
Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis, in 8⁰, 1575

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,564 words)

Variant A:

Record ID cp012137
Voet reference number 1775
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1096310, c:lvd:3088634
Title page transcription [Within woodcut-frame:] OFFICIVM ‖ B. MARIÆ ‖ VIRGINIS, ‖ Nuper reformatum, ‖ ET ‖ PII V. PONT. MAX. IVSSV EDITVM. ‖ Vignette ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXXV.
Collation 8⁰ (202 × 182): [A⁸], B-Z⁸, a-g⁸, A-D⁸, E⁴; pages 1⁰) 1-475, [476-480]; 2⁰) 1-70, [71-72] (Errors: 1⁰) 232 for 332, 373 for 377). Printed in black and red, on two columns. pages in first part (pages l-[480]) within woodcut-frames
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-6: Bull of Pius V on the reformation of the Officium [7]: Privilege (Rome, 13 March 1572) [8-21]: Calendar 22-28: Institutio christiana 29-30: Initium sancti Evangelium secundum Ioannem [31]: illustration [32]: illustration 33-179: Officium B. Mariae 180: illustration 181-255: Officium defunctorum 256-262: Psalmi graduales 263: illustration 264-281: Septem psalmi poenitentiales 281-289: Litaniae 290-293: Preces 294-295: Orationes 296: illustration 297-305: Officium signed by Crucis 306: illustration 307-315: Officium S. Spiritus 316-376: Exercitium quotidianum; orationes; Psalmi; symbolum Athanasii 377: illustration 378-394: Passio Domini…secundum Matthaeum 395: illustration 396-409: Passio Domini…secundum Marcum 410: illustration 411-424: Passio Domini…secundum Lucam 425: illustration 426-436: Passio Domini…secundum Ioannem 437: illustration 438-475: Orationes [476-477]: Table (italic type) [478]: illustration [479-480]: Blank 1-14: Hymni per totum annum 15-39: Orationes doninicales [sic] et feriales, cum suis antiphonis et versiculis per annum 40-62: Orationes propriae de sanctis 63-70: Orationes communes de sanctis [71]: ANTVERPIÆ ‖ EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHORVS PLANTINVS ‖ ARCHITYPOGRAPHVS REGIVS, ANNO ‖ DOMINI M.D.LXXV [72]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations 1) Vignette on title-page: originally woodcut-Vignette on which has been pasted copper engraving-Vignette of variants B and D 2) 19 copper engraving-illustrations, c. 112 × c. 72, mostly with the monograms of the designer Pieter van der Borcht (PB) and the engravers Abraham de Bruyn (ADB), Joannes Wiericx (IHW), and Pieter Huys (PH), and representing the Evangelists and scenes from the New Testament: 1 (page [31]: -), 2 (page [32]: PB; ADB), 3 (page 64: PB; ADB), 4 (page 87: PB; ADB), 5 (page 94: PB; IHW), 6 (page 101: PB; IHW), 7 (page 108), 8 (page 115: PB; IHW ?), 9 (page 128: PB), 10 (page 180: PB; PH), 11 (page 263), 12 (page 296: PB), 13 (page 306: PB; ADB), 14 (page 377: PB; IHW), 15 (page 395: PB; IHW), 16 (page 410: PB; IHW), 17 (page 425: PB; IHW), 18 (page 437: PB; IHW), 19 (page [478]: IHW - Petrus Vander Borcht inventor 1570) 3) Woodcut-frames on pages 1480 consisting each of 4 blocks (many types brought together in varying combinations)
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Further reading Bowen, Karen Lee. Christopher Plantin’s Books of Hours: Illustration and Production. Nieuwkoop: De Graaf Publishers, 1997.

Variant B:

Title page transcription [Within woodcut-frame:] OFFICIVM ‖ B. MARIÆ ‖ VIRGINIS, ‖ Nuper reformatum, ‖ ET ‖ PII V. PONT. MAX. IVSSV EDITVM. ‖ V. ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXXV.
Collation 8⁰ (204 × 138): [A⁸], B-Z⁸, a-g⁸, A-D⁸, E⁴; pages 1-475, [476-480], 1-70, [71-72]
Number of sheets
Pages Same edition as variant A, but on the title-page woodcut-Vignette replaced by copper engraving-Vignette (circular, diam. 73; representing the Blessed Virgin surrounded by music-playing angels; with the monograms of the designer Pieter van der Borcht and the engraver Joannes Wiericx), and typographical text of the title-page reset
Edition information
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Further reading Bowen, Karen Lee. Christopher Plantin’s Books of Hours: Illustration and Production. Nieuwkoop: De Graaf Publishers, 1997.

Variant C:

Title page transcription Same title-page and text as variant A, but some copper engraving-illustrations in text changed.
Number of sheets
Edition information
Illustrations 1) Vignette on title-page: copper engraving-Vignette of variant B pasted upon woodcut-Vignette 2) Probably 19 copper engraving-illustrations as in variant A, of the same dimensions, c. 112 × c. 72, on the same pages, and representing the same scenes, but some realized by other masters or more or less re-arranged: 1 (page [31]: ?, missing in copy Museum Plantin-Moretus), 2 (page [32]: ?, missing in copy Museum Plantin-Moretus), 3 (page 64: IHW), 4 (page 87: PB; PH), 5 (page 94), 6 (page 101), 7 (page 108: PB; IHW), 9 (page 128), 12 (page 296: PB; IHW; 1572), 19 (page [478]: IHW; PETRVS VANDER ‖ BORCHT INVENT ‖ 1572)
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Further reading Bowen, Karen Lee. Christopher Plantin’s Books of Hours: Illustration and Production. Nieuwkoop: De Graaf Publishers, 1997.

Variant D:

Title page transcription Same title-page and text as variant A, but pages 1-480 within copper engraved borders (the same as used in the [1571] -edition of Arias Montanus, Humanae salutis monumenta [see cp010093]). Not checked if copper engraving-illustrations as in Variant A or as in Variant C.
Fingerprint 157508 - # 1b1 militariu $ecclesia : # 1b2 post nn - # 2b1 A u : # 2b2 E3 ei:
Number of sheets 34.50
Edition information
Variants A. British Library London (C. 46. d. 3) B. British Library London (C. 46. f. 5) C. Museum Plantin-Moretus (R 54.24: pages 3-6, 9-32 missing) D. Austrian National Library (22. F. 21) E. According to Lacombe, nos. 587 and 588, in copies of Institut, Paris (4⁰ D. 16) and Musée Condé, Paris (XVII. D. 4), page 7 is numbered by error 8. As this is not the case in the preceding nos. (however, not checked in copy Vienna: variant D), this would constitute a 5th variant.
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - R 54.24: variant CBritish Library London - C. 46. d. 3: variant A - C. 46. f. 5: variant BAustrian National Library (22. F. 21: variant D). Other copies, but not checked which variant: Rijksmuseum, AmsterdamKBR Royal Library of Belgium - two copiesBodleian Libraries - 8⁰: 09ThCorpus Christi College Library - Z 56.10Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal - 4⁰ D 16Musée Condé, Paris - XVII. D. 4Bibliothèque de l'École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts
Bibliographical references Lacombe, nos. 587, 588, 589 Bohatta, no. 200 (under no. 201 Bohatta mentions also an in 8⁰ of 1575, with 238 + 36 = 276 pages, referring to a number of catalogues; we could not find traces of such an edition) Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 2242 E. Cockx-Indestege & J. Storm van Leeuwen, Estampages et dorures, Anvers 2005, nr. II. 33, p. 130: descripion of the binding of Museum Plantin-Moretus 4 232
Online bibliographical references STCV 12921543
Note 1 In 1575 Plantin published two richly illustrated in 8⁰ editions (see also cp012222). The following entries can refer to either of them.
Note 2 Not listed in M 296, folio 13 verso, but on folio 20 verso is noted 'Horae in 8⁰ 1575 continent 18 figuras magnas et unam parvam'.
Note 3 Both editions were not shipped to Spain but must have been sold to Plantin's regular customers. However, the shipment to Spain on 16 January 1576 included two 'Horas enquadernadas 8⁰' as a gift to the mayor of Burgos (Arch. 22, folio 75 recto).
Note 4 On 9 October 1574 Plantin tells de Çayas that he hopes to finish soon an edition of the 'Horas in 8⁰ grandes' with illustrations of copper engravings and woodcuts (Correspondance de C. Plantin, IV, no. 568).
Note 5 Two copies of 'Horae Rom.' 'in 8⁰ grand. fig[ures] de cuivre', valued 4 florins Carolus guilders, were delivered to J. Moflin in September 1575 (Correspondance de C. Plantin, V, no. 651).
Note 6 Karen Lee Bowen states that Voet’s reference to the copy in the collection of Corpus Chrisit College Library, Oxford is incorrect. She refers to cp012501 for a full bibliographical description of this book. (Bowen, Books of Hours, 243)
Note 7 According to Bowen, in the title page description of Variant D, Voet incorrectly states that the engraved borders used for this variant are the same as those used for Plantin’s 1571 edition of Benedictus Arias Montanus’s Humanae salutis monumenta. She continues by stating that while the objects represented in the two sets of borders are indeed similar, the specific designs of the borders in the two sets are nonetheless distinct. (Bowen, Books of Hours, 243)
Note 8 According to Bowen, alle variants of this edition were set and printed between September and November 1574. The only payments that might relate to the setting of this Officium are recorded in Arch. 32, folio 134 recto. Furthermore, she refers to Arch. 32, folios 154 verso, 155 recto, 158 right, and 184 verso for payments for the printing of the Officium (as well as the accompanying  hymnal) Finally, for the printing of at least those copies with both engraved images and borders she refers to payments made to Mynken Liefrinck between 15 October 1574 and 1 July 1575 for “horae met vignetten”/ “horae avec vignettes” [books of hours with borders] in Arch. 18 folios 82 right and 158 right. (Bowen, Books of Hours, 243-4)
Further reading Bowen, Karen Lee. Christopher Plantin’s Books of Hours: Illustration and Production. Nieuwkoop: De Graaf Publishers, 1997.

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