Record ID | cp012133 |
Voet reference number | 1879 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:3243594 |
Uniform title | PAMPHLETS |
Title page transcription | RESPONCE ‖ DES ESTATS ‖ GENERAVLX ‖ DV PAYS-BAS, ‖ A LA PROPOSITION qui leur a esté faite ‖ au nom de la Sacree Maiesté Imperialle, par ‖ l'Illustre Seigneur Otto-Heynrich Comte de ‖ Schwartzenberg, &c. son Ambassadeur à ‖ cest effect enuoyé auxdits Estats. ‖ ⊕ 33 ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christofle Plantin, ‖ Imprimeur du Roy. ‖ M.D.LXXVIII. |
Collation | 4⁰ [140]: A-C⁴, D; pages 1-27, [28] |
Fingerprint | 177804 - # b1 A2 t$re : # b2 D y |
Number of sheets | 3.50 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-27: Text 27: Privilege (Antwerp, 18 March 1578, signed by I. Van Asseliers) [28]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 16.24 [6]- A 75 [4]University Library Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamCity Archives AntwerpKBR Royal Library of BelgiumGhent University LibraryKB National Library of the NetherlandsBritish Library London |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, page 193 (1578, no. 32) Knuttel, no. 346 Wulp, J. K. van der. Tractaten, pamfletten enz., no. 345Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 4142 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12924842USTC 4167 |
Note 1 | For more details see the original Latin edition, no. 1876. A Dutch translation was also published (see nos. 1877-1878). |
Note 2 | Listed in M 296, folio 17v (Responce des Estatz à la Prop[osition] du co[m]pte de Swarz., f[euilles] -). |
Further reading |