
Breviarium Romanum, in 4⁰, 1575

in The Plantin Press Online

(644 words)

A. Version with copper engraving-illustrations. No copy known B. Version with woodcut-illustrations.

Record ID cp012468
Voet reference number823
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Uniform title BREVIARIUM
Title page transcription[Within double rules:] BREVIARIVM ‖ ROMANVM, ‖ Ex decreto Sacrosancti Concilij ‖ Tridentini restitutum. ‖ PII. V. PONT. MAX. ‖ iussu editum. ‖ V. ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXV. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO PII V. PONT. MAX. ‖ ET ‖ PHILIPPI REGIS CATHOLICI.
Collation4⁰ (233 × 174 [175; 187: from upper rule to under rule]): *-***⁸, ****⁶, A-Z⁸, Aa-Zz⁸, AA-TT⁸, VVⁱ⁰, a-k⁸; pages [1-60], 1-1058, [1059-1060], 1-159, [160] (Errors: in 2nd part: 272 for 372, 4(?)25 for 525, 33 for 933). Printed in black and red, within double rules, on two columns separated by double rules, with the exception of pages [2-10], [14-28], [54-55] (on one column)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Table of the Addita [3-6]: Pius episcopus…ad perpetuam rei memoriam (Rome, 9 July 1568, signed by Cae. Glorierius and H. Cumyn) [6]: Privilege (Rome, 22 November 1568, s. Cae. Glorierius; Brussels, Privy Council, 10 January 1568, and Council of Brabant, 11 January 1568, s. De langhe) [7-10]: Gregorius pages XIII ad perpetuam rei memoriam (Rome, 30 December 1573, s. Cae. Glorierius) [11-28]: Calendar [29-56]: Rubricae generales [57-59]: Absolutiones et Suffragia [60]: illustration [1]-1058: Text (parts in italic type) [1059-1060]: Index (italic type, on three columns) 1-96: Commune Sanctorum (parts in italic type) 97-123: Officium Beatae Mariae 123-137: Officium defunctorum 137-141: Psalmi graduales 141-159: Septem psalmi paenitentiales cum litaniis and other prayers [160]: Blank
Edition information
IllustrationsA) Woodcuts, with the monogram of the designer P. van der Borcht (PB) and with that of the woodcutter A. van Leest (AVL): 1) V. on title-page, 55 × 55 (St. Petrus and St. Paulus; PB) 2) 7 illustrations, 110 × 74, printed within woodcut-borders, in 2nd part, pages 122 (PB, AVL), 164 (PB, AVL), 404 (PB, AVL), 502 (PB, AVL), 528 (PB, AVL), 948 (PB, AVL), 1018 (PB, AVL) B) Copper engraving: 168 × 112 (King David) in 1st part, page [60]
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- A 579
Bibliographical referencesBohatta, no. 308 Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Issued in two versions: one with woodcut-, and one with copper engraving-illustrations.
Note 2The printing of this in 4⁰ edition started early in 1574. In a letter to de Torres, 24 August 1574, Plantin expresses the hope to finish the breviary within two months (Corr., IV, no. 551). In another letter to de Torres, of 31 October 1574, he affirms the work will be achieved within a week (Corr., IV, no. 580). In a letter of 30 December 1574 to de Cayas, the shipment of some bales with the publication are announced (Corr., IV, no. 593). Other letters, written in those months and giving some details on this in 4⁰ breviary: Corr., IV, nos. 560, 561, 563, 565, 568, 574, 588, 597, 609, 612.
Note 3The shipment of the breviaries in 4⁰ to Spain is entered in Plantin's accounts at the date of 17 January 1575: 1,900 copies with woodcut-illustrations and 300 with copper engravings (Arch. 22).
Note 4On the way to Spain part of the shipment was lost: in a letter to Virbiesca, 19 April 1576, Plantin expresses his regrets for the loss of 432 breviaries in 4⁰ (Corr., V, no. 712).
Note 5Listed in M 164, folio 3v, and M 296, folio 2r (Breviarium Romanum in 4⁰ réglé a⁰ 1575, f[euilles] 160, [price for the copies with woodcut-illustrations:] florins Carolus guilders 3. Idem cum figuris aeneis [price for the copies with copper engravings:] in 4⁰ florins Carolus guilders 4), and folio 21.
Further reading
The Plantin Press Online

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