
Institutiones christianae pietatis, seu parvus catechismus catholicorum, 1566

in The Plantin Press Online

(305 words)

Record ID cp012236
Voet reference number 874
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Petrus CANISIUS
Title page transcription
Number of sheets
Edition information
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 97 verso, specifying the details about 'Canisius Instructiones etc. 16⁰' printed between 6 October and 1 December 1565 (Institutiones et exercitamenta, 1566: see no. 888), continues with 'et le petit catechisme contient 2½ feilles [i.e. 80 pages] à 1000 exemplaires, font 5 rames et 8 mains [de papier moyen carré, at 1 florins Carolus guilders 8 stuivers per ream]'. The costs of this 'petit catechisme' were counted into those of the Institutiones et exercitamenta. The first part (= calendar; pages 1-16) of the Parvus catechismus and of the Institutiones et exercitamenta must have been identical and was in fact printed from the same type-composition.
Note 2 Listed in De Backer-Sommervogel, II, Column 637 (Institutiones christianae pietatis. Autore D. Petro Canisio Societatis Iesu theologo. Antverpiae, ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1566, 16⁰, pages 63, sll.) and BCN, no. 3026 (quoting Streicher and Frutsaert, but without giving the location of a copy).
Note 3 Abridged version of Canisius's Summa doctrinae christianae for use in the schools. The first edition (without the name of the author) was published by Maternus Cholinus at Cologne, 1558. The earlier editions were generally given as Parvus catechismus catholicorum. The 1566-Plantin edition seems to be the first with the title Institutiones christianae pietatis, seu parvus catechismus, but was perhaps not the very first edition of the Parvus catechismus published by the Plantin Press (see preceding no.).
Note 4 M 296 , folio 3 recto, lists 'Catechismus parvus Canisii 16⁰, f[euilles] 2½, [price:] stuivers ½', which can perhaps refer to this edition (but also to later ones).
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