
Die oratie van den…Cardinael van Lorreyne, 1562

in The Plantin Press Online

(363 words)

Record ID cp012391
Voet reference number1282
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Charles de Cardinal de Lorraine GUISE
Title page transcriptionDie ‖ Oratie van dē doorluch- ‖ tichstē ende eervveerdichsten Hee ‖ re mijn Heere die Cardinael ‖ van Lorreyne. ‖ Ghedaen inde vergaderinghe van Poyssi daer ‖ die Coninck teghenwoordich was op den ses= ‖ thiensten dach van September / int iaer M. ‖ CCCCC. ende LXI. ‖ ⊕ 6 ‖ Ghedruckt By Chrystoffel Plantijn. ‖ M.CCCCC.LXII. ‖ Met Priuilegie.
Collation8º [116]: A-C⁸; pages [1-48]
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Council of Brabant, Brussels, 20 November 1561, signed by I. de Perre; gothic type) [3-46]: Text (gothic type [Schwabacher], marginals in italic type) [47-48]: Blank
Edition information
CopiesGhent University Library- Acc. 1768 [1]KU Leuven- Maurits Sabbe Library, P270.177.0 GUIS Orai
Bibliographical referencesNot in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1In September 1561, at the 'assemblée' of Poissy, a tentative at reconciliation of the religious parties in France by Catharina de' Medicis, French Catholics and Calvinists discussed about their religious beliefs (cf. also de Sainetes, no. 2163). In this confrontation Charles de Guise, Cardinal of Lorraine, played on the Catholic side a prominent part and delivered a much appreciated 'oraison'.
Note 2Dutch translation of the French 'oraison'. Plantin published at the same time the original French text (of which no copy is known). Cf. M 296, folio 14r: 'Orayson du Cardinal, 8º, fra[ncois], f[euilles] 4 [= meaning 64 pages], [price:] stuivers ½. Idem in duysch [= Dutch], 8º, Aº -, f[euilles] 3 [= meaning 48 pages], [price:] stuivers ½'.
Note 3In the privilege (in Dutch) (original document preserved in Arch. 1179, no. 21) the title is quoted in French ('L'oraison de monseigneur le Reuer. Cardinal de Lorraine, faicte à l'assemblée de Poyssy') and the name is given of the censor (Laureysen [Laurentius] Metsius, priest at St. Gudule, Brussels).
Note 4It may be surmised that this edition was in fact commissioned and paid for by Joachim Polytes, town clerk of Antwerp, at the request of Anton Perrenot de Granvelle, at that time Bishop of Arras (cf. de Sainctes, no. 2163).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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