
De conservanda valetudine liber, [edited by D. Silvius], 1584

in The Plantin Press Online

(291 words)

Record ID cp012487
Voet reference number2126
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcriptionHENRICI RANZOVII ‖ DE CONSERVANDA ‖ VALETVDINE LIBER, IN ‖ PRIVATVM LIBERORVM ‖ SVORVM VSVM AB ‖ ipso conscriptus, ‖ ac editus à ‖ DETHLEVO SILVIO ‖ HOLSATO, ‖ IN QVO DE DIAETA, ITINERE, ‖ ANNIS CLIMACTERICIS, ET ‖ antidotis præstantissimis, breuia & vtilia ‖ præcepta continentur. ‖ Tertia editio, auctior & emendatior. ‖ ⊕ 29 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ M.D.LXXXIIII.
Collation8⁰ [128]: A-I⁸; pages 1-143, [144] (Errors: 193 for 139,40-41 for 140-141)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-5:…Francisco ac Bredoni Ranzoviis fratribus, nobilis ac generosi viri D. Henrici Ranzovii, serenissimi regis Daniae, etc. in Holsatia, etc. praefecti etc. filiis…(Segebergae, 1573, signed by Dethlevus Silvius Holsatus; italic type) 6: illustration (coat-of-arms of Ranzovius), with 6 lines Latin poem (italic type) 7-8: Poems in honour of Ranzovius and his family by Gregorius Bersmanus, professor Acad. Lips. publicus (italic type, words in roman type and greek type) 9-10: Ad lectorem benignum Christophor. Kellinghausen Hamb. (italic type) 11-12: Table 13-15: Praefatio ad filios [16]: Blank 17-143: Text (parts in italic type) [144]: Blank
Edition information
IllustrationsCf. preceding no
CopiesBibliothèque nationale de France- Tc11 55 B
Bibliographical referencesElaut, op cit Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Reprint of the 1580-edition.
Note 2The same edition was put on the market in 1585 with some minor changes. Cf. following no.
Note 3Listed in M 321, sub 1584 (Henrici Ranzovii de Conservanda valetudine liber, in Privatum Liberorum suorum usum ab ipso conscriptus, etc. editus a Dethlevo Silvio Holsato etc. Tertia editio, auctior et emendatior, 1584, f[euilles] 9, [price:] stuivers 3).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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