
Emblemata, [edited by et commented by Claudius Minos]. Leiden, 1584

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,080 words)

Record ID cp012297
Voet reference number32A
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1132822
Title page transcriptionEMBLEMATA V.C. ‖ ANDREÆ ALCIATI ‖ MEDIOLANENSIS ‖ IVRISCONSVLTI; ‖ Cum facili & compediosa explicatione, qua obscu- ‖ ra illustrantur, dubiaque omnia soluuntur. ‖ Per CLAVDIVM MINOEM Diuionensem. ‖ Excerpta ex eiusdem in eadem Alciati emblema- ‖ ta maiorum vigiliarum commentariis. ‖ Ad calcem ALCIATI vita nuper ‖ ab eodem Minoë conscripta. ‖ ⊕ 42 ‖ LVGDVNI BATAVORVM, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXXXIV.
Collation16mo [90]: A-Z⁸, a-g⁸; pages 1-471, [472-480] (Errors: ? for 151, 261: 2 upside down, 150 for 450)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-7: Claud. Minos Christophoro Plantino suo S.P. (Paris, 5 August 1583; words in greek type) 8-12: De emblemate (italic type, words in roman type and greek type) 13-14: Cl. viri Andreae Alciati in librum emblematum praefatio ad Chonradum Peutingerum Augustanum (part in italic type) 15-446: Text (parts in italic type) [447-448]: Blank [449]: ANDREÆ ALCIATI ‖ V.C. VITA, ‖ PER ‖ CLAVD. MINOEM ‖ CONSCRIPTA. (= title) 150 (= for 450)-471: Text (even pages: Latin text in italic type, parts in roman type; uneven pages: French text in roman type, parts in italic type) [472]: Note to the reader (parts in italic type and greek type) [473-478]: Index (on two columns; parts in greek type) [479]: Privilege (Fontainebleau, 5 August 1582, signed by De Neufville) [480]: Blank
Edition information
IllustrationsWoodcuts: 1) 196 illustrations, 58 × 58, ornating the emblems (cf. the remarks under nos. 27 and 29), but not printed within a border or frame 2) 14 illustrations, c. 55 × c. 55, with reproductions of trees, ornating the emblems of the section devoted to the trees (as the in 16mo format of the 1584-edition was much smaller than the in 8⁰ editions of 1577 and 1581, the wood-blocks representing trees, used in these editions, could not fit, and had to be recut in a smaller size, most likely in Leiden). These wood-blocks too returned from Leiden to Antwerp and are now preserved in Museum Plantin-Moretus Digitisation of the woodblocks
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus - A 464Allard Pierson
Digital copies Museum Plantin-Moretus: A 464 (1)
Bibliographical referencesNot in Ruelens-de Backer, Green, Duplessis, Landwehr
Online bibliographical references
Note 1New edition arranged by Mignaut. A letter from Mignaut to Plantin, dated 5 August 1583, replaces the dedicatory to the Paris magistrates; the long introduction on emblems has been replaced by a more succinct one; the laudatory poems, the foreword to the reader, the explanation of the Greek sentences and expressions, the 'laudatio' of Alciatus held by Mignaut in 1576 have disappeared. On the other side, a 'Vita Andreae Alciati' by Mignaut, in Latin and French, has been added. The comments themselves are also revised and much shortened.
Note 2Mignaut, in a letter dated 26 August 1583, asked Plantin if he wished to receive the abridged version of his comments on Alciatus, as the typographer had demanded him the year before ('…et sçavoir de vous si trouverez bon que ie vous envoye un petit abrégé sur mes commentaires d'Alciat, comme l'aviez demandé l'an passé car i'en ay dressé un qui ne contient pas beaucoup et que ie vous gardois tousiours'). He continues: 'quant est du commentaire entier ie l'ay redressé tout de nouveau, et vouldrois bien qu'entre cy et trois ou quatre mois eussiez loisir de le r'imprimer, desirant le vous remettre entre les mains'. The reason for his demand for an urgent reprint is explained: 'premier que noz corsaires [= pirating publishers] s'en emparent, estant de iour a l'aultre adverti qu'aulcuns d'icy [= Paris] et de Lyon taschent de s'en ayder, comme a desia fait un gendre de Marnef [= in February 1583 Jerôme de Marneffe and the widow Guillaume Cavillat published the emblems of Alciatus with the comments of Mignaut, pirated from an earlier Plantin edition] par trop imprudement et sans m'en avoir iamais dit un seul petit mot'. Some lines further in the text he explodes again against the Paris publisher who pirated his comments: 'Ie n'oblieray a dire que Marnef et son gendre m'ont fait un lasche tort, duquel iauray tousiours ma raison, et si mon privilege n'eust esté expire de 17 iours seullement, i'eusse fait saisir tous ses livres imprimez iouxte vostre derniere edition'.
Note 3It is this 'petit abrégé sur mes commentaires d'Alciat' which has been reproduced in the 1584-edition. Owing to the difficult times, Plantin had to renounce the publication of the larger revised comment, proposed by Mignaut in his letter. In the 1584-edition itself Mignaut inserted a Latin letter to Plantin in which he paraphrases at length what he said in his French letter about the abridged version of his comments, but not a word was said about the larger revised comment (Plantin had probably warned the Parisian scholar in the meantime that it was impossible for him to publish this text). Mignaut took advantage of the situation to shoot some arrows at de Marneffe, without, however, naming the pirating publisher. This foreword in the form of a letter to Plantin must have been written at the end of 1583 or the beginning of 1584, but is, for some unknown reason, antidated 5 August 1583. The text has been reprinted in Correspondance de C. Plantin, VII, no. 1003. Mignaut's French letter to Plantin, 26 August 1583, was first published and commented upon by S.F. Will, 'Correspondance inedite de Christophe Plantin' in Revue belge de Philologie et d'Histoire, 12, 1933, pages 124-132 (reprinted in Supplément Correspondance de C. Plantin, no. 181).
Note 4Some copies of the Leiden-edition received a title-page with Plantin's Antwerp imprint (see following no.).
Note 5A copy of 'Emblemata Alciati, in 16⁰' figures in the list of publications printed by Plantin at Leiden of which he presented a copy to the Leiden magistrate on 2 January 1585 (this copy lost; cf. E. Hulshoff Poll, 'Boucken op 't secreet. Plantijndrukken op het raadhuis te Leiden' in Leids Jaarboekje, 1972, page 92).
Note 6Listed in M 164, folio 10 verso, M 296, folio 5 verso, and M 321, folio 8 verso without specification where it was printed (Emblemata And. Alciati cum compendiosa explicatione per Claudium Minoem 16⁰, f[euilles] 15, [price:] stuivers 5).
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