
Adversus mathematicos…opus, [translated by Gentianus Hervetus], 1569

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,045 words)

Record ID cp012367
Voet reference number 2208
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3219070
Title page transcription SEXTI EMPIRICI VIRI ‖ LONGE DOCTISSIMI ADVER- ‖ SVS MATHEMATICOS, ‖ Hoc est, aduersus eos qui profitentur disciplinas, ‖ OPVS eruditissimum, complectens vniuersam Pyrrhoniorum acutissimorum Phi- ‖ losophorum disputandi de quibuslibet disciplinis & artibus rationem, ‖ Græcè nunquam, Latinè nunc primùm editum, ‖ GENTIANO HERVETO AVRELIO INTERPRETE. ‖ EIVSDEM SEXTI PYRRHONIARVM ‖ HYPOTYPΩSEΩN LIBRI TRES: ‖ QVIBVS in tres Philosophiæ partes seuerissimè inquiritur. ‖ LIBRI magno ingenij acumine scripti, varia'que doctrina referti: Græce nunquam, ‖ Latinè nunc primùm editi, Interprete Henrico Stephano. ‖ Accessit & Pyrrhonis vita, ex Diogene Laërtio: ex vulgata interpre- ‖ tatione, sed multis in locis castigata. ‖ Item, Claudij Galeni Pergameni contra Academicos & Pyrrhonios, ‖ D. Erasmo Roterodamo interprete. ‖ [Open space] ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D. LXIX. ‖ CVM PRIVILEGIO.
Collation Folio [221]: a⁴, a-z⁴, A-Z⁴, aa-zz⁴, AA-HH⁴; pages [1-8], 1-583, [584-616] (Errors: 375 for 275, 387 for 287, 123 for 323, 153 for 353, 169 for 369, 1389? for 389, 239 for 539)
Fingerprint 156902 - # a1 ã2 $te : # a2 ã3 ex - # 1b1 a r : # 1b2 z3 ati - # 2b1 A i : # 2b2 Z3 em - # 3b1 2a m : # 3b2 2z3 ra$loc - # 4b1 2A otest : # 4b2 2H2 iens$in
Number of sheets 156
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 12 November 1565, signed by Mesdach, and Council of Brabant, 12 November 1565, s. I. de Witthe; Vienna, 21 February 1565, s. Haller) [3-5]: Illustrissimo…Carolo cardinali Lotharingo Gentianus Hervetus…(Paris, 14 February 1567; italic type) [5]: Ad lectorem [6-8]: Table (on two columns; italic type) 1-398: Text (parts in italic type and greek type, marginals in roman type, italic type and greek type) [399]: SEXTI PHILOSOPHI ‖ PYRRHONIARVM HYPO- ‖ TYPΩSEΩN ‖ LIBRI TRES, ‖ QVIBVS in tres Philosophiæ partes seuerissimè ‖ inquiritur. ‖ LIBRI magno ingenij acumine scripti, varia'que doctrina ‖ referti: Græcè nunquam, Latinè nunc primùm editi, ‖ Interprete Henrico Stephano. ‖ ⊕ M. le Jeune ‖ PARISIIS. ‖ 1569 400-404: Henricus Stephanus Henrico Memmio supplicum libellorum in regia magistro S.D. (italic type, parts in roman type) 405-542: Text (parts in italic type) 543-555: Pyrrhonis Eliensis philosophi vita, ex Diogene Laertio (parts in italic type) 556-561: Claudii Galeni Pergameni de optimo docendi genere liber (lines in italic type and greek type) 562-[584]: Annotationes Henrici Stephani (on two columns; italic type, parts in greek type) [584]: ⊕ M. le Jeune ‖ EXCVDEBAT PARISIIS MARTINVS IVVE- ‖ NIS, ANNO M.D.LXIX. SEXTO ‖ CALENDAS IVNII [585-614]: Index (on two columns; italic type, parts in greek type) [614]: ⊕ M. le Jeune [615-616]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 7.11KBR Royal Library of BelgiumGhent University LibraryBritish Library London
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 93 (1569, no. 17)Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 4349
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12925583USTC 401397
Note 1 Contains: a) The treatise adversus mathematicos in the Latin translation by Gentianus Hervetus Aurelius (pages 1-398); b) The treatise Pyrrhoniarum hypotyposeon (= Outlines of Pyrrhonism) in the Latin translation by Henricus Stephanus (Estienne) (pages 405-542); c) The life of Pyrrhon of Elis compiled from Diogenes Laertius (pages 543-555); d) An extract from Claudius Galenus about Pyrrhonism, in the Latin translation of Erasmus (Claudii Galeni Pergameni de optimo docendi genere liber, In quo adversus veteres Academicos Pyrrhoniosque dispubat: D. Erasmo Roterodamo interprete) (pages 556-561); e) Annotations by Henricus Stephanus on the Pyrrhoniarum hypotyposeon (pages 562-582) and on the Life of Pyrrhon from Diogenes Laertius, with an introductory note (pages 583-584).
Note 2 The first part - the translation of the treatise adversus mathematicos by Gentianus Hervetus - is a first edition. In the dedicatory to Cardinal Charles de Guise, dated 14 February 1567, Hervetus explains that having found a manuscript with the Greek text in the library of the cardinal, he had read it eagerly and found it worthwhile to have it translated into Latin.
Note 3 The following parts are a reprint of the edition of 1562, Paris, Henricus Stephanus (cf. A.A. Renouard, Annales de l'imprimerie des Estienne, 1843, page 120).
Note 4 According to the colophon the printing was finished on 27 May 1569.
Note 5 This edition presents some peculiarities: a) Type and initials used suggest that it has not been printed in the Plantin Press; b) If the name of Plantin is mentioned on the first title-page and if the privileges on page [2] are to his name, in the second part the name and the printer's mark of the Parisian bookseller Martinus Juvenis (le Jeune) appear; c) The privilege granting Plantin the right to print Sextus Empiricus is dated as early as 12 November 1565; d) The first title-page comes in two variants: one as described here (without Plantin's printer's mark and most certainly not printed by Plantin), and one showing Plantin's printer's mark, with on the verso side new privileges dated September 1569, and printed in his Press (see following no.).
Note 6 From these peculiarities the genesis of the work might perhaps be reconstructed as follows: Plantin must have agreed to publish the treatise against the mathematicians in the translation of Hervetus as early as 1565, but, very likely at the urging of the scholar (whose own dedicatory is only dated February 1567), the printing had to be postponed. Plantin himself became then involved in the publication of the Polyglot Bible and the service books for Spain, and lost some of his interest. The Parisian bookseller, le Jeune, with whom Plantin had close business-contacts, must have taken over: he had the work printed in Paris, that is Hervetus's text together with the 1562 Estienne-edition of Sextus Empiricus. Part of the edition was taken by Plantin and provided by le Jeune with a title-page to Plantin's name. Plantin, however, had another title-page more to his liking especially made in his house. Copies must have circulated both with the 'Paris' and with the 'Antwerp' title-page bearing Plantin's imprint. It is not clear if the edition also included copies with the Parisian address of le Jeune on the first title-page.
Note 7 Listed in M 296, folio 17v (Sextus Empyricus, f⁰, f[euilles] -, [price:] stuivers 32).
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The Plantin Press Online

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