
Kruydtboeck, 1581

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,489 words)


Record ID cp012351
Voet reference number 1579
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1132955
Title page transcription [Engraved title-page:]Kruydtboeck ‖ OFT ‖ Beschrijuinghe ‖ Van allerleye Ghewassen, ‖ Kruyderen, Hesteren ende ‖ Gheboomten ‖ DEVR ‖ Matthias De Lobel ‖ Medecijn der Princr Exc.en ‡ T'ANTWERPEN ‖ By Christoffel Plantyn ‖ M.D. LXXXI.
Collation Folio (340 × 206): [*⁲], A-Z⁶, a-z⁶, AA-ZZ⁶, aa-oo⁶; pages [1-14], 1-994, [995-996] (Errors: 58 for 57, 59 for 58, 60 for 59, 77-78 omitted, 109-110 twice numbered, 179? for 379, 677 for 678, 678 for 679, 370 for 730, 622 for 922)
Fingerprint 158102 - # a1 *2 be : # a2 *4 dt$e - # 1b1 A e$ : # 1b2 Z3 ille - # 2b1 a gh : # 2b2 z4 aen - # 3b1 2A oud : # 3b2 2Z4 eseling - # 4b1 2a2 tter$ee : # 4b2 2o4 swerte - # 5b1 2A2 laxere : # 5b2 2Z4 Borass - # 6b1 2a l$st : # 6b2 2d5 $boere$d - # 7b1 2+ e :
Number of sheets 352
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3]: illustration [4]: Privilege (Brussels, signed by I. Blijleven; civilité type) 1-994: Text (gothic type, parts in roman type and greek type, marginals in roman type and gothic type) [995-996]: Blank
Edition information
Bibliographical references Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 1974 Carter, H.G. Civilité types 199
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12914575USTC 401882STCN 344385353
Further reading


Title page transcription [Heading:] TWEEDE DEEL ‖ Vande beschrijvinghe ‖ der cruyden / ‖ Door MATTHIIS DE LOBEL.
Collation Folio (340 × 206): 1º) Aa-Zz⁶, aA⁶, bB-cC⁴, dD⁶; pages 1-312, [313-314] (Note: between numbered pages 294 and 295 there is a not numbered blank sheet which constitutes bB⁴, but which has not been counted) (Errors: 251 for 261); 2º) ††⁸; pages 1-15, [16] (Errors: 3-4: numerals illegible); 3º) a-e⁴, q-qq⁴, qqq⁶; pages [1-68]
Number of sheets
Pages 1º) 1: Title (Heading) 1-312: Text (gothic type, parts in roman type and greek type, marginals in roman type and gothic type) 312: Errata (roman type and gothic type) [313-314]: Blank 2º) 1-15: Text 'Van de Succedanea' (gothic type, parts in roman type, marginals in gothic type) [16]: Blank 3º) [1-64]: Indices (on 3 columns; gothic type and roman type) [65-67]: Additional text (gothic type, parts in roman type) [67]: Ghedruckt t'Antwerpen by Christoffel Plantijn Drucker der ‖ Conincklijcker Maiesteyt / Int iaer ons Heeren / ‖ M.CCCCC.LXXXI [68]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations I. Copper engraving: Title-page, 274 × 188 (cf. description in BB, III, page 1134). II. Woodcuts: 1º) 'coat-of-arms' of Lobelius (cf. preceding no.) in first part, page [3] 2º) 2,187 illustrations of plants of varying Dimensions: 1,625 in the first part, 554 in the second part (of which 39 in the additional chapter) and 8 in the additional sheet at the end. N.B.: 1º) Nissen counts 1,619 and 562 illustrations BB does not give a total. In fact, the count is often difficult to make as some blocks are printed so closely together that one cannot be sure if they are isolated or not 2º) The original blocks are preserved in Museum Plantin-Moretus
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 299- R 44.11- K 402Allard PiersonHeritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpKBR Royal Library of BelgiumGhent University LibraryBritish Library LondonUtrecht University Library
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, pages 229-230 (1581, no. 33) Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), III, pages 1133-1136 Nissen, C. Die Botanische Buchillustration (2. Aufl.), II, page 1219
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Botanical study in Dutch in two volumes. The 2nd has 3 parts. In the 1st: text proper, pages 1-294; [not numbered blank sheet]; pages 295-312, additional illustrated chapter titled 'Some figures which partially have not been made [previously] because the plant was not in flower or not at hand, and partially have been omitted because of our absence or those of the printer, and among which some are described [again] because the misreading of their names or the wrong placing [in the preceding parts] which we found to have been made in our haste'. Two additional parts with separate pagination: a) Van de Succedanea, being the Dutch translation of the chapter on medicaments after Rondeletius, as reproduced in Latin in the 1576-edition); b) Indices in Dutch, Latin, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and English; an index in Dutch on the medicinal effects of plants (compiled by Martin Everaert); three additional pages with plants.
Note 2 In this Dutch edition are melted together the two parts of the 1576-publication, each much enlarged. The name of Petrus Pena has been deleted. Detailed description of the content in BB, III, pages 1134-1135.
Note 3 Rooses, Musée, page 157, notes that 'En 1579, il [= Martin Everaert] est encore payé, pour avoir copié un herbier, probablement le Kruydtboeck de Mathias de Lobel, publié par Plantin en 1581'. We could not find the reference in the archives. Everaert compiled the 'medicinal' index and copied probably Lobelius's manuscript in a neat handwriting for the use of the compositors. The supposition by BB, III, page 1135, that Everaert corrected at the same time Lobelius's Dutch, seems exaggerated and, anyway, not proved.
Note 4 The wood-blocks reproduced were already used in the botanical studies printed by the Plantin Press of Lobelius himself, Clusius and Dodonaeus. It is not clear if wood-blocks were especially commissioned for this edition. The blocks used included the c. 250 items of the London-edition of 1571, comprised in the purchase of the 800 copies of this publication from Paul de Lobel in 1576, but which were only delivered to Plantin on 4 May 1580, and for whom he paid then an additional fee of 120 florins Carolus guilders (Arch. 18, folio 254; Arch. 58, folio 57r).
Note 5 Four wood-blocks prepared for cutting but not executed and still preserved with their drawings in Museum Plantin-Moretus were probably intended originally for the Kruydtboeck, but discarded for others: F. Van den Wijngaert, 'De botanische teekeningen in het Museum Plantin-Moretus' in De Gulden Passer, 25, 1947, pages 37-40.
Note 6 Lobelius received in July 1581 as a gift 80 copies 'de ses herbiers' 'p[our] faire ses presents et sont du grand papier' and another copy on 1 August (Arch. 18, folio 257).
Note 7 On 19 April 1581, in the draft of a letter to Camerarius, Plantin tells his friend 'Absolvam brevi Deo favente Herbarium Lobelii sed hac inferioris Germaniae lingua impressum, multo locupletiorem Latino' (Corr., VI, no. 926). The text in the letter itself, dated 22 April 1581, is somewhat more elaborated: 'Infra paucos admodum dies Herbarium Lobelii hac inferiori lingua multo latina completiorem et continue serie conscriptum absolvam et eodem fere tempore Icones nudas cum nominibus Stirpium (= cf. following no.). Haec se te desideras illico mittam' (Suppl. Corr., no. 157; cf. also, Ibidem, no. 163).
Note 8 A number of copies had their illustrations coloured by hand (the three copies in Museum Plantin-Moretus are treated in this way). When Gobelius asked for a coloured copy of the Plantarum seu stirpium icones (see following no.), Plantin had to tell him that he could not provide one before three months and that it was a laborious and expensive affair as all the plants had to be coloured 'ad vivum'. However, as he had ready three coloured copies of the Kruydtboeck, he would send one of these, together with an uncoloured one (Corr., VI, no. 954: 'Illustratum vero coloribus nullum nunc habeo neque posset decenter fieri spacio trium mensium, ad vivum uti maximo labore et impensis haud parvis curavi 3. exemplaria impressionis ea qua hic utuntur lingua in quibus nulla est figura quae non sit ad vivum ex ipsis stirpibus expressa, suis genuinis coloribus depicta. Et quoniam significas Sereniss. Regi placiturum ecce illorum hic unum tibi exemplar mitto cum altero non depicto quod tibi tam gratum percupio quam me inter amicos tuos adscriptum'). In Arch. 18, folio 442 (cf. also Corr., VI, page 316) it is indeed duly noted that the uncoloured copy was presented to Gobelius as a gift (Item ung Herbarium en blancq que C. Plantin a donné dono audit), but for the coloured one the physician had to pay the considerable sum of 113 florins Carolus guilders, making it, next to some copies of the Polyglot Bible, one of the most expensive books entered in Plantin's ledgers (1 Herbarium Lobelii Pictum ad vivum. Sont XXIC [= 2100] figures à 1 page [= 1 stuivers]. Valeur florins Carolus guilders 105 et 8 flor. pour le livre blancq. Valeur in nummis florins Carolus guilders 113).
Note 9 Listed in M 296, folio 4r (Cruydtboeck van Mathias de Lobel, fº, f[euilles] 339, XXIC [2100] figures, [price:] florins Carolus guilders 6 stuivers 10), M 164, folio 7v, and M 321.
Further reading

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