
Les secrets. Antwerp, Plantin, 1559

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,287 words)

Record ID cp012440
Voet reference number 34ASeen as one edition in the Plantin Press, but it acctually consists of three semi-independant publications
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3251219 c:lvd:15339198 c:lvd:15339202
Uniform title LES SECRETS: French editions
Title page transcription LES ‖ SECRETS DV ‖ S. ALEXIS PIE- ‖ MONTOIS, ‖ DIVISEZ EN SIX LIVRES: ‖ Ausquels auons adjoint ‖ AVTRES SECRETS DE NOVVEAV ‖ adjoutez par iceluy, qu'aucuns ont appellé, ‖ le Second Volume: ‖ & ‖ LES RECEPTES DE DIVERS AVTEVRS ‖ toutes bien experimentées & approuées ‖ Lisez l'Auertissement: page. 3. ‖ ⊕ 6 ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christophle Plantin. ‖ 1559. ‖ AVEC PRIVILEGE.
Collation 8°: ¶⁴ *-**⁸ ***⁴ a-m⁸ n⁴, aa-hh⁸ ii⁴, A-H⁸ I⁴; folios [1 recto-24 verso], 1 recto-100 verso; 1 recto-66 verso, [67 recto-68 verso]; 1 recto-67 verso, [68 recto-verso] (Errors: 24 not numbered; 9 for 17, 11 for 19, 13 for 21, 15 for 23, 24: 2 upside down, 56 for 46)
Fingerprint 155908 - # 1a1 q2 utr : # 1a2 q4 re - # 2a1 * nt : # 2a2 3*3 dedan - # 1b1 a n : # 1b2 n3 e$ - # 2b1 2a2 il$do : # 2b2 2i4 e$do - # 3b1 A2 e$r : # 3b2 I3 sus 155908 - # 1a1 q2 utr : # 1a2 q4 re - # 2a1 * nt : # 2a2 3*3 dedan - # 1b1 a n : # 1b2 n3 e$ - # 2b1 2a2 il$do : # 2b2 2i4 e$do - # 3b1 A2 e$r : # 3b2 I3 sus
Number of sheets 32.50 32.50
Pages [1 recto]: Title [1 versp]: Privilege (Brussels, 13 November 1559, signed by Ph. de Lens, and Privy Council, 2 March 1557, s. de la Torre) [2 recto-2 verso]: Avertissement au lecteur (5 May 1559; italic type, words in roman type) [3 recto-3 verso]: Epistre proemiale de l'auteur pour la premiere edition: au lecteur [4 recto-4 verso]: Epistre de la seconde edition (italic type) [4 verso]: Errata (italic type) [5 recto-24 recto]: Table (italic type) [24 verso]: Blank 1 recto-100 recto: Text (parts in italic type) 100 verso: Blank[1 recto]: Title [1 verso]: Blank 2 recto-66 recto: Text 66 verso-[68 verso]: Table (italic type)[1 recto]: Title [1 verso]: Privilege (Brussels, [Council of Brabant], 13 November 1557, signed by P. de Lens, and Privy Council, 2 March 1557, s. De la Torre) 2r-67 verso: Text [68 recto-68 verso]: Blank
Edition information Contains cp089149 and cp089150; printed by Plantin but some copies received a title page with the imprint of the Parisian bookseller Martin le Jeune (cp011525)
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - 8 779 (1) (Sammelband; with provenance) - 8 828 (1) (Sammelband; lacks folio q2, folio *1, folio *3, folio H8 and gathering I4; copy partly bound with manuscript fragments on parchment) - B 3700 (2) (Sammelband; only folio 2a8 recto - 2i4 verso; copy partly bound with manuscript fragments on parchment; handwritten index ‘Table des secrets contenvs dans la premiere partie’ bound after the text; with provenance; includes fragment of paper with handwritten text) - B 3700 (3) (Sammelband; only folio A1 recto - folio I4 verso; lacks folio I4; copy partly bound with manuscript fragments on parchment; handwritten index ‘Table des secrets contenvs dans la premiere partie’ bound after the text; with provenance; includes fragment of paper with handwritten text)KBR Royal Library of Belgium - II 6264 A
Digital copies Smithsonian Libraries Smithsonian Libraries
Bibliographical references Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 5024Ferguson, nos. 18, 19 and 20 Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references STCV 12918695 USTC 30196 STCV c:stcv:12918695
Note 1 Printed in three parts, formally presented as three publications, but in the Plantinian book catalogues noted as one edition, whilst the table in the first part details the content of the three parts. From the Plantinian accounts (regarding the shipment of copies to M. le Jeune: see following no.) it is, however, also clear that the three parts could, eventually, be sold separately.
Note 2 Contains in the order noted in the table in the first part (and followed in the bound copies of KBR Royal Library of Belgium and Museum Plantin-Moretus): a) Part 1, a reprint of Plantin's 1557 French edition of the first six books of the Secrets, with however, some changes: the author's letter to the reader of the second Italian edition has been reproduced, some 'secrets' added and corrections made (most likely also from one of the 'second' Italian editions); the French text, moreover, has been stylistically adapted. To quote the 'Avertissement au lecteur', dated 5 May 1559, and very likely written by Plantin: 'Considerant, amy Lecteur, que toutes les autres Impressions de ce present Livre n'estoyent en rien differentes de nostre premiere Traduction et Impression, fors qu'en omission de l'Epistre dedicatoire, d'un brave Titre et nouvelle Traduction de deux epistres, et peu de Secrets de l'Auteur: j'ay bien voulu pour ta commodité, et plus asseuré proffït la faire revoir par gens biens scavans en langue Italienne et Françoise, et tresexperimentés en la Medicine: de sorte que je te puis asseurer que je redonne maintenant ce present oeuvre plus correct qu'il ne fut onques par cy devant.' b) Part 2, titled Adioinctes faites aus secrets de Don Alexis Piemontois, is, in fact, formed by two series of Secrets, one being the Secrets de nouveau adioincts (folios 2 recto-48 verso), the other Autres secrets attribuez au Signeur Don Alexis, sous le titre de second livre (folios 49 recto-66 recto). The first of the two series is thus presented as an addition compiled from different authors, whilst the second is earmarked as a series of receipts 'attributed' to Alexis Piemontois himself, and forming the second volume of his Secrets. The author of the 'Avertissement au lecteur' in the first part expresses, however, very clearly his doubts as to the paternity of this 'second livre des secrets d'Alexis Piemontois' ('Tu as aussi d'avantage icy un autre oeuvre de mesme Auteur nouvellement traduit d'une fidélité non doutable, ne me souciant si quelqu'un, ou pour gain, ou par malice auroit abusé quelque Imprimeur, en luy fourrant en la main, les mesmes Secrets sous le Titre de second Livre du S. Alexis…'). The first known Italian edition of the 'second livre' dates from 1558 (Milan, Giovanni Antonio de gli Antonii: Ferguson, nos. 10 and 11); the 'adjoinctes' may perhaps have been translated or compiled from the additions in the Italian edition of 1558, printed by Theobaldo Pagano at Lyons (Ferguson, nos. 8 and 12).c) Of part 3, Secrets, ou receptes souvraines bien experimentees et approuvees par divers auteurs, it is already specified in the title that it was compiled from different authors. It consists also of two series of treatises, the first Secrets ou receptes de divers auteurs (folios 2 recto-40 verso), giving mainly medical receipts, the second,…receptes touchant le maniement de divers metaus (folios 41 recto-67 verso), having a more technological character. In the 'Avertissement au lecteur' (part 1), only a few words are said about this third part: 'Ie t'ay icy d'avantage conjoint un autre Livre de Secrets experimentés et approuvés par gens de bon jugement, tant en la Medicine, qu'en autres sciences exquises'. Ferguson affirms that this third part is the translation of a series of tracts which appeared originally in German and in Dutch in the first half of the 16th century.
Note 3 The table in part 1 enumerates the 'secrets' of parts 1, 2a and 3; in part 2 a special table details the 'secrets' of 2b (folios 49 recto-66 recto).
Note 4 Listed in M 296, folio 18 recto ([Secrets d'Alexis] in 8° Anno 1559, f[euilles] 31½, [price:] stuivers 4).
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