
L'arithmetique. Leiden, 1585

in The Plantin Press Online

(760 words)

Record ID cp012156
Voet reference number 2257
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3219220
Author Simon STEVIN
Title page transcription L'ARITHMETIQVE ‖ DE SIMON STEVIN ‖ DE BRVGES: ‖ Contenant les computations des nombres ‖ Arithmetiques ou vulgaires: ‖ Aussi l'Algebre, auec les equations de cinc quantitez ‖ Ensemble les quatre premiers liures d'Algebre ‖ de Diophante d'Alexandrie, maintenant pre- ‖ mierement traduicts en François. ‖ Encore vn liure particulier de la Pratique d'Arithmetique, ‖ contenant entre autres, Les Tables d'Interest, La Disme; ‖ Et vn traicté des Incommensurables grandeurs: ‖ Auec l'Explication du Dixiesme Liure d'Euclide. ‖ ⊕ 41 ‖ A LEYDE, ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christophle Plantin. ‖ CIƆ.IƆ.LXXXV.
Collation 8⁰ [127]: *⁸, **⁴, A-Z⁸, a-s⁸; pages [1-18], folios 1r-6v, pages 7-642, [643-656] (Errors: 132 for 432, 621 for 622)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-5]: Au tresdocte et vertueux seigneur monsr Iehan Gornets de Groot (s. Simon Stevin; italic type) [6]: Ad Simonem Stevinum Brugensem (s. Dominicus Baudius Insulensis; italic type) [7-8]: In opus Simonis Stevini Brugensis (s. Franciscus Bertie Anglus; italic type) [9-12]: De opere operibusque autoris sermo (s. Iagius Tornus [= anagram for Ianus Grotius]; italic type) [13]: Au lecteur pour l'oeuvre (s. Darie Togon [= anagram for Ian de Groot]; italic type) [14-15]: Au lecteur [16-17]: Argument [18]: Synopsis in form of table 1r-6v, 7-430: Text (parts in italic type) 431: LES QVATRE ‖ PREMIERS LIVRES ‖ D'ALGEBRE DE ‖ DIOPHANTE ‖ D'ALEXANDRIE. ‖ Traduicts en langue Françoise: & ‖ expliquez par SIMON STEVIN ‖ De Bruges.; 132 (= for 432)-434: Preface de Stevin (italic type) 435-642: Text (parts in italic type) [643-651]: Table (italic type) 652-656: Index (on two columns; italic type)
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 19.11Municipal Library BrugesKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeLeiden University LibrariesUL LiègeBritish Library LondonBibliothèque nationale de France
Bibliographical references Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), V, pages 218-219 D.E. Smith, Rara Arithmetica, Boston-London, 1908, page 386 (with reproduction of the title-page on page 387) A.J.E.M. Smeur, De zestiende-eeuwse Nederlandse rekenboeken, The Hague, 1960, pages 50-52. Reprint with English translation in The principal works of Simon Stevin, II, Mathematics, edited by D.J. Struik, Amsterdam, 1958 Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 In two volumes (of which the second is presented as a separate edition, but forms in fact an integral part with the first and is announced on its title-page): I. a) Treatise on arithmetics in two 'books' (folios 1r-6v, pages 7-430); b) The first four 'books' on algebra of Diophantes of Alexandria, translated into French and explained by Stevin (pages 431-642) (= in the foreword, pages 432-434, Stevin affirms that his text is in fact less a translation than an adaptation of Diophantes), these books on algebra of Diophantes being in fact an appendix to the last problem (no. cp013304) of the Arithmetics (= pages 398-430); II. Practical examples of arithmetics in two parts, the second part itself divided into 8 'distinctions'; the last two, each introduced by a kind of title-page. The 5th 'distinction' (pages 47-121) is the somewhat enlarged translation of the Tafelen van interest (published in 1582: see no. cp012724); the 7th 'distinction' (pages 132-160) is the translation of De thiende (published in 1585: see no. cp011818).
Note 2 The dedicatory in the first part gives some interesting biographical details on the addressee: Jan Cornets de Groot or Jan de Groot or Janus Grotius (father of Hugo Grotius).
Note 3 On page 201 in the 2nd part is announced the coming publication of another work of Stevin, the Weegconst (= Art of Weighing), which was indeed printed by the Plantin Press of F. Raphelengius in Leiden in 1586 (cf. BB, V, pages 219-221), and of the mathematical works of one of Stevin's good friends, Ludolf van Collen (L. of Cologne).
Note 4 A somewhat enlarged (by the addition of the 5th and 6th books on algebra of Diophantes) re-edition was published in Leiden in 1625 by Bonaventura and Abraham Elsevier (cf. BB, V, page 219).
Note 5 Listed in M 321 (L'Arithmetique de Simon Stevin de Bruges: contenant les computations des nombres Arithmetiques ou vulgaires: etc. ensemble les quatre premiers livres d'Algebre de Diophante d'Alexandrie, etc., 8⁰, f[euilles] -, La Pratique d'Arithmetique de Simon Steven de Bruges, in 8⁰, f[euilles] -, [price:] stuivers -).
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