Record ID | cp012142 |
Voet reference number | 2425 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | |
Author | Jacobus VELDIUS (VAN DE VELDE) |
Title page transcription | PARAPHRASTICA ‖ ENARRATIO ‖ IN PASSIONEM DOMINI NOSTRI ‖ Iesu Christi, quȩ sacro Quadragesimȩ tem- ‖ pore populo solet proponi, Nunc recens ‖ edita in vtilitatem Reip. Christianæ, omni- ‖ bus verbi Dei concionatorib. pernecessaria, ‖ AVCTORE FRATRE IACOBO VELDIO ‖ Augustiniano, Brugensi. S.T.L. ‖ ⊕ 14 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex Officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXX. |
Collation | 8⁰ [136]: A-L⁸, M⁴; pages [1-16], 1-164, [165-168] (Errors: 156 for 159) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, 8 April 1570, signed by I. de Witte) [3-16]: Reverendo…Iaspero De Bonnicourt, abbati Monasterii Oudenburgici…Frater Iacobus Veldius Augustinianus S.D. (Bruges, 23 April 1570; italic type, words in greek type) 1-164: Text (words in greek type and Hebrew, marginals in italic type) [165]: approbation (s. F. Rogerius Iuvenis Augustinianus); Errata (italic type) [166-168]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- Arch. 1228, folio 50r: only title-page- Arch. 1230, folios 468-471: only quires A and C, pages [1-16] and 17-33Ruusbroec Institute Library- 3115 L7CambridgeRoyal Library of San Lorenzo de El Escorial. |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, page 99 (1570, no. 6) Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3272 |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | Paraphrase on the Passion of Jesus Christ, as it is 'proposed' in the mass on each day of the period of the Lent. |
Note 2 | Listed in M 296, folio 19v (Veldius Jac. de Passione, 8⁰, A⁰ -, f[euilles] -, [price:] stuivers 3). |
Further reading |