 267, no. 314066Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 6741
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12926322USTC 406052
Note 1 Treatise in 9 'books' on the political structures of the state.
Note 2 Stated on the title-page to be a third edition with more than a thousand additions by the author. The first two editions were issued at Valladolid, Adrianus Ghernartius, 1565, and at Venice, Bologninus Zaeterius, 1569. Two later editions were printed in Salamanca by or at the expenses of two former employees of Plantin: Mathias Gast, 1582, and Joannes Pulmannus, 1598 (cf. Palau y Dulcet, page 267).
Note 3 The publication was subsidized by the author. On 12 December 1573 Plantin notes to have received from Arias Montanus 'à compte de Sim[an]ca' 100 fi. 'à bon compte du livre de Republica Jacobi Simance lequel doit estre imprimée'.
Note 4 By way of Arias Montanus a bound copy was shipped to de Çayas on 22 March 1574 (Arch. 18, folio 3).
Note 5 Listed in M 296, folio 9v (Jacobi Simanci libri IX de republica, 8⁰, 1574, f[euilles] 43, [price:] stuivers 10) and folio 17v.
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