
De prodigiosa specie naturaque cometae qui nobis effulsit…, 1578

in The Plantin Press Online

(724 words)

Record ID cp012458
Voet reference number1244
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Cornelius GEMMA (JEMME)
Title page transcriptionDE PRODIGIOSA ‖ SPECIE, NATVRAQ. COMETÆ, ‖ QVI NOBIS EFFVLSIT ALTIOR LV- ‖ næ sedibus, insolita prorsus figura, ac magni- ‖ tudine, anno 1577. plus septimanis 10. Apo- ‖ deixis tum Physica tum Mathematica. ‖ ADIVNCTA HIS EXPLICATIO DVO- ‖ rum Chasmaton anni 1575. nec non ex Cometa- ‖ rum plurium Phænomenis epilogistica quædam as- ‖ sertio de communi illorum natura, generationum ‖ causis atque decretis supra quàm hactenus à Peripa- ‖ teticis annotatum est. ‖ PER D. CORNELIVM GEMMAM, ‖ Louaniensem, Ordin. ac Regium ‖ Medicinæ professorem. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXVIII.
Collation8º [124]: A-E⁸; pages 1-66, [67-80]
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Blank 3: Poem on 'In apparitionem Cometae anni 1577' (Latin text in It with Greek title, marginals in roman type) 4: Note in Greek and Latin on figure 1 (italic type and greek type) 5-66: Text (parts and marginals in italic type and greek type) [67]: Blank [68]: illustration [69-75]: EIMAPMENH sive Eidyllion fatalis vicissitudinis in Belgico statu (italic type, marginals in roman type) [76]: Epigramma (italic type) [77]: approbation (s. Walterus vander Steeghen, Antwerp) [78-80]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations4 woodcuts: 1) In text: a) on page 26, c. 30 × c. 85 (representation of the comet: 'Figura totius corporis atque refractionis circa finem Novemb.'); b) on page [68], 72 × 115 (allegorical representation of 'Belgica' [the Netherlands] awe-struck by the apparition of the comet) 2) Hors texte: a) c. 115 × c. 115 (the course of the comet around the earth), with above the typographically printed text 'Figura 1. pag. 4' (meaning that it had to be inserted between pages 3-4); b) c. 150 × c. 155 (the course of the comet projected against the constellations), with above the typographically printed text 'Figura 2. pag. 19'. The original wood-blocks are preserved in Museum Plantin-Moretus
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- A 6902KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeBritish Library LondonPostel Abbey. According to Van Ortroy, pages 393-394, also in: Staats- und Stadtbibliothek AugsburgUniversity Library Basel - Basel (Switserland)BerlinBibliothèque Alexis de Tocqueville - Caen (France, dép. Calvados)Royal Danish LibraryMunicipal Library DanzigUniversity Library of Erlangen-NürnbergGotha Research Library - Gotha (Germany, BDR)Hamburg State and University Library - Hamburg (Germany, BRD)Harvard University- Cambridge, Mass.Landesbibliothek, KasselJagiellonian Library - Cracow (Poland)Biblioteca Nacional de EspañaAmbrosiana, MilanBayerische StaatsbibliothekColumbia University, New YorkBodleian LibrariesBibliothèque nationale de FranceMazarine, ParisCentral Library of Charles University - Prague (Czechoslovakia)RL StockholmAustrian National LibraryUniversity Library Wroclaw- BreslauKU Leuven- Special Collections, DPA505
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, pages 185-186 (1578, no. 12) Van Ortroy, pages 392-394
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Astronomical study on the comet which appeared in 1577 (cf. Van Ortroy, pages 130-135).
Note 2In a letter of January-February 1578 the author expresses his surprise at the in 8º format chosen by Plantin, as this will cause difficulties in reproducing the bigger illustrations. The representation of 'Belgica' he wishes to have at the beginning of the work. He is at the whole satisfied with the printing (as can be deduced from the text, Plantin must have mailed him a proofsheet of quire A), noting only two small errors. He expresses finally the wish that the remaining part should be completed quickly and that at least three illustrations would be reproduced (Corr., V, no. 784, pages 290-291). In his answer Plantin explains that of the three illustrations (there are in fact 4 illustrations, but Plantin either omits speaking of the smaller woodcut reproduced on page 26, or it has been executed at a later date) the two bigger ones will be printed separately. As for 'Belgica', he has taken care to have it cut at the size of the book, so that it can be printed with the text. The typographer finally affirms to have chosen the in 8º format in order that the treatise could be added to (= bound together with) Gemma's De naturae divinis characterismis…libri II (of 1575: see preceding no.) (Corr., V, no. 785).
Note 3Listed in M 296, folio 7v ([Gemma Corn.] de cometa, in 8º, [price:] stuivers 1½), and M 164, folio 14r.
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