
Le mystere de la sainete incarnation de Nostre Redempteur…Iesus-Christ, 1587

in The Plantin Press Online

(730 words)

Record ID cp012396
Voet reference number 853
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Henri BUSCHEY
Title page transcription LE ‖ MYSTERE ‖ de la sainete ‖ INCARNATION ‖ de nostre redempteur & sauueur ‖ IESVS-CHRIST: ‖ Par personnages. ‖ Accommodé sur certains passages contenus au vieil & nouueau Testament: ‖ Par Frere Henri Buschey, de l'ordre ‖ de S. François de l'Obseruance. ‖ ⊕ 34 ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christofle Plantin. ‖ Imprimeur du Roy. ‖ M.D.LXXXVII.
Collation 8⁰ [113]: A-G⁸, H⁴; pages 1-116, [117-120]
Fingerprint 158708 - # b1 A2 e$sal : # b2 H2 elle
Number of sheets 7.38
Pages [1]: Title [2]: illustration 3-16: A reverend pere en Dieu, D. Iean Baila, abbé et seigneur de signed by Hubert…(s. F. Henry Buschey, Brussels, 25 March 1587; words in italic type) 16: Les noms des personnages 17-74: Text (italic type; parts and marginals in roman type) 74-116: Action de graces [à Dieu le Pere, à Iesus Christ, au Sainct Esprit; Louange et oraison a la tressaincte Mere de Dieu] (parts in italic type; marginals in roman type) [117]: approbation (Brussels, 17 December 1586, s. Martinus Cools) [118]: Privilege (to H. Buschey: Brussels, 18 October 1586; confirmed. 21 April 1587; s. S. de Grimaldi) [119-120]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations Woodcut, 112 × 75, on page [2], representing the Annunciation and bearing the monograms of the designer, Pieter van der Borcht, and the woodcutter, Antoon van Leest
Copies British Library London- c. 39 a 28
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 304 (1587, no. 31) Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3925 Brunet, I, column 1417 de Troeyer, II, page 59, no. 109
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12927068USTC 15468
Note 1 Mystery-play following the medieval tradition. The only dramatic piece in French by a Walloon author printed in the 16th century.
Note 2 Buschey took the initiative and paid the expenses out of his pocket. He even provided the privilege (placed on his name). In a long letter from Brussels, 22 April 1587 (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1246), he gives Plantin detailed instructions: included he sends the privilege of the Privy Council and asks to start immediately the printing of his 'petit livre'; his name has to be spelled Henri Buschey and not in the form as given in the privilege; a small representation of the Annunciation has to be placed at the beginning (what has been done) and one of St. Franciscus at the end (what has been ignored); when the printing would be finished, 400 copies have to be sent to Buschey by the intermediary of the 'beghine de Bruxelles'; a bill of the expenses has to be mailed to enable Buschey to find the money ('…afin que je cerche les moyens (par bons amis) pour vous faire contens de ce que vous demanderez, et ce le plustost qu'il me sera possible, afin d'accomplir ma promesse'); Plantin's advice in fixing the sale's price is asked; copies might be given to the Brussels beghine for gifts to friends in Antwerp.
Note 3 The financial dealings between author and typographer are detailed in Arch. 20, folio 275: 1,250 copies were printed, containing each 4½ sheets (in fact 7½ sheets). The printing costs amounted to 35 florins Carolus guilders 15 stuivers The paper is not noted as it was directly paid by Buschey to the paper-merchant Nys. 450 copies were delivered to Buschey ''estant present [á Anvers]' ' at a not specified date, and 600 to Catherina Crochet (= probably the Brussels beghine) on 12 June [1587]. As 2 stuivers were paid to the 'travailleurs' carrying Buschey's 450 copies to the ship, the total sum due to Plantin amounted to 35 florins Carolus guilders 17 stuivers From this total Plantin, however, deducted 10 florins Carolus guilders 'pour les 100 exemplaires quil nous a laissé pour es-change d'aultres livres'. The payments to Plantin were made on 1 June (24 florins Carolus guilders) and 12 August 1587 (11 florins Carolus guilders 17 stuivers).
Note 4 It is stated in the note that 1,250 copies were printed; 1,050 were delivered to Buschey and 100 retained by Plantin, making 1,150; what happened with the remaining 100 copies is not clear.
Note 5 Listed in M 296, folio 12r (Mystere d'incarnation de Henry Buschey, f[euilles] 7½, [price:] stuivers 2), and M 321.
Further reading

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