
Poemata in quatuor tomos distincta, 1589

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,484 words)


Record ID cp012491
Voet reference number 591
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1078391, c:lvd:1078396, c:lvd:1078400, c:lvd:1078401
Title page transcription BENEDICTI ‖ ARIÆ MONTANI ‖ HISPALENSIS ‖ POEMATA ‖ IN QVATVOR TOMOS ‖ DISTINCTA. ‖ In quorum priore continentur Humanæ ‖ salutis Monumenta, & Odæ variæ. ‖ ⊕ 34 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXXIX.
Collation 24mo [85]: A-I⁸; pages 1-142, [143-144] (Errors: 57 for 75, ? for 131; errors difficult to check)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-10: Petrus de Valentia christiano lectori salutem (Zafra, 13 June 1587; parts in italic type and greek type) [11]: Humanae Salutis Monumenta, B. Ariae Montani studio constructa et decantata (= title) [121]: Blank [13]: illustration with poem (italic type) 14-79: Text (parts in italic type) 80: Benedicti Ariae Montani carmen votivum ad Christum Iesum 81-85: Index (italic type) 86: approbation (Louvain, 17 March 1571, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus) 87: approbation (Antwerp, 1 March 1570 old style, signed by Silvester Pardo and Franciscus Sonnius) [88]: Privilege (Brussels, 9 March 1570, signed by I. de Langhe) [89]: Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispalensis Odae Variae quarum aliae desumptae ex Commentariis in Minores Prophetas, aliae nunquam antea editae (= title) [90]: Blank 91-92: Christophorus Plantinus pio lectori 93-127: Text (parts in italic type) [128]: Blank [129]: Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispalensis Odae non antea editae (= title) 130-142: Text (parts in italic type) [143-144]: Blank
Edition information
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Further reading


Title page transcription BENEDICTI ‖ ARIÆ MONTANI ‖ HISPALENSIS ‖ POEMATVM ‖ TOMVS SECVNDVS: ‖ In quo ‖ Dauidis Regis ac Prophetæ, aliorumque ‖ sacrorum Vatum PSALMI; ex Hebrai- ‖ ca veritate in Latinum carmen obser- ‖ uantissime conuersi. ‖ ⊕ 34 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXXIX.
Collation 24mo (106 × 55): A-Z⁸, a⁸; pages 1-381, [382-384] (Errors: 178 not numbered; errors difficult to check)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3]-20: Poems (roman type and italic type) 21-219: Psalmorum libri V (parts in italic type and Hebrew) [220-224]: Index (italic type) [225]: BENEDICTI ‖ ARIÆ MONTANI ‖ HISPALENSIS ‖ POEMATVM ‖ TOMVS TERTIVS: ‖ In quo ‖ RHETORICORVM ‖ LIBRI IIII. ‖ Ad Gasparem Velesium Alcocerum⊕ 34 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXXIX [226]: Blank 227-345: Text [346]: approbation (3 March 1569, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Louvain) [347]: Privilege (Brussels, 7 May 1569, signed by De Witte) [348]: Blank [349]: BENEDICTI ‖ ARIÆ MONTANI ‖ HISPALENSIS ‖ POEMATVM ‖ TOMVS QVARTVS: ‖ In quo ‖ Epigrammata varia. ‖ ⊕ 34 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXXIX [350]: Blank [351]: Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispalensis In tabulas Historiae Dauidis, olim ipso meditante editas, Tetrasticha (= title) [352]: Davidi regum praestantiss…dedicate (italic type) 353-362: Text (parts in italic type) 362: approbation (signed by Sebastianus Baer, Antwerp) [363]: Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispalensis in divinar. nuptiar. conventa et acta, a Philippo Gallaeo aereis tabulis incisa, Tetrasticha (= title) 364: Carmen (italic type) 365-373: Text (parts in italic type) [374]: approbation (8 June 1573, signed by Gislenus de Vroede, Malines) [375]: Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispalensis Epigrammata in Prophetas minores (= title) 376-381: Text (parts in italic type) [382]: approbation (Antwerp, 2 October 1589, signed by D. Henricus Zibertus Dunghaeus) [383-384]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations 1) Copper engraving, 50 × 40 (the head of the Christ, looking to the right), on page 13. It has been engraved by Jan Collaert the Elder, after a design by Ferdinand Arsenius (Arch. 30, folio 2 recto: 'A Collard pour la figure de Jesus pour les petits prouermes [sic = poemes] de Montanis 24 stuivers et 13 stuivers pour (?) cestui (?) p[ein] ture a ferd[inand] o Arsenius')
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 257Staatsbibliothek zu BerlinCambridgeGöttingen State and University LibraryBritish Library LondonMunicipal Library LyonsBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaJohn Rylands Library, ManchesterBayerische StaatsbibliothekMunicipal Library Toulouse
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 322 (1589, no. 26) Morales, no. 59 Palau y Dulcet, 1, page 474, no. 16494
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Pocket-edition of the collected poems of Arias Montanus, mostly reprinted from earlier editions; only a very few were unedited. 'Poemata in quatuor tomos distincta' is said on the first title-page, but, bibliographically, the work has been arranged into two volumes, of which the first contains the first book of poems, the second the three others (each with a separate title-page).
Note 2 Book I contains: a) The poems of the Humanae Salutis Monumenta, 1st edition 1571 (including the Index, the approbationes and the privilege of the editio princeps) (pages 13-88); b) Odae variae, being the 'carmina ex voto' from the Commentaria in XII prophetas, 1st edition 1571 (including the foreword 'Christophorus Plantinus pio lectori') (pages 91-127); c) Four Odae non antea editae: Ad Deum; De more Ioannis Delgadi; Ad D. Ludovocum Manriquum, de providentia Dei in hominum periculis…; Paraenesis ad mentem propriam…(pages 130-142). Book II: Psalmi Davidis from the Latin translation by Arias Montanus, 1573 (including the introductory poems and the Psalmorum index) (pages 3-224). Book III: Poems from Rhetoricorum libri IIII, 1569 (including the approbatio and privilege of the 1569-edition) (pages 227-347). Book IV: Epigrammata varia: a) Poems from David, hoc est virtutis exercitatissimae probatissimae probatum Deo spectaculum, 1575 (including the approbatio of the 1575-edition) (pages 352-362), b) Poems from Divinarum nuptiarum conventa et acta, 1573 (pages 364-368), c) Poems from Christi Iesu vitae admirabiliumque actionum speculum, 1573 (including the approbatio of the 1573-edition) (pages 369-374), d) Epigrammata from the Commentaria in XII prophetas, 1571 (pages 376-379), e) Three Epigrammata non antea edita (pages 380-381): 1⁰) Aggressurus commentaria in Librum Iudicum, Deum precator; 2⁰) Ante disputationem de Christi Iesu veritate, elucidationibus in divi Pauli epistolas praefixam (in fact, reproduced in Elucidationes in omnia sanctorum apostolorum scripta, 1588, but at the time of the compilation of the Poemata not yet printed); 3⁰) In D. Iacobi Monavii symbolum 'Ipse faciet'.
Note 3 The idea of publishing the collected poems of Arias Montanus in a pocket-edition appears for the first time in a letter from Plantin to his friend, dated 27 March 1587. But it is quite clear from the context that the suggestion had been made by Arias or some of his Spanish friends. In his letter Plantin expresses the wish that Petrus de Valentia, one of Aria's followers, should make the compilation and sent it to Antwerp (Correspondance de C. Plantin, VIII-IX, no. 1236: 'Horatiolum [= a Plantin-edition of Horatius] tibi placuisse laetor et utinam mihi detur occasio testificandi publice meum erga te affectum animi, quod libentissime faciam in Poematis tuis imprimendis ea forma qua Virgilium, Horatium et Juvenalem absolvi [= i.e. in 24mo]. Proinde cupio ut virum illum ut pium ita doctum P. de Valentia illa nobis curet ut concepit in ordinem redigere et ad nos mittere'). As the 'praefatio' to the Poemata is written by Petrus de Valentia and dated 13 June 1587, it may be assumed that this Spanish scholar did indeed the editing and had in fact already been working on it at the time of Plantin's letter.
Note 4 In another letter to Arias, 21-22 December 1587, Plantin declares to start with the edition as soon as he will have finished the Elucidationes in omnia sanctorum apostolorum scripta (Correspondance de C. Plantin, VIII-IX, no. 1334, page 339: 'Carminum tuorum editionem minima forma cogito ubi Elucidationes absolvero'). The printing, however, was postponed for some time (in two letters of 9 April and 24 April 1588, Plantin declared that he had to cast first new [small] type before being able to begin: Correspondance de C. Plantin, VIII-IX, nos. 1365 and 1369), till, finally, in a letter written between 7 December 1588 and 7 January 1589, Plantin could tell his friend that, if the type-founder kept his promise, the text would be given that same week to the compositors; he asked at the same time for explanations concerning some doubtful points (Correspondance de C. Plantin, VIII-IX, no. 1420: 'Poetica tandem hac septimana submittam praelo si fusor typorum promissis tandem steterit et quomodo priori loco vacuo addita est inscriptio Epistolae D…nec ipsam epistolam invenio, cupio doceri a te quid subjungere debeam ob id itaque psalmos ipsos aggredar relictis omnibus quae precedunt quae postea separato folio vel semifolio addi poterunt').
Note 5 The edition was not yet finsihed at Plantin's death: Jan Moretus could only send a copy shortly before 29 October 1589 (Correspondance de C. Plantin, VIII-IX, no. 1506). It had not yet reached Arias Montanus in January 1590 (Correspondance de C. Plantin, VIII-IX, no. 1515).
Note 6 Listed in M 296, folio 11 verso (Poemata 24⁰, a⁰ 89, f[euilles] 11, [price:] stuivers 5½), and M 321 (under 1589).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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