
Eximiae…de episcopali et ecclesiasticae hierarchiae dignitate ac disciplina, 1571

in The Plantin Press Online

(281 words)

Record ID cp012482
Voet reference number 1102
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3246374
Author Franciscus DONCKERUS (DONCKERS)
Title page transcription [Heading:] EXIMIÆ, SANCTÆ, ATQVE APOSTOLICÆ, DE ‖ EPISCOPALI ET ECCLESIASTICÆ HIERARCHIÆ DIGNITATE AC DISCIPLINA, ‖ ad huius temporis faciem accommodatæ, doctissimorum auctorum Diui Ignatij, Sancti Ioannis Euangelistæ, Diui Dio- ‖ nysij Areopagitæ, Sancti Pauli discipulorum, necnon magni illius Basilii, sub Arriana hæresi Cæsareæ Archiepiscopi, ‖ doctrinæ atque auctoritates, Per eximium Dominum & Magistrum Franciscum Donckerum, Cathedralis ecclesiæ DiuæMariæ Antuerpiæ Canonicum & Scholasticum, necnon eiusdem Episcopalis sedis Domini & Magistri nostri FrancisciSonnij, sacræ Theologiæ professoris Episcopi in spiritualibus Vicarium, ad sanctam Synodalem societatē, sexta Februarij Anno1570. stylo Brabantiæ celebratam, communicatæ & distributæ.
Collation Broadside [433]
Fingerprint 000000 - # b1=b2 animas entem$
Number of sheets 1
Pages From top to bottom: 1) Heading 2) Text (part in italic type)
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 16.23 [39]
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12927490
Note 1 The first synod of the see of Antwerp was closed on 6 February 1571 (6 February 1570 stylo Brabantiae or o.s.) with an address of the 'scholaster' F. Donckers on the episcopal and ecclesiastical hierarchy and dignity. It consisted essentially of quotations from St. Ignatius of Antochia, Dionysius Areopagita and St. Basilius of Caesarea. The text (or only the quotations ?) was printed on a broadside to be distributed to the clergy present at the synod.
Note 2 The text is analysed by C. de Clercq, 'Trois impressions plantiniennes identifiées' in Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 1966, pages 216-217 (with reproduction of the broadside on page 217). By comparison of the type and the initial used, de Clercq proves also that the broadside was printed in the Plantin Press.
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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