
Discours des guerres de la Conté de Venayscin et de la Provence, 1564

in The Plantin Press Online

(571 words)

Record ID cp012530
Voet reference number 1963
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Louis de PERUSSIS
Title page transcription
Number of sheets
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Bibliographical references
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Note 1 'Discours des guerres de la Conté de Venayscin et de la Provence ensemble quelques incidentz, le tout dédié à l'illustrissime et excellentissime seigneur et chevalier Monseigneur Fr. Fabrice de Serbellon, cousin germain de S.N.P. et son général en la cité d'Avignon et dicte Conté par le seigneur Loys de Perussiis escuyer de Coumons, subject et vassal de sa Saincteté. A Anvers, au Faucon blanc, rue de la Chambre, 1564 (Imprimé par Chr. Plantin). Avec privilège. Pet. in-8⁰, cart.': mentioned and commented on by A. Claudin in Archives du Bibliophile, no. 361, July 1903 (a cut of this entry pasted into the annotated copy of RDB in Museum Plantin-Moretus, facing page 39). As Claudin points out: the 'White Falcon' was the address of Jan Bellerus, who must have acted as publisher, but the privilege is in the name of Plantin, who, consequently, may be supposed to have been the printer. No existing copy known.
Note 2 According to Brunet, IV, Columns 524-525, the original 'Discours' by L. de Perussis were published at Avignon, Pierre Roux, 1563 (First 'discours' or narrative of the events in Venaissin and Provence between 27 December 1561 and 15 September 1562) and 1564 (Second 'discours' or narrative of the events between 27 September 1562 and 7 February 1564). Brunet mentions also 'Discours des guerres advenues en Provence et comté d'Avignon, entre les Catholiques et ceulx qui se disent Hugenaux, l'an 1562, par le seigneur de Perusiis. Anvers, Ant. Tilens, 1565, pet. in-8⁰ de 96 ff. en tout, y compris la table', specifying 'Réimpression du premier discours; nous ignorons si le second a été également réimpr.'. According to A. Claudin this edition is the same as the Bellerus publication of 1564.
Note 3 In KBR Royal Library of Belgium is a copy of a Dutch translation 'Discours ende verhael vande orloghen van het graefschap van Venayscin, ende van Provencen…Beschreven van…Lowys de Perusiis in Fransoysche tale. Antwerp, J. Verwithagen, 1564 (II 19.072 A).
Note 4 Last element of the puzzle: in Arch. 39, folio 145r, is noted the delivery to Anton Tielens, on 18 August 1564, of '600 Discours des guerres fr[ançois] bl[anc] [and] 600 Discours des guerres flam [eng] bl[anc]', and again, on 13 November 1564, of '192 Discours des geurres [= sic] fr[ançois] r[eliés] bas[ane], 321 Des dits en blanc, 55 Discours en flam[eng] [reliés] bas[ane], 488 Des dits en blanc'.
Note 5 This should imply that Plantin at least printed a number of copies of the Discours in French and Dutch for A. Tielens, if not for J. Bellerus and J. Verwithagen. The problem is, however, that the publication is not mentioned in the (very complete) cost-accounting ledger of 1563-1567 (Arch. 4). This can mean that, if the privilege was granted to Plantin, the printing was actually done by another Antwerp typographer (Jan Verwithagen ?), with Plantin acting as middleman between the printer and A. Tielens (but not necessarily between the printer and J. Bellerus: in Arch. 39, folio 125r, is only noted on 11 August 1564 the delivery to Bellerus of 6 'Discours des guerres blanc', worth 9 stuivers).
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