
Le Decameron, [translated by Antoine le Maçon]. Antwerp, Plantin, 1559

in The Plantin Press Online

(321 words)

Record ID cp012335
Voet reference number 735A
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Giovanni BOCCACCIO
Title page transcription
Number of sheets
Edition information
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Plantin must have printed in 1558-1559 a French translation of Boccacio's work: on 12 February 1559 he notes the shipment of 50 copies of the 'Decameron' to Paris booksellers (à Lucas p[ar] Symon Symon ce qui s'ensuict tant pour la vefve [l'Angelier] que pour autres libraires [at Paris]) (Arch. 34, page 28). In 1562 a large stock of the 'Decameron de Mr. Jehan Boccace' was sold at the auction of Plantin's belongings: 467 copies, each containing 42 sheets, making 39 reams and 140 sheets of paper; sold at 1 florins Carolus guilders 10½ stuivers per ream, i.e. 84 florins Carolus guilders 14¾ stuivers (Arch. 27, folio 23).
Note 2 No copies are known, but it may be assumed that the 1559-edition bearing the imprint of the Parisian bookseller Martin le Jeune, of which copies are preserved (see following no.), came in fact from Plantin's presses: Plantin must have printed, as he often did with publications in French in those years, a number of copies with le Jeune's Paris address. They are in general identical, with only the title-page changed. In any way, the le Jeune-edition bears all the characteristics of Plantin's early printings, and the number of sheets is identical (or nearly so: 43 sheets in le Jeune's edition; 42 sheets in the auction inventory - but errors of this kind are frequent in inventories).
Note 3 French translations by Antoine le Maçon were published at Paris by Estienne Roffet in 1545 and 1548, and by Groulleau in 1551 (Brunet, I, Column 1006): Plantin's edition must be a reprint of one of them.
Note 4 Not listed in M 164 or M 296.
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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