
Emblematum libri II, 1567

in The Plantin Press Online

(468 words)

Record ID cp012514
Voet reference number 24
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1132810
Title page transcription EMBLEMATVM ‖ CLARISSIMI VIRI D. ‖ ANDREÆ ALCATI [= sic] ‖ LIBRI II. ‖ Additæ sunt aliquot in altero ‖ libro figuræ. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ CIƆ. IƆ. LXVII. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO.
Collation 16mo (116 × 75): A-K⁸; pages 1-158, [159-160] (Errors: 11-12 for 12-13, 27 not numbered, 35 for 45, 61-62 for 62-63, 4 for 64, 123 for 127)
Fingerprint 156712 - # b1 A2 s$m : # b2 K5 ortis
Number of sheets 6.67
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, 26 May 1564, signed by I. Fabri) [3]: Clarissimi viri D. Andreae Alciati in suorum emblematum libros praefatio ad…D. Conradum Peutingerum [4]: Clariss. viri D. Andr. Alciati in librum primum emblematum praefatio, ad. D. Chonradum Peutingerum Augustanum (italic type) 5-158: Text (italic type, parts in roman type and greek type) [159]: EXCVDEBAT CHRISTO- ‖ PHORVS PLANTINVS ‖ ANTVERPIAE [160]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations Woodcuts: 134 illustrations, mostly c. 35 × c. 50 (original wood-blocks in Museum Plantin-Moretus)
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 468KBR Royal Library of BelgiumUniversity Library HalleRoyal Society Library and ArchivesBibliothèque nationale de FranceWrocław University Library. Green also mentions copies in the Thingwall library and Verona
Digital copies Museum Plantin-Moretus: A 468
Bibliographical references Green, H. Andrea Alciati and his Books of Emblems, no. 78 Duplessis, G. Les livres à gravures du XVIe siècle. Les Emblèmes d'Alciat, no. 77 Landwehr, J. Emblem-Books in the Low Countries, 1554-1949, no. 10 Not in Ruelens-de BackerCockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 64 Landwehr, J. Emblem & fable books (3rd ed.) 14
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:7050259USTC 409819
Note 1 Edition of the two books of Alciatus, but without Stockhamerus's comments on the first book.
Note 2 The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, opening 101 left, specifies that 'Alciati Emblemata texte' was finished on 8 September 1566; 1,000 copies were printed; wages for composing and printing: 8 florins Carolus guilders; 2 reams 10 'mains' (including 10 'mains' for the 'imperfections') were used of paper 'petit carré', making, at 1 florins Carolus guilders 8 stuivers per ream, 14 florins Carolus guilders 14 stuivers Total: 22 florins Carolus guilders 14 stuivers
Note 3 The title-page bears the date of 1567, but the work was actually finished before the edition described in preceding no. and bearing the date of 1566. This may explain why there are 2 illustrations less than in the '1566'-edition (2nd book, emblems 62 and 70).
Note 4 Listed in M 296, folio 5 verso (Emblemata Alciati sine c[ommen] t[ari]o 16⁰, f[euilles] 5; [price:] stuivers 1¼) and M 164, folio 10 verso.
Further reading

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