
Callimachus: Hymni, epigrammata et fragmenta; Moschus - Bio: Idyllia, [edited by Bonaventura Vulcanius]. Leiden, 1584

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,058 words)

Record ID cp012136
Voet reference number870A
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Collation16mo [87]: *⁸, A-S⁸; pages [1-16], 1-272, [273-288] (Errors: 20 for 22, 22 for 26, 345 for 245, 245 for 255)
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-7]: Nobiliss. viro Iano Dousae, Nordovici domino, Academiae Lugdunensis in Batavis curatori, Bonaventura Vulcanius Brugensis (Leiden, 1582; parts in italic type and greek type) [8-16]: Latin poems in honour of B. Vulcanius and his work by Carolus Rocasius, Adrianus Blyenburgus Scobbelandus, Dominicus Baudius, Ianus Gruterus (italic type, parts in roman type) 1-176: Text of Callimachus (greek type and italic type, parts in roman type) 177-244: Annotationes in Callimachum (greek type and roman type, parts in italic type) 345 (= for 245) -248: Callimachi Poematium de Coma Berenices a Catullo Latino versibus redditum (italic type) 249-262: Iosephi Scaligeri castigationes in Catulli Poematium (parts in italic type and greek type) 263-270: In Callimachum ex Anthol. Epigram. Graecorum (greek type and roman type) 271-272: In Latinum Bon. Vulcanii Callimachum (s. Bernardinus a Montevaldono Hagiensis; italic type) [273-274]: In Bon. Vulcanii Callimachum, Moschum et Bionem…(s. Iohannes Esychius Bremensis; italic type, parts in greek type and roman type) [275-286]: Indices (greek type and roman type; on two columns) [287]: Errata (greek type, roman type and italic type) [288]: Blank
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- A 537Leiden University Libraries
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Edition by Bonaventura Vulcanius of the preserved works of Callimachus, in Greek with a Latin translation by Vulcanius. Contains: Hymni (Greek on one page, Latin translation by Vulcanius on the facing page; pages 2-89, with an introductory title on page [1]); Hymnus in Iovem, ab H. Stephano carmine redditus, adstricta interpretatione (Latin translation by H. Stephanus of the hymns edited in Greek and translated by Vulcanius on pages 2-7; pages 90-93); Idem hymnus, ab eodem H. Steph. libere et paraphrastice redditus (94-101); Hymnus in Dianam, Francisco Florido Sabino interprete (Latin translation by Floridus of the hymns edited and translated by Vulcanius on pages 20-41; pages 102-112); Epigrammata (Greek on one page, Latin translation by Vulcanius on the facing page; pages 114-133, with an introductory title for the Epigrammata and the Fragmenta on page [113]); Fragmenta (idem; pages 134-138); Greek scholia on the Hymni, Epigrammata and Fragmenta (Greek, words in roman type; pages 139-176). Vulcanius's Annotationes on Callimachus's works (pages 177-244), are followed by Callimachus's Poematium de Coma Berenices, rendered in Latin by Catullus (345 [for 245]-248), and the Castigationes of Josephus Scaliger on this Latin translation by Catullus (249-262), and finally by extracts from Greek and Latin authors on Callimachus, his life and his works (263-270).
Note 2On the title-page is announced but as a separate publication the Idyllia of Moschus and Bio. And in fact, these Idyllia appear as a separate edition, with separate title-page and numeration of quires and pages (see description, no. 1721). The Plantin catalogues, however, show that both Callimachus and Moschus - Bio were considered to form but one publication and were normally sold together (see also further in Notes).
Note 3The edition was printed at Leiden, but a number of copies received a title-page with Plantin's Antwerp imprint.
Note 4For the Greek text Vulcanius followed probably: Callimachi Cyrenaei hymni et epigrammata…Nicodemi Frislini Balingensis interpretationes…Henrici Stephani partim emendationes, partim annotationes, Geneva, H. Stephanus, 1577.
Note 5In a letter to H. Stephanus, Basel, 1 November 1576 (H. de Vries de Heekelingen, Correspondance de Bonaventura Vulcanius pendant son séjour à Cologne, Genève et Bâle (1573-1577), 1923, no. LXXXVIII, page 197), Vulcanius tells that he had heard that Stephanus was preparing an edition of Callimachus; when young and studying at Ghent Vulcanius himself had made a Latin version of Callimachus's Hymns, of which he was now mailing a copy to Stephanus for eventual use ('Ex Goulartii literis intelligo te parare editionem Callimachi ex versione - [space left blank]. Quo in genere studii cum aliquando, cum adolescens anno aetatis XVI, quum una cum Utenhoviis fratribus Gandavi graecis literis operam navarem, versatus, hymnum Callimachi tum temporis a me versum ad te mitto, ut si dignum judicaveris qui aliis adjeciatur, integrum tibi sit'). In a letter of May 1577 to Joannes Jacobus Frisius (de Vries de Heekelingen, no. CXXI, pages 253-254) the scholar includes this translation among the works he was preparing ('Callimachus et Musaeus [= Moschus] carmine latino versi. Callimachi hymnus in Jovem a me versus, excusus est cum Callimacho excuso apud Henricum Stephanum'). But Stephanus did not reproduce Vulcanius's translation in his edition. The Bruges scholar continued to work on the translation of the Hymni, as well of the Epigrammata. In 1581 he contacted Plantin for an eventual publication (letter of Vulcanius to Plantin, 14 July [1581]: Suppl. Corr., no. 162), but the problem was probably finally only settled when Plantin moved to Leiden, where at that time Vulcanius was also living.
Note 6The autographed manuscripts by Vulcanius of the text and the annotations on Callimachus and Moschus - Bio are preserved among the 'Codices Vulcaniani' in Leiden University Libraries (cf. de Vries de Heekelinghen, pages 253-254).
Note 7'Callimachi Hymni et Epigrammata, in 16' figures among the editions printed by Plantin in Leiden of which he presented a copy to the Leiden magistrate on 2 January 1585 (this copy lost; cf. E. Hulshoff Pol, 'Boucken op 't secreet. Plantijndrukken op het raadhuis te Leiden' in Leids Jaarboekje, 1972, page 92).
Note 8Listed in M 296, folio 3r (Callimachi Hymni etc. in 16⁰, 1584, f[euilles] 12½, [price:] stuivers 6), M 164, folio 6v, and M 321. All three catalogues note 12½ sheets, i.e. the 9½ sheets of Callimachus with the 3 sheets of Moschus - Bio. The latter work (which, moreover, is not listed separately in the catalogues) was thus considered to form in fact part of the publication and was sold together with Callimachus.
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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