
A Instruction et manière de tenir livres de raison ou de comptes par parties doubles. Antwerp, Plantin, 1567

in The Plantin Press Online

(856 words)

Record ID cp012176
Voet reference number2183A
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1170096
Author Pierre SAVONNE
Title page transcription[Within typographical border of fleurons, itself within a rule at either side:] INSTRVCTION ‖ ET MANIERE DE TENIR ‖ LIVRES DE RAISON OV DE ‖ COMPTES PAR PARTIES DOVBLES: ‖ Auec le moyen de dresser Carnet pour le virement & ‖ rencontre des parties, qui se font aux foires es paye- ‖ ments de Lyon, & autres lieux: ‖ LIVRE NECESSAIRE A TOVS MARCHANDS ‖ & autres personnes, qui s'entremectent d'aucunes affaires, ou negoces ‖ affectées a quelques conferences ou rendition de comptes. ‖ Par PIERRE SAVONNE, dict TALON, natif ‖ d'Auignon, Conté de Venisse. ‖ ⊕ 17 ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christophle Plantin. ‖ - ‖ M.D. LXVII. ‖ AVEC PRIVILEGE DV ROY.
Collation4⁰ (268 × 187): *⁴ (2nd sheet numbered *⁳; others not numbered), b-c⁴, A-D⁴, E⁲, F-I⁴, K (= 10 Folios, thus in theory Kⁱ⁰; only numbered: K, K⁳ [= instead of K⁲]; the other sheets not numbered), L-Z⁴, a-i⁴, k⁲, l-o⁴; pages [1-324]
Fingerprint156704 - # 1a1=1a2 *3 oit$b - # 2a1 b $q : # 2a2 c3 e$sur - # 1b1 A3 $a$ : # 1b2 Y3 6. - # 2b1 c2 . : # 2b2 l3 s$
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-5]: A honorable seigneur Gilles Hooftman marchant en la tresrenommée ville d'Anvers, salut (Antwerp, 12 February 1567, signed by Pierre Savonne; italic type) [6-7]: Au lecteur ioye et felicité [7]: Iacques Lopin (12 lines poem, s. In spe, et timore; italic type) [8]: Iehan Lemoyne escrivain a P. Savonne sonnet (italic type); Note to the reader [9-24]: Text [25-321]: Practical examples of book-keeping [322]: Privilege (to Savonne: stuivers Maur des Fossés, 10 May 1566, s. De Vabres) [323]: Privilege (Brussels, 13 December, s. I. de Witte) [324]: Blank
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- A 1361- K 690: incompleteKBR Royal Library of Belgium.
Bibliographical referencesCf. Notes Not in Ruelens-de BackerCockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 4275
Online bibliographical referencesSTCV c:stcv:12919373
Note 1Interesting French treatise on book-keeping, analysed by de Waal, op. cit., pages 143-157 (with reproduction of the title-page: plate 2), and Stevelinck-Haulotte (with reproduction of title-page).
Note 2The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 114, gives the following details about 'Instruction pour tenir livres de comptes par Pierre Savonne': the author received 45 florins Carolus guilders for his manuscript and for the French privilege granted to him ('par achapt de la copie et Privilege du Roy de France i'ay payé aud[ict] Savonne'), while 2 florins Carolus guilders also was paid 'Pour le contract' (probably the notarial deed regarding the transaction). The wages for composing and printing are entered on 19 January 1567 (quires A-O), 19 February 1567 ('pour l'impression de 23 feilles'), and at an unspecified date after 19 February ('Les trois premières feilles encores…'); they amount to 57 florins Carolus guilders 16 stuivers With some additional costs (3 florins Carolus guilders 15 stuivers 'par reglettes de cuivre payés à Gillis de boys' and 3 florins Carolus guilders 15 stuivers 'par reglettes de bois') these expenses came to 111 florins Carolus guilders 6 stuivers As each copy contains 40 sheets and as 800 copies were printed, 70 reams (including 6 reams for 'les imperfections avec une feille refaicte') of 'grand papier bastard' were used, which, at 2 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers per ream, came to 175 florins Carolus guilders, bringing the overall expenses to 286 florins Carolus guilders 6 stuivers Plantin had to give 100 copies to Savonne, and kept, consequently, only 700 copies for sale ('Com i'en doibs bailler aud[ict] Savonne pour sa copie aussi 100 exemplaires par quoy n'en reste que 700…'). 'Par quoy reviennent environ à 8½ stuivers un peu moins [par copie] '. Plantin overlooked to enter in his cost-accounting note another expense: in Arch. 3, folio 70r, he noted on 22 June 1567 the payment of 12 florins Carolus guilders 'Instruction pour tenir livre de compte compté à casse florins Carolus guilders 12, pour autant paya m[aistr]e Martin Evrard d'avoir escrit led[ict] livre' (= meaning very likely that M. Evrard copied the original manuscript, making of it a more legible text for the compositors). Cf. H.L.V. de Groote, 'Zestiende-eeuwse boekhoudkundigen en cijfermeesters in betrekking met Antwerpen' in Scientiarum Historia, 3, 1961, pages 154-156; H.L.V. de Groote, 'De zestiendeeeuwse Nederlandse drukken over boekhouden en handelsrekenen hoofdzakelijk in betrekking met Antwerpen' in De Gulden Passer, 49, 1971, pages 13-14.
Note 3The 100 copies were delivered to Pierre Savonne on 26 February 1567 (Arch. 45, folio 33r).
Note 4From the cost-accounting note it may be deduced that Plantin himself was very eager to publish Savonne's work, giving the author, for the time, rather generous conditions.
Note 5Of the publication a number of copies received a title-page with Plantin's Parisian address.
Note 6Listed in M 296, folio 10r (Instruction de P. Savonne à tenir livre de compte, in 4⁰, f[euilles] 40, [price:] stuivers 30).
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