
Bible [in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin], [edited by B. Arias Montanus], in folio, 1572

in The Plantin Press Online

(857 words)


Record ID cp012166
Voet reference number 645
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Uniform title Greek BIBLE: POLYGLOT (in Hebrew
Title page transcription HEBRAICORVM ‖ BIBLIORVM ‖ Veteris Testamenti Latina interpretatio, opera o- ‖ lim Xantis Pagnini Lucensis: nunc verò Bene- ‖ dicti Ariæ Montani Hispalēsis, Francisci Raphe- ‖ lengii Alnetani, Guidonis, & Nicolai Fabricio- ‖ rum Boderianorum fratrum collato studio, ad ‖ Hebraicam dictionem diligentissimè expensa: ‖ CENSORVM LOVANIENSIVM IVDICIO ‖ EXAMINATA, ET ACADEMIÆ ‖ SVFFRAGIO COM- ‖ PROBATA: ‖ ⊕ 21 ‖ Christophorus Plantinus Regius Prototypogra- ‖ phus Antuerpiæ excudebat.
Collation Folio (402 × 270): (a) †⁴, A-L⁶, M⁸; pages [1-8], 1-147, [148]; (b) a-k⁶, l⁸, m-o⁶, p⁸; pages 1-186, [187-188]; (c) Aa-Ii⁶, Kk⁴; pages 1-114, [115-116]; (d) AA-OO⁶; pages 1-166, [167-168] (Errors: (b) 5-6 for 6-7; (d) 98 for 89). Printed, according to Hebrew tradition, from back to front. Hebrew texts with interlinear Latin translation, on two columns, separated by a double rule
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-7]: Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispalensis in Latinam ex Hebraica veritate Veteris Testamenti interpretationem, ad christianae doctrinae studiosos praefatio (Antwerp, 1 September 1571; parts and marginals in italic type) [7-8]: approbation (University of Louvain, 26 March 1571, signed by Conrardus Sylvius, notarius) [8]: approbation (University of Paris, 8 March 1569, signed by H. Nebrisius, I. Faber, G. Postel, I. Benedictus, Dequicteleufius, Genebrardus) [1]-147: Genesis - Deuteronomium (Hebrew, parts in roman type and italic type, marginals in roman type, Hebrew and italic type) [148]: Blank 1-186: Josuah - Paralipomenon II (Hebrew, parts in roman type and italic type, marginals in roman type, Hebrew and italic type) 186: approbation (signed by B. Arias Montanus) [187-188]: Blank 1-114: Hezra - Cantica Canticorum (Hebrew, parts in roman type and italic type, marginals in roman type, Hebrew and italic type) [115]: Notes in Hebrew; approbation (signed by B. Arias Montanus) [116]: Blank 1-166: Iesahiahu - Malachi (Hebrew, parts in roman type and italic type, marginals in roman type, Hebrew and italic type) [167]: approbation (signed by B. Arias Montanus); approbation (Louvain, 25 March 1571, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Iohannes Wilhel. Harlemius) [168]: Blank
Edition information
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Further reading


Title page transcription NOVVM ‖ TESTAMENTVM ‖ GRAECE ‖ Cum vulgata interpretatione Latina Græci contextus lineis ‖ inserta: Quæ quidem interpretatio, cùm à Græcarum dictio- ‖ num proprietate discedit, sensum, videlicet, magis quàm ‖ verba exprimens, in margine libri est collocata: atque alia ‖ BEN. ARIÆ MONTANI HISPALENSIS ‖ operà è verbo reddita, ac diuerso characterum genere distin- ‖ cta; LOVANIENSIVM vero Censorum iudicio & totius Aca- ‖ demiæ calculis comprobata; in eius est substituta locum. ‖ TYPOGRAPHVS LECTORI. ‖ HVIVS operis, atque adeò eorum omnium quæ in sacro hoc APPARATV ‖ continentur, qui ordinem, rationemq' omnem cupit cognoscere, is tum eam ‖ quæ proximè sequitur, tum verò eas omnes eiusdem MONTANI Præ- ‖ fationes, quæ quidem singulis sunt ‖ annexae libris, attentè perlegat, huius enim ‖ minimi sanè laboris neminem vnquam paenitebit. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus ‖ Regius Prototypographus. ‖ M.D.LXXII.
Collation Folio (400 × 273): A⁴, A-Q⁶; pages [1-8], 1-191, [192] (Errors: 66 not numbered, 96-97 twice numbered, 106-107 omitted, 148 for 146)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-7]: Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispalensis, in Novi Testamenti Graeci Latinam interpretationem e verbo expressam ad christianum lectorem praefatio (Antwerp, 1 August; words in italic type and greek type) [8]: Blank [1]-191: Text (Greek text with Latin interlinear translation; on two columns; roman type, italic type, and greek type, marginals in roman type, italic type, and greek type) 191: approbation (Antwerp, 1 December 1571, signed by B. Arias Montanus; Louvain, 25 March 1571, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Ioannes Wilhelm. Harlemius) [192]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Bodleian Libraries. See also Notes
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Same edition as volume 7 of the Polyglot Bible: an extra number of copies of this Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament must have been printed and sold separately. In M 164 and M 296 is, indeed, listed as a separate edition 'Biblia S[ancta] cum versione S. Pagnini interlinearii f⁰ a⁰ 72, f[euilles] 209, [price:] florins Carolus guilders 10', which must refer to volume 7 of the Polyglot Bible, also quoted as having 209 sheets. And in fact, in a number of libraries, this Hebrew Old Testament - Greek New Testament is found as a separate publication. Most copies of this separate edition which we were able to verify (Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg; Royal Danish Library; Municipal Library Lyons; UL Tübingen) are exactly alike volume 7 of the Polyglot Bible, as is also one of the two copies of the Bodleian Libraries. But the other copy of the Bodleian (B 2.6 Th) presents an important variant: on the title-page of the Hebrew Old Testament the reference 'Ad regii sacri operis commoditatem apparatum' (which makes of this publication a volume of the Polyglot Bible) has been dropped, making of this particular edition a fully 'independent' publication. The title-page of the New Testament, which went with this 'adapted' Old Testament has, however, kept the reference to the Apparatus (= Polyglot Bible).
Further reading

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