
Les chroniques et annales de Flandres, [printed by J. Withagen], 1571

in The Plantin Press Online

(703 words)

Record ID cp012084
Voet reference number 1841
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:378410
Title page transcription LES ‖ CHRONIQVES ‖ ET ANNALES ‖ DE FLANDRES: ‖ CONTENANTES LES HEROICQVES ET ‖ tresuictorieux exploits des Forestiers, & Comtes de ‖ Flandres, & les singularités & choses memorables ad- ‖ uenuës audict Flandres, depuis l'an de nostre Seigneur ‖ Iesus Christ VIc. & XX. jusques a l'an M.CCCC.LXXVI. ‖ Nouuellement composées & mises en lumiere par ‖ Pierre d'Oudegherst Docteur és Loix, ‖ natif de la ville de Lille. ‖ Soli Deo sit honor semper & gloria. ‖ ⊕ 21 ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ Chez Christophle Plantin Imprimeur du Roy. ‖ M.D.LXXI. ‖ Auec Priuilege.
Collation 4⁰ [175]: †-††⁴, *-***⁴, A-Z⁴, Aa-Zz⁴, Aaa-Zzz⁴, Aaaa-Qqqq⁴; folios [1r-20v], 1r-340v (Errors: 51 for 52, 78 for 79, 84 for 82, 82 for 84, 148 for 174, 150 for 176, twince 244, 256 omitted)
Fingerprint 157104 - # 1a1 +2 &$d : # 1a2 2+3 $quali - # 2a1 * do : # 2a2 3*3 la$nature. - # b1 A a : # b2 4Q3 $le$Roy$Edo
Number of sheets 90
Pages [1r]: Title [1v]: Blank [2r-3r]: A treshaut…empereur des Romains, Maximilian II…(s. Pierre d'Oudegherst) [3v-6r]: Aux estatz et peuple de Flandres, et autres lecteurs dignes de ce nom, Pierre d'Oudegherste souhaite toute felicité (Brussels, 1 May 1571; marginals in roman type) [6v-7v]: Prologue…par l'illustre seigneur Fabio Masqui d'Urbino, gentilhomme du Roy…(italic type, marginals in roman type) [8r]: Privilege (to Clara Wits: Brussels, 25 June 1571, signed by I. vander Aa) [8v]: Blank [9r-18v]: Table (on two columns) [19r-v]: Errata [20r]: Imprimé en Anuers par Ie- ‖ han Withage, aux des- ‖ pens & des Characteres ‖ de Christofle Plantin, ‖ L'an. M.D.LXXI. ‖ V. (woodcut: tail-piece) [20v]: Blank 1r-340r: Text (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type) 340r: approbation (s. Simon Moors, Antwerp) [340v]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 361University Library Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamHeritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpRuusbroec Institute LibraryKBR Royal Library of BelgiumGhent University LibraryBritish Library London
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 114 (1571, no. 21)Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 2314
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:7081660USTC 10009
Note 1 Editio princeps of this History of the County of Flanders from the beginning until the death of Duke Charles the Bold, 1476. As the author explains in the foreword to the States of Flanders he tried to improve on the History of Flanders of Jacob Meyerus (cf. no. 1670. He declares also that this is in fact only the first volume of his History of Flanders. The second volume should have been devoted to the more recent history of Flanders under the Habsburg princes, but it never materialized.
Note 2 According to Biographie Nationale [de Belgique], 16, 1901, Columns 385-386 (sub Oudegherst, Jean) the real author of this treatise is in fact Pierre d'Oudegherst's father, Jean d'Oudegherst (died 21 April 1559).
Note 3 The privilege, dated 25 June 1571, is to the name of Clara Wits, the wife of the author (who at that moment had temporarily left the Netherlands for Germany).
Note 4 Plantin accepted the publication of the work, but, as he was then very busy printing the Polyglot Bible and service books for Spain, he had the printing done, with his own type, by his Antwerp colleague, Jan Withagen (or Verwithagen) as stated on folio [20r]. The transaction is not noted in Arch. 17, the ledger detailing Plantin's dealings with his colleagues for the period 1568-1578 (including Jan Withagen, folios 86 and 338), but a reference is found in Arch. 49 (Journal 1571), folio 124r (14 September 1571: '…receu de Jehan Verwithagen: Lll-Ttt en la Chronique de flandres').
Note 5 A copy was mailed to Andreas Masius on 29 October 1571 (Corr., III, no. 373).
Note 6 Of 'Chroniques de Flandres d'Oudegherst' 23 copies were still in stock in the Plantin Press in 1642 (cf. L. Voet, The Golden Compasses, II, page 459).
Note 7 Listed in M 296, folio 4r (Chroniques de flandres p[ar] P. oudegherst, in 4⁰, la première partie, a⁰ -, f[euilles] 90, [price:] stuivers 24), and M 164, folio 7v.
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The Plantin Press Online

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