
Conciones in Evangelia et Epistolas quae dominicis diebus populo in ecclesia proponi solent. Antwerp, Plantin (publ. Paris, Michel Sonnius), 1566

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(693 words)

Record ID cp012077
Voet reference number2322A
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:15306667
Author Aegidius (Dominicus) TOPIARIUS (VANDEN PRIEELE or PRIEELS)
Title page transcriptionCONCIONES ‖ IN EVANGELIA ‖ ET EPISTOLAS, QVAE DO- ‖ MINICIS DIEBVS POPVLO IN ‖ ECCLESIA PROPONI SOLENT, ‖ Ecclesiastis omnibus moderni temporis summoperè ‖ vtiles, è Tabulis D. Laurentij à Villauicentio ‖ Xeresano elaboratæ: nunc verò plurimis in locis ‖ cùm sacrarum literarum, tum Catholicorum anti- ‖ quorumque patrum scriptis diligenti cura supra ‖ primam editionem auctæ & locupletatæ, ‖ Per D. Ægidium Topiarium. ‖ Saluis semper per omnia iudicio, correctioneq̓ue ‖ S. Sedis Apostolicæ. ‖ ⊕ 17 ‖ ANTVERPIAE. ‖ Apud Christophorum Plantinum. ‖ - ‖ 1566.
Collation8⁰ [131]: *⁴, Ī⁸, Ō⁴, ā⁴, c̄⁸, a-x⁸, A-Y⁸; pages [1-56], folios 1r-168v (Errors: 79 for 70, 102 = 2 upside down, 146 for 149), 1r-176v
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Privilege (to Plantin and Antonius Tilenius: Brussels, Privy Council, 24 December, signed by De la Torre, and Council of Brabant, 15 January 1566, s. De Perre) [3-8]: Christianae philosophiae candidatis auctor…felicitatem (1566) [9-56]: Indices (on two columns); folios 1r-168v 1r-176v: Text (parts and marginals in italic type)
Edition information
CopiesAllard Pierson- 969 F
Bibliographical referencesNot in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1In two parts: a) Pars Hyemalis (folios 1r-168v); b) Pars Aestivalis (folios 1r-176v).
Note 2The foreword has the date of 1566, but in later editions (e.g. in 1568: see no. cp012715), this same foreword is dated Paris, 1565.
Note 3In 1566 Plantin and Tilenius published the Conciones…dominicis diebus and the Conciones…festis (cf. no. 2326. In the foreword to the Conciones…festis the author explains how he proceeded, and specifies that he first finished the Conciones…dominicis diebus.
Note 4Both the Conciones…dominicis diebus and the Conciones…festis were in fact printed in Paris by or for Michel Sonnius (copies also must have circulated with the imprint of the Parisian bookseller). Plantin and Tilenius took together half of the edition and had the first sheet changed. Cf. Arch. 3, folio 50r: on the date of 12 May 1566 Plantin paid for the portage of 324 copies of the Conciones Topiarii 10 florins Carolus guilders 12½ stuivers He continues 'Lesd. Conciones Topiarii sont imprimées à Paris par la sollicitation de Michel Sonnius pour soy la moitié et pour Antoine Tilens et nous l'autre moictié'. In all 1,300 copies had been printed, each containing 46½ sheets, that is 120 reams 18 'mains', with 2 reams 17 'mains' for the 'imperfections', making a total of 123 reams 15 'mains'. Plantin specifies the expenses (in French 'livres': for the paper and for the printing), concluding that his part came to 80 florins Carolus guilders 18½ stuivers, and ending 'Item pour avoir refaict la première feille en papier et faceon 36 stuivers De sorte que lesdits 324 exemplaires (= taken by Plantin) coustent en papier, faceon et port ensemble 93 florins Carolus guilders 8 st'. The number of sheets listed makes it clear that this was the Conciones…dominicis diebus. At the date of 3 August 1566 (Arch. 3, folio 55v) Plantin notes the expenses for the Conciones…festis, under the heading 'Conciones Topiarii de Sanctis': 'Antoine Tilens et moy avons eu 650 Conciones Topiarii de Sanctis de Michel Sonnius lib[raire] à Paris (out of an edition of 1,300 copies)'. Plantin and Tilenius paid for their part 101 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers, and for the portage 8 florins Carolus guilders 12 stuivers, together 110 florins Carolus guilders 2 stuivers, of which 325 copies and 55 florins Carolus guilders 1 stuivers for Plantin. On 16 June 1567 he notes under the heading 'Casse à voyage de Paris' 33 florins Carolus guilders 3 stuivers 'Que Gilles Beys a payé à Michel Sonnius pour le reste qui luy estoit du de Conciones Topiarii' (Arch. 3, folio 69v).
Note 5Listed in M 296, folio 3r (Conciones Aegid. Top. in eva[n]geli[a] Dom., a⁰ -, f[euilles] 46½, [price:] stuivers 10; Conciones eiusdem in evang[eli]a de sa[n]ctis, 8⁰, f[euilles] 30, [price:] stuivers 6), and M 164, folio 6r.
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