
Dialectica, seu generalia logices praecepta omnia, 1579

in The Plantin Press Online

(365 words)

Record ID cp012207
Voet reference number1424
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcriptionAVGVSTINI HVNNÆI ‖ DIALECTICA, ‖ SEV ‖ GENERALIA LOGICES ‖ PRÆCEPTA OMNIA, ‖ QVÆCVNQVE EX TOTO ARISTOTELIS ‖ ORGANO, PHILOSOPHIÆ TIRONIBVS ‖ AD EDISCENDVM PROPONI CON- ‖ SVEVERVNT. ‖ Ad Latinas definitiones, diuisionesq̓; ex eodem Organo sumptas, Græcis simul ‖ adiunctis, vt harum cum Latinis collatione puram genuinamq̓; Aristotelissententiam iuuentus faciliùs certiusq̓; percipere queat. ‖ Præceptionum quoque vsus diligenter est commonstratus. ‖ Cetera ex noua Auctoris ad Lectorem præfatione cognosces: ‖ ⊕ 29 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXIX.
Collation8º [132]: A-Z⁸, a⁸; pages 1-379, [380-384] (Errors: 4 not numbered, 7 for 73, 815 for 158, 202 for 212, 251 not numbered, 10 for 310, 239 for 349)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 18 September 1565, signed by Mesdach, and Council of Brabant, 8 October 1565, s. De Witte; s.d., s. Mesdach and Witte); Announcement of the publication by Plantin of another edition of Hunnaeus, the Prodidagmata (roman type and italic type) 3-4: Augustinus Hunnaeus discipulis suis S.P. (Louvain, 13 November 1552; italic type, words in roman type) 5-8: Augustinus Hunnaeus candido lectori S.D. (Louvain) 9-10: Petrus Mensius V.I. licenciatus benevolo lectori (italic type, words in roman type) 11: approbation (s. Cunerus Petri a Brouwershaven, Louvain, 1565) 12-379: Text (parts in italic type and greek type) [380-382]: Peroratio ad discipulos (italic type, words in greek type) [383]: Privilege (Vienna, 21 February 1565, s. Haller) [384]: ANTVERPIÆ EXCVDEBAT ‖ CHRISTOPHORVS PLANTNVS, ‖ ARCHITYPOGRAPHVS REGIVS, ‖ ANNO M.D.LXXIX. KAL. IVL
Edition information
CopiesUniversity Library Freiburg- B 1450 eBiblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 203 (1579, no. 20)
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Reprint of the preceding editions.
Note 2According to the colophon the printing was finished on 1 July 1579.
Note 3In Plantin's letter to J. Buyssetius of 10 December 1579 is enumerated among the editions issued by the Plantin Press in the last two years 'Dialectica Augustini Hunnei binas editio' (Corr., IV, no. 851, page 114).
Note 4Not listed in M 296 or M 164.
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The Plantin Press Online

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